網站介紹 關于我們 聯(lián)系方式 廣告業(yè)務 幫助信息
1998-2022 ChinaKaoyan.com Network Studio. All Rights Reserved. 滬ICP備12018245號
分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2016-04-17 相關院校:北京交通大學
辦公電話: 電子郵件: leil@bjtu.edu.cn
通訊地址: 郵編:
2014.7--2015.7 |
訪問學者 |
期 刊->Lei Lei, Jiahua Lu, Yuming Jiang, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Ying Li, Zhangdui Zhong, and Chuang Lin, Stochastic Delay Analysis for Train Control Services in Next Generation High-Speed Railway Communications System, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(1), pp. 48-64, Jan. 2016.
2. 期 刊->Lei Lei, Yiru Kuang, Nan Cheng, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Zhangdui Zhong and Chuang Lin, Delay-Optimal Dynamic Mode Selection and Resource Allocation in Device-to-Device Communications - Part I: Optimal Policy, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, PP(99), 2015.
3. 期 刊->Lei Lei, Yiru Kuang, Nan Cheng, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Zhangdui Zhong and Chuang Lin, Delay-Optimal Dynamic Mode Selection and Resource Allocation in Device-to-Device Communications - Part 2: Practical Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, PP(99), 2015.
4. 期 刊->Lei Lei, Sherman Shen, Mischa Dohlar, Chuang Lin, Zhangdui Zhong, Queuing Models with Applications to Mode Selection in Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 13(12): 6697-6715, Dec. 2014.
5. 期 刊->Lei Lei, Huijian Wang, Chuang Lin, Zhangdui Zhong, Wireless channel model using stochastic high-level Petri nets for cross-layer performance analysis in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing system, IET Communications, 8(16): 2871- 2880, Nov. 2014.
6. 期 刊->Lei Lei,Yiru Kuang, Sherman Shen, Chuang Lin, Zhangdui Zhong, Resource Control in Network Assisted Device-to-Device Communications - Solutions and Challenges, IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(6): 108-117, June 2014.
7. 期 刊->Lei Lei, Yingkai Zhang, Sherman Shen, Chuang Lin, Zhangdui Zhong, Performance Analysis of Device-to-Device Communications with Dynamic Interference using Stochastic Petri Nets, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 12(12): 6121-6141, Dec. 2013.
8. 期 刊-> Lei Lei, Kan Zheng, Jiadi Chen, Hanlin Meng, and Zhangdui Zhong, .CHALLENGES ON WIRELESS HETEROGENEOUS NETWORKS FOR MOBILE CLOUD COMPUTING[J]。IEEE Wireless Communications,2013-06,3(20),34:44
9. 期 刊->Lei Lei, Zhangdui Zhong, Chuang Lin, Sherman Shen, Operator Controlled Device-to-Device Communications in LTE-Advanced Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications, 19(3): 96-104, June 2012.
10.期 刊->Lei Lei, Chuang Lin, Jun Cai, Sherman Shen, Flow-level Performance of Opportunistic OFDM-TDMA and OFDMA Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7(12): 5461 - 5472, Dec. 2008.
11.期 刊->Lei Lei, Chuang Lin, Jun Cai, Sherman Shen, Performance Analysis of Opportunistic Wireless Schedulers using Stochastic Petri Nets, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8(4): 2076 - 2087, April 2009.
12.期 刊->雷蕾,鐘章隊.Flow-Level Analysis of Energy Efficiency Performance for or Device-to-Device Communications in OFDM Cellular Networks[J]。The Computer Journal,2013-08,8(56),1001:1009
13.期 刊->Lei Lei, Kan Zheng, Performance Evaluation of Carrier Aggregation for Elastic Traffic in LTE-Advanced Systems, IEICE Transactions on Communications, E92-B(11): 3516-3519, Nov. 2009.
14.期 刊->Lei Lei, Yuefeng Ji, “Asymmetric Attribute Aggregation in Hierarchical Networks”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, E90-B(8): 2034-2045, Aug. 2007.
15.期 刊->Lei Lei, Yuefeng Ji, “A spanning tree based QoS aggregation algorithm in hierachical ASON”, IEEE Communications Letter, 9(5): 459-461, May 2005.
16.期 刊->Lei Lei, Aibo Liu, Yuefeng Ji, “A joint resilience scheme with inter-layer backup resource sharing in IP over WDM networks”, IEEE Communications Magazine, 42(1): 78- 84, Jan. 2004.
17.期 刊->Lei Lei, Aibo Liu, Yuefeng Ji,“On Capacity Efficiency of Online Distributed Restoration Algorithms for Optical Mesh Networks”, Journal of Optical Communications, 26(3): 115-120, 2005.
18.期 刊->K Zheng, F Liu, L Lei, C Lin, Y Jiang, Stochastic Performance Analysis of a Wireless Finite-State Markov Channel. , IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 12(2): 782-793, 2013.
19.期 刊->J. Qiao, X. Shen, J.W. Mark, Q. Shen, Y. He, and L. Lei, "Enabling Device-to-Device Communications in Millimeter Wave 5G Cellular Networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, 53(1): 209 - 215, 2015.
20.期 刊->K Zheng, L Lei, Y Wang, Y Lin, W Wang, Quality-of-service performance bounds in wireless multi-hop relaying networks, IET communications, 5(1): 71-78, 2011.
21.期 刊->K Zheng, Y Wang, L Lei, W Wang, Cross-layer queuing analysis on multihop relaying networks with adaptive modulation and coding, IET communications, 4(3): 295-302, 2010.
22.期 刊->K Zheng, H Meng, P Chatzimisios, L Lei, X Shen, An SMDP-Based Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62 (12), 7920-7928, 2015.
23.期 刊->J Qiao, XS Shen, JW Mark, L Lei, Video Quality Provisioning for Millimeter Wave 5G Cellular Networks With Link Outage, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 14(10), 5692-5703, 2015.
24.期 刊->雷蕾,閆志剛,多頻帶無線通信系統(tǒng)的多連接實現(xiàn)方案,電信工程技術與標準化,22(1): 81-85, Jan. 2009。
25. 期 刊->雷蕾,林闖,無線數(shù)據(jù)網絡中機會調度理論模型的研究 ,電子學報,2007/08,35(8): 1548-1557。
26. 期 刊->雷蕾,張春環(huán),紀越峰,“一種分層網絡中用于生成樹抽象的優(yōu)化方法”,北郵學報,2006,29(2): 55-58。
27. 期 刊->雷蕾,郭林,紀越峰,“一種應用于不對稱網絡中的生成樹拓撲抽象算法”,電子與信息學報,2006,28(10): 1917-1920。
28. 期 刊->雷蕾,趙繼軍,紀越峰,“IP over WDM網絡中可恢復的路由選擇策略與算法研究”, 光子學報, 2004/02,33(2): 174-178。
29. 期 刊->雷蕾,趙繼軍,魏建勇,紀越峰,“基于GMPLS的分布式WDM網狀網恢復路由選擇算法研究”,通信學報,2003/08,24(8): 128-134。
30. 期 刊->林闖,雷蕾,下一代互聯(lián)網體系結構研究,計算機學報,2007/05,30(5): 693-711。
31. 會議論文->Lei Lei, Huijian Wang, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Nan Cheng and Zhangdui Zhong, Flow-Level Performance of Device-to-Device Underlaid OFDM Cellular Networks, IEEE ICCC, pp.12-17, Nov. 2015. (會議最佳論文獎)
32. 會議論文->Lei Lei, Huijian Wang, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Zhangdui Zhong, Kan Zheng, Flow-Level Performance of Device-to-Device Overlaid OFDM Cellular Networks, WASA 2015, pp. 305-314, August 2015. (會議最佳論文獎)
33. 會議論文-> 雷蕾,鐘章隊. Performance Analysis of Device-to-Device Communications with Frequency Reuse using Stochastic Petri Nets. IEEE ICC 2013,匈牙利布達佩斯,4947:4947,2013.
34. 會議論文-> Lei Lei, Performance Evaluation of Downlink Interference Coordination in LTE systems, WWRF 22, May 2009, Paris, France.
35. 會議論文-> Lei Lei, Chuang Lin, Scheduling gain analysis of opportunistic OFDMA and OFDM-TDMA systems, IEEE PIMRC 2008, pp.1-5.
36. 會議論文-> Lei Lei, Chuang Lin, Opportunistic Scheduler Evaluation using Discriminatory Processor Sharing Model, IEEE ICC 2008, pp.2926-2930.
37. 會議論文-> Lei Lei, Chuang Lin, Performance of Score-based Opportunistic Scheduler in MIMO-OFDM Systems, IEEE ISPACS 2007, Dec. 2007, Xiamen, China.
38. 會議論文-> Lei Lei, Yuefeng Ji, “Optimization Method of Spanning Tree Aggregation for Hierarchical QoS Routing”, IEEE GLOBECOM 2005, Dec. 2005, St. Louis, USA, pp.662-666.
39. 會議論文-> Lei Lei, Jijun Zhao, Yuefeng Ji, “Analysis and Comparison of Recovery Schemes for GMPLS Controlled Intelligent Optical Networks”,ICCT 2003,April 2003, Beijing, China.
40. 會議論文-> Lei Lei, Jijun Zhao, Yuefeng Ji, “Study on novel recovery strategies and algorithms in IP over WDM networks”, APOC2003, Nov. 2003, Wuhan, China.
41. 會議論文->Y Zhang, L Lei, H Long, K Zheng, Performance analysis of user association policies in small cell networks using Stochastic Petri Nets, Communications Workshops (ICC), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1194-1198.
42. 會議論文->F Hu, K Zheng, L Lei, W Wang, A Distributed Inter-Cell Interference Coordination Scheme between Femtocells in LTE-Advanced Networks,Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2011 IEEE 73rd, pp. 1-5.
43. 會議論文->Y. Li, L. Lei, Z. Zhong, and S.Ou, “Stochastic performance analysis of uplink traffic in high-speed railwayscenario,” Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (AHUC 2014), 4th International Workshop on, Dec 2014.
44. 會議論文->Xiaohan Mou, Lei Lei , Zhangdui Zhong, “Performance Analysis of Resource Allocation Schemes in Device-to-Device Communications with Bursty Traffic”, Information Science and Applications (ICISA), 2014 International Conference on, May 2014.
45. 會議論文->Suling Ou, Lei Lei, Kan Zheng, Ying Li: Stochastic delay analysis of an architecture integrating VANET with LTE networks. ICNC 2015: 298-302.
46. 會議論文->Y. Li, L. Lei, Z. Zhong, and S. Lin, “Performance analysis for high-speed railway communication network using stochastic network calculus,” in Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN 2013), 5th IET International Conference on, Nov 2013, pp. 100–105.
47. 會議論文->Yiru Kuang, Lei Lei and Zhangdui Zhong, “Delay-Optimal Distributed Resource Allocation for Device-to-Device Communications,” in Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall) 2015 IEEE 82st, September 2015.
48. 會議論文->Kan Zheng, Hui Zhao, Wenbo Wang and Lei Lei, "Improved V-BLAST receiver for uplink CDM-OFDMA," Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2005. PIMRC 2005. IEEE 16th International Symposium on, Berlin, 2005, pp. 1184-1188 Vol. 2.
49. 會議論文->Z. Yan, L. Lei, M. Chen, “WIISE A Completely Flat and Distributed Architecture for Future Wireless Communication Systems”, WWRF 21, Stockholm, Oct 2008.
Book chapter
1. Lei Lei, Yiru Kuang, Node/Peer Discovery, Mode Selection, and Signaling for D2D Communication in LTE-A Band, in Smart Device to Smart Device Communication, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014.
2. Lei Lei, Chuang Lin, Zhuangdui Zhong, Stochastic Petri Nets for Wireless Networks, Springer International Publishing, April 2015.
[1] 雷蕾,高有軍,胡臻平,“一種異構分層網絡中小區(qū)測量方法和裝置”,申請日:2011-01-14。
[2] 雷蕾,胡臻平,“異構網絡小區(qū)測量方法、裝置及系統(tǒng)”,專利號:CN20111002063.0,申請日:2010-12-01,授權號:CN102487527B,授權日:2015-02-04。
[3] 雷蕾,“載波配置方法、裝置及系統(tǒng)”,專利號:201010266556.7,申請日:2010-08-27,授權號:CN102387525B,授權日:2015-04-22。
[4] 雷蕾,“在毫微微小區(qū)之間防止PDCCH干擾的方法、系統(tǒng)及裝置”,專利號:200910238058.9,申請日:2009-11-18,授權號:CN102065551B,授權日:2013-07-03。
[5] 雷蕾,“無線分層網絡中的干擾管理方法和系統(tǒng)以及基站”,專利號: 200910237687.X,申請日:2009-11-16。
[6] 雷蕾,“毫微微小區(qū)中的切換方法和系統(tǒng)以及用戶終端和家庭基站”,專利號:200910237675.7,申請日:2009-11-12,授權號:CN102065496A,授權日:2013-09-18。
[7] 雷蕾,歐陽聰星,崔春風,“分配頻率資源的方法、家庭基站管理系統(tǒng)及毫微微基站”,專利號:200910164834.5,申請日:2009-08-11,授權號:CN101998412A,授權日:2013-09-25。
[8] 雷蕾,“一種數(shù)據(jù)重傳方法及系統(tǒng)”,專利號:200910083871.3,申請日:2009-05-07,授權號:CN101882984A,授權日:2012-09-26。
[9] 雷蕾,王軍,徐曉東,胡南,“載波聚合系統(tǒng)中PDCCH指示、檢測方法及設備”,專利號:200910176042.X,申請日:2009-03-18,授權號:CN101841892A,授權日:2012-10-3。
[10] 雷蕾,王軍,“一種LTE-A系統(tǒng)內的數(shù)據(jù)分流方法、裝置及系統(tǒng)”,專利號:200910077919.X,申請日:2009-02-03,授權號:CN101795494A,授權日:2012-10-10。
[11] 雷蕾,王軍,“一種基于多頻帶的頻譜資源分配方法、裝置及系統(tǒng)”,專利號:200910076079.5,申請日:2009-01-05,授權號:CN101772172B,授權日:2012-12-26。
[12] 紀越峰,雷蕾,陸月明,“減少ASON分層網絡拓撲抽象中信息失真的一種方法”,申請?zhí)枺?00410096895.x,申請日:2004-12-10,授權號:1787418,授權日:2010-06-14。
[13] 紀越峰,雷蕾,“一種應用于不對稱網絡中的生成樹拓撲抽象方法”,申請?zhí)枺?00510124106.3,申請日:2005-11-25,授權號:1787470,授權日:2008.02.13。
[14] 紀越峰,趙繼軍,雷蕾,魏建勇,“一種自動交換光網絡可恢復路徑選擇建立方法”,申請?zhí)枺?2123980.0,申請日:2002.07.11,授權號:100369432,授權日:2007.04.25。
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