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分類:導(dǎo)師信息 來源:北京交通大學(xué) 2020-01-22 相關(guān)院校:北京交通大學(xué)
辦公電話:010-51688402電子郵件: qqruan@bjtu.edu.cn
起止時間 學(xué)習(xí)/工作單位 所學(xué)專業(yè)/所從事學(xué)科領(lǐng)域和擔(dān)任的行政職務(wù)
1964.9-1969.8 北京鐵道學(xué)院電信系 自動控制與遠(yuǎn)程控制專業(yè)讀本科
1969.8-1978.8 北方交通大學(xué)電信系 助教/信息與通信工程
1978.8-1981.12 北方交通大學(xué)通信與控制工程系 研究生/信息與通信工程
1981.12-1987.1 北方交通大學(xué)信息科學(xué)研究所 講師/信息與通信工程
1987.1-1988.1 美國匹茲堡大學(xué)電機(jī)系 訪問學(xué)者/圖像信息處理
1988.1-1990.6 美國辛辛那提大學(xué)電機(jī)系 訪問學(xué)者/計算機(jī)視覺
1990.6-1991.7 北方交通大學(xué)信息科學(xué)研究所 講師/信息與通信工程
1991.7-1992.7 北方交通大學(xué)信息科學(xué)研究所 副教授/信息與通信工程/副所長
1992.7-至今 北方交通大學(xué)信息科學(xué)研究所 教授、博士導(dǎo)師/信息與通信工程
1994.2-1994.4 美國伯蘭戴斯大學(xué) 客座教授/計算機(jī)視覺/
1994.2-1996.4 北方交通大學(xué) 副所長、通信與控制工程系主任
1996.6-1997.7 美國匹茲堡大學(xué)電機(jī)系 客座教授/圖像信息處理/
1996.6-1997.7 北方交通大學(xué) 副所長、通信與控制工程系主任/副院長、教授、博士導(dǎo)師
1997.7-1999.8 北方交通大學(xué)電子信息工程學(xué)院 系主任、院長、副所長、教授、博士導(dǎo)師
1999.8-2000.4 北方交通大學(xué)信息科學(xué)研究所 所長、教授、博士導(dǎo)師
2000.4-2004.8 北方交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)與信息技術(shù)學(xué)院 院長、所長、教授、博士導(dǎo)師
2004.8-2008.8 北京交通大學(xué)信息科學(xué)研究所 所長、北京重點實驗室主任、教授、博士導(dǎo)師
2008-至今 北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)與信息技術(shù)學(xué)院 教授、博士導(dǎo)師、校學(xué)位委員會副主席、校務(wù)委員會委員
數(shù)字圖像處理及應(yīng)用 1983-1998 48 通信工程,信息工程專業(yè)本科生 120人/年
數(shù)字圖像處理 2000-至今 64 生物醫(yī)學(xué)工程 65人/年
現(xiàn)代信息技術(shù)導(dǎo)論 2004-至今 16 軟件工程 80人/年
無所不在的信息技術(shù) 2011-至今 16 全校通識課 200人/年
數(shù)字圖像處理學(xué) 2000-至今 60 碩士、博士 50人/年
計算機(jī)圖形學(xué) 1997-至今 60 信號與信息處理等博士生 10人/年
Song Guo, Qiuqi Ruan, Zhan Wang and Shuai Liu, Facial Expression Recognition using Spectral Supervised Canonical Correlation Analysis,Journal of Information Science and Engineering, no.5, vol.29, ISSN:1016-2364, 2013.9, pp.907-924,中國臺灣, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica。
Jun Wan, Qiuqi Ruan, Wei Li and Shuang Deng, One-shot Learning Gesture Recognition from RGB-D Data Using Bag of Features, Journal of Machine Learning Research September, vol.14, ISSN:1532-4435, 2013年9月, pp.2549-2582,美國, Brookline
Wei Li, Qiuqi Ruan and Jun Wan, Graph-preserving shortest feature line segment for dimensionality reduction, Neurocomputing, no.13, vol.110, ISSN:0925-2312, 2013, pp.80 -91,荷蘭。
Wei Li, Qiuqi Ruan and Jun Wan, Fuzzy nearest feature line-based manifold embedding for facial expression recognition, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol.29, no.2, ISSN:1016-2364, 2013, pp.329-346,中國 ,臺灣
Xueqiao Wang, Qiuqi Ruan, Yi Jin and Gaoyun An, 2D+3D Face Recognition Using Dual-tree Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of Tencon 2013,英語, Tencon 2013,中國,西安 , 2013.10.22
Xiaoli Li, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An and Yi Jin., Analysis of Range Images Used in 3D Facial Expression Recognition, Proceedings of Tencon 2013,英語, Tencon 2013,中國 ,西安, 2013.10.22. ISBN: 978-1-4799-2825-5
Xiaoli Li, Qiuqi Ruan and Gaoyun An, 3D Facial Expression Recognition Using Delta Faces, Proceedings of ICWMMN2013, pp.234-239, 2013
Xueqiao Wang, Qiuqi Ruan, Yi Jin and Gaoyun An, Expression-insensitive Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Using Holistic and Local Features, Proceedings of ICWMMN2013, pp.240-244, 2013
TianYi, Ruan Qiuqi, Weight and Context Method for Action Recognition Using Histogram Intersection, Proceedings of ICWMMN2013, pp.229-233, 2013
Xuelian Ding, Qiuqi Ruan, Acclimatization Calculation Based on Image Quality Assessment, Proceedings of ICWMMN2013, pp.284-288, 2013
Chan Wang, Qiuqi Ruan, Multi-Agent Framework in Non-overlapping Cameras System, Proceedings of ICWMMN2013, pp.289-294, 2013
Weichun Cheng, Gaoyun An, Face Template Protection Using Chaotic Encryption, Proceedings of ICWMMN2013, pp.245-248, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-8491-9726-7
Yue Ming, Qiuqi Ruan, Xueqiao Wang, Efficient 3D Face Recognition with Gabor PatchedSpectral Regression, Computing and Informatics, vol.31, no.4, pp.779-803, 2012.08.
Yue Ming, Qiuqi Ruan, Robust Sparse Bounding Sphere for 3D Face Recognition, Image andVision Computing, vol.30, no.8, pp.524-534, 2012.05.
Yue Ming, Qiuqi Ruan, A Mandarin Edutainment System integrated Virtual LearningEnvironments, Speech Communication, vol.55, no.1, pp.71-83, 2013.01.
明悅,阮秋琦,李小利,基于三維譜回歸的有效三維人臉識別算法,鐵道學(xué)報, vol.34, no.3,pp.56-61, 2012.03.
Liu Shuai, Ruan Qiuqi, Jin Yi, Orthogonal Tensor Rank One Differential Graph PreservingProjections with its application to Facial Expression Recognition, Neurocomputing,vol.82,pp.238-249, 2012.04.
Liu Shuai, Ruan Qiuqi, Wang ChuanTao, An GaoYun, Tensor Rank One Differential GraphPreserving Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition, Image and Vision Computing, vol.30, no.8,pp.535-545, 2012.08.
Song Guo, Zhan Wang, Qiuqi Ruan, Enhancing Sparsity via ℓp (0 < p < 1) Minimization forRobust Face Recognition, Neurocomputing, vol.99, pp.592-602, 2013.01.
Wei Li, Qiuqi Ruan, Jun Wan, Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction using estimated classmembership probabilities, Journal of electronic imaging, vol. 21, no. 4, 2012.10.
Yue Ming, Qiuqi Ruan, Alex Hauptmann, Activity Recognition from Kinect with 3D localSpatio-Temporal Features, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia andExpo, pp.344-349, 2012.07.
Song Guo, Qiuqi Ruan, ZhenjiangMiao, Similarity Weighted Sparse Representation forClassification, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), pp.1241-1244, 2012.11.
Song Guo, Zhan Wang, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Fusion of Correntropy and Mean SquareError for Sparse Representaion based Classification, Proceedings of IEEE 11th internationalconference on signal processing, pp. 1234-1238, 2012.10.
Song Guo, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Caijuan Shi, Sparse Representaion via ℓ1/2-normMinimization for Facial Expression Recognition, Proceedings of IEEE 11th internationalconference on signal processing, pp.1243-1246, 2012.10.
Wei Li, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Jun Wan, Discriminative Uncorrelated NeighborhoodPreserving Projection for Facial Expression Recognition, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11thInternational conference on signal processing, pp.801-805, 2012.10.
Wei Li, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Jun Wan, Feature Extraction of Multimodal Data byClusterbased Correlation Discriminative Analysis, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th Internationalconference on signal processing, pp.797-800, 2012.10.
CaiJuan Shi, Qiuqi Ruan, Song Guo, Multi-view gait recognition based on tensor analysis,Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International conference on signal processing, pp.1222-1225,2012.10.
Xiaoli Li, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Chengxiong Ruan, 3D Facial Expression RecognitionBased on Variation Faces, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on SignalProcessing, pp.775-778, 2012.10.
Xiaoli Li, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Chengxiong Ruan, Interval Weighted Multi-TemplateMatching for Accurate Measurement, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference onSignal Processing, pp.2337-2340, 2012.10.
Zhan Wang, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Facial expression recognition based on tensor locallinear discriminant analysis, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on SignalProcessing, pp.1226-1229, 2012.10.
Zhan Wang, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Correntropy discriminant embedding for facialexpression recognition, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on SignalProcessing, pp.1230-1233, 2012.10.
Chengxiong Ruan, Qiuqi Ruan, An Effective Feature for Crack Detection on Train WheelSurface, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Signal Processing,pp.865-868, 2012.10
21. Jun Wan, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Wei Li, Hand Tracking and Segmentation via Graph Cutsand Dynamic Model in Sign Language Videos, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th InternationalConference on Signal Processing, pp.1135-1138, 2012.10.
Jun Wan, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Wei Li, Gesture Recognition Based on Hidden MarkovModel from Sparse Representative Observations, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th InternationalConference on Signal Processing, pp.1180-1183, 2012.10.
XueQiao Wang, Qiuqi Ruan, Yi Jin, Gaoyun An, Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Basedon Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and Weighted Spherical Face Representation,Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Signal Processing, pp.2193-2198,2012.10.
Ruicong Zhi, Markus Flierl, Qiuqi Ruan, W. Bastiaan Kleijn, Graph-Preserving Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization With Application to Facial Expression Recognition, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART B: CYBERNETICS, VOL. 41, NO. 1, pp.38-52, FEBRUARY 2011. ISSN: 1083-4419
Shuai Liu, Qiuqi Ruan, Orthogonal Tensor Neighborhood Preserving Embedding for facial expression recognition, Pattern Recognition, vol. 44, no.7, pp.1497–1513, 2011. ISSN: 0031-3203
MEIRU MU, QIUQI RUAN, MEAN AND STANDARD DEVIATION AS FEATURES FOR PALMPRINT RECOGNITION BASED ON GABOR FILTERS, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp.491-512, 2011. ISSN: 0218-0014
MEIRU MU, QIUQI RUAN, REGION COVARIANCE MATRICES AS FEATURE DESCRIPTORS FOR PALMPRINT RECOGNITION USING GABOR FEATURES, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp.513-528, 2011. ISSN: 0218-0014
Meiru Mu, Qiuqi Ruan, Song Guo, Shift and gray scale invariant features for palmprint identification using complex directional wavelet and local binary pattern, Neurocomputing, vol.74, no.7, pp.3351–3360, 2011. ISSN: 0925-2312
Yue Ming, Qiuqi Ruan, Expression-robust 3D Face Recognition using Bending Invariant Correlative Features, Informatica, vol.35, no.6, pp.231–238, 2011. ISSN: 0868-4952
無法錄入Xueqiao Wang, Qiuqi Ruan, Yue Ming, AN AUTOMATIC SCHEME FOR 3D FACE RECOGNITION, 2010 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (lSPACS 2010), December 6-8,2010. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7371-7
Zhan Wang, Qiuqi Ruan , Shuai Liu, Song Guo, Regularized Neighborhood Boundary Discriminant Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition, the 4th IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2011), pp.248-252, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-84919-507-2
Shuai Liu, Qiuqi Ruan, Zhan Wang, An Orthogonal Tensor Rank One Discriminative Graph Embedding Method for Facial Expression Recognition, the 4th IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2011), pp.243-247, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-84919-507-2
Song Guo, Qiuqi Ruan, Facial expression recognition using local binary covariance matrices, the 4th IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2011), pp.237-242, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-84919-507-2
Gaoyun An, Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, Independent Gabor Analysis of Illumination Insensitive Isophote-angle for Face Recognition, the 4th IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2011), pp.253-256, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-84919-507-2
Jing Yang, Qiuqi Ruan, Gait Recognition Based on Low and High Fourier Spectrum of Procrustes Mean Shape, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing(ICSPCC 2011), pp.1247-1252, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0892-3
Jiying WU, Qiuqi RUAN, Gaoyun AN, Exemplar-Based Image Completion Model Employing PDE Corrections, INFORMATICA, Vol. 21, No. 2, 259–276, 2010. ISSN: 0868-4952
C.y.Zhang, Qiuqi Ruan, Face Recognition Using L-Fisherfaces, Journal of Information Science and Engineering 2010 4 26 ,1016-2364 ,B0210K0068
M.R.Mu, Qiuqi Ruan, Palmprint recognition based on statistical local binary orientation code ,Journal of Electronic Science and Technology 2010 3 8 ,1674-862X ,B0210K0066 .
X.Q.Wang, QiuqiRuan, 3D Face Recognition Using Patched Locality Preserving Projections, Journal of Information Science and Engineering 2010 6 26 .
Y.Ming, Qiuqi Ruan, Orthogonal Laplacianfaces for 3D Face Recognition Proceedings of IIS 978-1-4244-8217-7 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems ,2010 2010-07-10 2010-07-11 244 ,Association for Information Systems.
穆美如阮秋琦,申永生Patterns Statistic Feature IEEE international conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing 978-1-4244-5724-3 Signal Acquisition and Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-02-09 2010-02-10 253 Bangalore英文IEEE計算機(jī)學(xué)院
李薇阮秋琦Two-Dimensional Uncorrelated Linear Discriminant Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
李小利阮秋琦3D Facial Expression Recognition Based on Basic Geometric Features ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
明悅?cè)钋镧鵈fficient Kernel Discriminate Spectral Regression for 3D Face Recognition ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
穆美如阮秋琦Shape Parameters of Gaussian as Descriptor for Palmprint Recognition Based on Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
王雪嶠阮秋琦3D Face Recognition Using Corresponding Point Direction Measure and Depth Local Features ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
明悅?cè)钋镧?倪蓉蓉LEARNING EFFECTIVE FEATURES FOR 3D FACE RECOGNITION Proceedings of ICIP 978-1-4244-7993-1 the 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing國(境)外2010 2010-09-26 2010-09-29 244香港英文IEEE Computer Society計算機(jī)學(xué)院
明悅?cè)钋镧鵉ace Stereo Matching and Disparity Calculation in Binocular Vision System Proceedings of IIS 978-1-4244-8217-7 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-07-10 2010-07-11 244大連英文Association for Information Systems計算機(jī)學(xué)院
王雪嶠阮秋琦A New Scheme for 3D Face Recognition ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
李亞東阮秋琦,李小利Facial Expression Recognition Based on Complex Wavelet Transform ICWMMN2010 Proceedings 978-1-84919-240-8 The Third IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks - 2010國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-09-26 2010-09-29 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
王占阮秋琦Facial Expression Recognition Based Orthogonal Supervised Spectral Discriminant Analysis ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
明悅?cè)钋镧鵕obust 3D Face Recognition using Learn Correlative Features ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
阮成雄阮秋琦Face Recognition based on Accelerated Joint Boosting and Illumination Normalized Local Gabor Binary Pattern Histogram Sequence ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
劉帥阮秋琦ORTHOGONAL DISCRIMINANT NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVING EMBEDDING FOR FACIAL EXPRESSION RECOGNITION Proceedings of 2010 IEEE 17th International Conference on Image Processing 978-1-4244-7993-1 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2010)國(境)外2010 2010-09-26 2010-09-29 244香港英文IEEE Signal Processing Society計算機(jī)學(xué)院
萬軍阮秋琦Using two methods for recognition common carotid artery of B-mode longitudinal ultrasound image ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
萬軍阮秋琦A new method of automatic recognition of B-mode ultrasound imaging of common carotid artery in longitude Proceedings of ICBBE 2010 978-1-4244-4712-1 the 4th international conference on bioinformatics and biomedical engineering(ICBBE 2010)國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-06-18 2010-06-20 244成都英文IEEE Eng. in Medicine and Biology Society計算機(jī)學(xué)院
明悅?cè)钋镧?D Face Reconstruction using a Single 2D Face Image Proceedings of ICEIT 978-1-4244-8034-0 International Conference on Education and Information Technology國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-09-17 2010-09-19 244重慶英文America Institute of Physics and Springer計算機(jī)學(xué)院
22. 郭松阮秋琦Graph-modified neighborhood preserving embedding based on feature fusion ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
王占阮秋琦Facial Expression Recognition Based Orthogonal Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
劉帥阮秋琦Orthogonal Tensor Marginal Fisher Analysis with Application to Facial Expression Recognition ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
李小利阮秋琦,阮成雄Facial Expression Recognition with Local Gabor Filters ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
阮成雄阮秋琦Real Adaboost Feature Selection for Face Recognition ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
明悅?cè)钋镧鵄utomatic Assessment of Oral Mandarin Proficiency based on Speech Recognition and Evaluation Proceedings Of ICEIT 978-1-4244-8034-0 International Conference on Education and Information Technology國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-09-17 2010-09-19 244重慶英文America Institute of Physics and Springer計算機(jī)學(xué)院
劉帥阮秋琦Tensor Rank One Discriminant Locally Linear Embedding for Facial Expression Classification ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué)計算機(jī)學(xué)院
安高云仵冀穎,阮秋琦An illumination normalization model for face recognition under varied lighting conditions計算機(jī)科學(xué)技術(shù)英文 Pattern Recognition Letters 2010 9 31國外學(xué)術(shù)刊物0167-8655 美國紐約 計算機(jī)學(xué)院
安高云仵冀穎,阮秋琦Enhanced TV-based Quotient Image Model and Its Application to Face Recognition with One Sample per Subject Employing Subspace Methods計算機(jī)科學(xué)技術(shù)英文 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2010 1 26國外學(xué)術(shù)刊物1016-2364 中國臺灣 計算機(jī)學(xué)院
安高云仵冀穎,阮秋琦A novel multi-band image interpolation method ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué) 計算機(jī)學(xué)院
安高云仵冀穎,阮秋琦Improved Gradientface used in Face Recognition under varying illumination ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 2010 the 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué) 計算機(jī)學(xué)院
33. 南哲萬阮秋琦,安高云Color and heuristic-based Face Detection in H.264 Video sequences ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué) 計算機(jī)學(xué)院
李亞東阮秋琦,安高云,李小利Facial Expression Recognition Based on the Daul-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and Supervised Spectral Analysis ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué) 計算機(jī)學(xué)院
南哲萬阮秋琦,安高云Face Track in H.264 Compressed Domain using the Face Observation-MRF Model ICSP2010 Proceedings 978-1-4244-5898-1 10th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing國(境)內(nèi)2010 2010-10-24 2010-10-28 244北京英文北京交通大學(xué) 計算機(jī)學(xué)院
期 刊-> 仵冀穎,阮秋琦,安高云.A Joint-Diffused Inpainting Model for Underexposure Image Preserving the Linear Geometric Structure[J]。Informatica,2009-12,20(1),
期 刊-> 仵冀穎,阮秋琦.A Novel Exemplar-Based Image Completion Model[J]。Journal of Information Science and Engineering,2009-12,25(2),
支瑞聰,阮秋琦,基于線性判別局部保留映射的人臉表情識別,信號處理, vol.25, no.2, pp.233-237, 2009. (ISSN 1003-0530)
[2]支瑞聰,阮秋琦,基于多尺度分析矩特征的人臉表情識別,信號處理,vol.25,no.5,pp.692-696,2009. (ISSN 1003-0530)
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, Robust facial expression recognition using selected wavelet moment invariants, Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS’09), vol.4, pp.508-512, 2009.5.19-21, 2009, Xiamen, China. (ISBN: 978-0-7695-3571-5) (EI, ISTP)
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, Discriminant sparse nonnegative matrix factorization for facial expression recognition, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’09), June 28-July 3, New York, USA, 2009. (EI, ISTP)
Ruicong Zhi, Markus Flierl, Qiuqi Ruan, Bastiaan Kleijn, Facial expression recognition based on graph-preserving sparse non-negative matrix factorization, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’09), November 7 -11, Cairo, Egypt, 2009. (EI, ISTP)
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, Facial expression recognition with facial parts based sparse representation classifier, MIP 09 Sixth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR’09), October 30 -Yichang, China, 2009. (EI, ISTP)
Jiying Wu, Gaoyun An, Qiuqi Ruan, Independent Gabor analysis of discriminant features fusion for face recognition, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.16, no.2, pp. 97-100, 2009(SCI) (ISSN 1070-9908)
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, An illumination invariant bimodal method employing discriminant features for face recognition, IEICE Trans. INF. & SYST., vol.E92-D, no.2, pp.365-368, 2009(SCI) (ISSN0916-8532)
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, GaoYun An, A Joint-Diffused Inpainting Model for Underexposure Image Preserving the Linear Geometric Structure. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 20(1): 151-163 (2009) (SCI) (ISSN0868-4952)
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, A Novel Exemplar-Based Image Completion Model. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 25(2): 481-497 (2009) (SCI)(ISSN1016-2364)
Yi Jin, Qiuqi Ruan, Orthogonal Locality Sensitive Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition. Journal of Information Science and Engineering. 25(2): 419-433 (2009) (SCI) (ISSN1016-2364)
Yi Jin, Qiuqi Ruan, Face Recognition Using Gabor-Based Improved Supervised Locality Preserving Projections, Computing and Informatics, Vol. 28, 2009, 1001–1015, V 2009-Jan-22(ISSN1335-9150,Bratislava, Slovakia)
金一,阮秋琦,基于核的正交局部保持投影的人臉識別,電子與信息學(xué)報,第31卷,第2期, 2009, pp:283-287(ISSN1009-5896).
Xin Pan, Qiuqi Ruan, Palmprint recognition using Gabor-based local invariant features. Neurocomputing 72(7-9): 2040-2045 (2009) (SCI)(ISSN0925-2312)
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, A novel morphological invariant coupled image inpainting model employing bi-directional diffusion, Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol.17, no.4, pp.669-674, 2008. (SCI, ISSN: 1022-4653)
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Bi-directional diffusion image inpainting and denoising model, Journal of Electronics (China), vol.25, no.5, pp.622-628, 2008.( ISSN: 0217-9822)
仵冀穎,阮秋琦,基于總體變分和變換域分析的復(fù)合去噪模型,信號處理, vol.24, no.2, pp.277-280, 2008. ( ISSN: 1003-0530)
仵冀穎,阮秋琦,亥姆霍茲渦量方程與偏微分方程耦合的圖像修復(fù)模型,光電子激光, vol.19, no.8, pp.1104-1107, 2008.( ISSN: 1005-0086)
仵冀穎,阮秋琦,雙層約束下基于局部和全局信息的圖像插值新模型,電子與信息學(xué)報, vol.30, no.1, pp. 144-148, 2008.( ISSN: 1009-5896)
Jiying Wu, Gaoyun An, Qiuqi Ruan, Gabor-based multi-scale illumination normalization model for face recognition, Proc. International Conference on Image Processing, pp.1660-1663, 2008. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-1764-3)
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An, Yi Jin, Multi-scale preprocessing model for face recognition, Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing, vol.2, pp.1544-1547, 2008. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2179-4)
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, A novel hybrid image inpainting model, Proc. International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, vol.1, pp.138-142, 2008.(ISBN: 978-1-4244-1724-7)
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, A bi-directional forward diffusion image interpolation model with smoothing property, International Journal of Computational Science, vol.2, no.1, pp.108-121, 2008. (ISSN: 1992-6669)
Shujun Fu, Qiuqi Ruan, Chengpo Mu, Wenqia Wang, Region-based Anisotropic Diffusion with Soft Shock Filter for Adaptive Image Enhancement, Chinese Journal of electronics, vol.17, no.1, pp.56-58, 2008. (SCI: 274SM) (SCI, ISSN: 1022-4653)
付樹軍,阮秋琦,穆成坡,王文洽,基于雙向耦合擴(kuò)散的保持特征的邊緣銳化和圖像增強(qiáng),計算機(jī)學(xué)報, vol.31, no.3, pp.529-535, 2008. (EI: 081611206979)(ISSN: 0254-4164)
Shujun Fu, Qiuqi Ruan, Wenqia Wang, Remote Sensing Image Data Enhancement Based on Robust Inverse Diffusion Equation for Agriculture Applications, Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing, vol.2, pp.1231-1234, 2008. (EI, ISTP) (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2179-4)
Rongrong Ni, Qiuqi Ruan, Neighbor-aided authentication watermarking based on a chaotic system with feedback, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E91-D, no.8, pp.2196-2198, 2008. (SCI, ISSN: 0916-8532, Tokyo)
Rongrong Ni, Qiuqi Ruan, Yao Zhao, Pinpoint authentication watermarking based on a chaotic system, Forensic Science International, vol.179, no.1, pp.54-62, 2008
Yanxia Wang, Qiuqi Ruan, Palmprint Image Enhancement using steerable filters and fuzzy Unsharp Masking, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol.24, no.2, pp.539-551, 2008.(SCI刊源)
王艷霞,阮秋琦,基于紋線結(jié)構(gòu)特征的掌紋識別方法,電子與信息學(xué)報, vol.30, no.6, pp.1281-1285, 2008.
王艷霞,阮秋琦,一種新的在線掌紋圖像預(yù)處理方法,中國圖象圖形學(xué)報, vol.13, no.6, pp.1115-1122, 2008.
Gaoyun An, Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, Independent Gabor Analysis of Multiscale Total Variation-based quotient image, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.15, pp.186-189, 2008. (SCI)
GaoYun An, Jiying Wu, QiuQi Ruan, Kernel TV-based quotient image employing Gabor analysis and its application to face recognition, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E91-D, no.5, pp.1573-1576, 2008. (SCI, ISSN: 0916-8532,Tokyo)
Gaoyun An, Qiuqi Ruan, Jiying Wu, Yi Jin, Local lighting invariant features for face recognition, The Proc. of Int’l Conf. on Signal Processing, vol.2, pp.1604-1607, 2008. (EI, ISTP) (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2179-4)
Yanyan Sun, Qiuqi Ruan, A new fast system for objectionable image identification based on shape features, The Proc. of Int’l Conf. on Signal Processing, vol.2, pp.1087-1090, 2008. (EI, ISTP) (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2179-4)
Kun Zhu, Qiuqi Ruan, Tangwen Yang, Tracking and Measuring a Moving Object with a Binocular Camera System, The Proc. of Int’l Conf. on Signal Processing, vol.2, pp.1414-1419, 2008. (EI, ISTP) (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2179-4)
Xin Pan, Qiu-Qi Ruan, Palmprint recognition with improved two-dimensional locality preserving projections, Image and Vision Computing, vol.26, no.9, pp.1261-1268, 2008. (Elsevier, SCI檢索)
Xin Pan, Qiu-Qi Ruan, Palmprint Recognition Using Gabor Feature Based (2D)2PCA, Neurocomputing, vol.71, no.13-15, pp.3032-3036, 2008. (Elsevier, SCI檢索)
Xin Pan, Qiuqi Ruan, Yanxia Wang, Palmprint recognition using Contourlets-based local fractal dimensions,The Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP08), vol.3, pp.2108-2111, 2008. (EI,ISTP檢索) (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2179-4)
潘新,阮秋琦,基于二維局部保留映射的小樣本掌紋識別,計算機(jī)工程與應(yīng)用, vol.44, no.30, pp.30-32, 2008.
27. Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, Facial expression recognition based on two-dimensional discriminant locality preserving projections, Neurocomputing, vol.71, no.7-9, pp.1730-1734, 2008.
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, Two-dimensional direct and weighted Linear Discriminant Analysis for face recognition, Neurocomputing, vol.71, no.16-18, pp.3607-3611, 2008.
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, Dual two-dimensional fuzzy class preserving projections for facial expression recognition, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E91-D, no.12, 2008. (SCI, ISSN: 0916-8532,Tokyo)
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, Fractional supervised orthogonal local linear projection, The 2008 Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP2008), vol. 2, pp. 753-757, 2008.5.27-30,三亞,海南
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, A comparative study on region-based moments for facial expression recognition, The 2008 Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP2008), vol.2, pp. 600-604, 2008.5.27-30,三亞,海南
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, Discriminant spectral analysis, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’08), pp.1924-1927, 2008.10.12-15, San Diego, California, USA.
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, Fuzzy discriminant projections for facial expression recognition, The 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’08), 2008.12.8-11, Tampa, Florida, USA
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan, Feature extraction using supervised spectral analysis, 9th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP’08), vol.2, pp.1536-1539, pp2008.10.26-29,北京(ISBN: 978-1-4244-2179-4)
Yi Jin, Qiuqi Ruan, Gabor-based Orthogonal Locality Sensitive Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition, The 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, vol.2, pp.1625-1628. 2008.10.26-2008.10.29,Beijing,China( Indexed by EI&ISTP) (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2179-4)
Chengyuan Zhang, Qiuqi Ruan, and Yi Jin, Fusing Global and Local Complete Linear Discriminant Features by Fuzzy Integral for Face Recognition, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), vol.22, no.7, pp.1-19, 2008.
Chengyuan Zhang, Qiuqi Ruan, and Xin Pan, Local Fisher Discriminant Embedding for Face Recognition, The Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP’08, Oct. 26-29, 2008, Beijing, China), vol.2, pp.1660-1663, 2008. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2179-4)
仵冀穎,阮秋琦.偏微分方程約束下基于模塊的圖像修復(fù)模型.中國圖像圖形學(xué)報,vol.12, no.11, 2007, pp. 1980-1987;
仵冀穎,阮秋琦.曲率驅(qū)動的基于亥姆霍茲渦量方程的圖像修復(fù)模型.計算機(jī)研究與發(fā)展, vol.44, no.5, 2007, pp.860-866;EI
iying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan. A two-layer constraint image interpolation model basing on both local and global information. Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol.16, no.3, 2007, pp.509-514;SCI, EI
仵冀穎,阮秋琦,安高云.偏微分方程約束下基于動態(tài)大小模塊的圖像修復(fù)模型.計算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計與圖形學(xué)學(xué)報, vol.19, no.8, pp.1034-1040, 2007;EI
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan, Gaoyun An. A new interpolation method basing on both local and global information. LNCS 4681, 2007, pp.842-851;EI
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan. A novel exemplar-based image inpainting model. The second BJ-HK Internationla Phd Forum, 2007;
Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan. An adaptive edge enhancing image denoising model based on fuzzy theory. the International Symposium on Intelligent Processing and Communication System (ISPACS2007), 2007, pp.285-288;EI
Xin Pan, Qiuqi Ruan. An Improved 2DLPP method on Gabor features for palmprint Recognition. the Proceedings of International Conference of Image Processing (ICIP2007), vol.2, 2007, pp. 413-416;EI
Xin Pan, Qiuqi Ruan. Palmprint Recognition Using Fusion of Local and Global features. the International Symposium on Intelligent Processing and Communication System (ISPACS2007), 2007, pp. 393-396;EI
Ruicong Zhi, Qiuqi Ruan. An improved neighborhood preserving embedding approach. The Fifth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing & Pattern Recognition (SPIE MIPPR'07), vol. 6788, 2007, pp. 67880o.1-67880o.7;
Gaoyun An, Qiuqi Ruan, Jiying Wu. Face recognition by non-parametric Independent RBF Neural Networks Employing kernel density estimation and Gabor Analysis. The second BJ-HK Internationla Phd Forum, 2007;
Gaoyun An, Jiying Wu, Qiuqi Ruan. A novel model for Two-dimensional independent TV-based quotient image and its application to face recognition. the International Symposium on Intelligent Processing and Communication System (ISPACS2007), 2007, pp. 345-348;EI
Yanxia Wang, Qiuqi Ruan. An Improved Square-based Palmprint Segmentation Method, The Proceedings of The 2007 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2007), 2007, pp. 289-292;EI
Yanxia Wang, Qiuqi Ruan. Palmprint Recognition Method Using Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform and Local Binary Pattern Histogram,The Proceedings of The 2007 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2007), 2007, pp. 858-861;EI
Ximiao Cao, Qiuqi Ruan. A Survey on Evaluation Methods for Medical Image Registration. 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, vol. 2, 2007, pp. 722-725;EI
Shujun Fu, Qiuqi Ruan, Wenqia Wang, Fuzheng Gao, Heng-Da Cheng. A Feature-dependent Fuzzy Bidirectional Flow for Adaptive Image Sharpening. Neurocomputing, 70(4-6): 883-895, 2007;SCI
Shujun Fu, Qiuqi Ruan, Wenqia Wang, Jingnian Chen. Combining Bidirectional Flow Equation and Fuzzy Sets for Adaptive Image Sharpening. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 23(5): 1565-1578, 2007;SCI
付樹軍,阮秋琦,穆成坡,王文洽.基于非線性擴(kuò)散濾波的邊緣檢測和圖像測量.光學(xué)精密工程, vol. 15, no. 2, 2007, pp. 123-127;EI
付樹軍,阮秋琦,王文洽.帶有局部耦合項的雙向擴(kuò)散方程與圖像銳化和增強(qiáng).光電子·激光, vol. 18, no. 2, 2007, pp. 245-248;EI
付樹軍,阮秋琦,穆成坡,王文洽.基于雙向耦合擴(kuò)散的自適應(yīng)圖像插值.通信學(xué)報, vol. 28, no. 2, 2007, pp. 29-32;EI
付樹軍,阮秋琦,王文洽.基于各向異性擴(kuò)散方程的局部非紋理圖像修整與去噪.信號處理, vol. 23, no. 4, 2007, pp. 548-551;
金一,阮秋琦.一種局部加權(quán)的二維主成分分析算法及其在人臉識別中的應(yīng)用.智能與系統(tǒng)學(xué)報, vol.2, no. 3, 2007, pp. 25-29;
Yi Jin, QiuQi Ruan. Gabor-based Improved Locality Preserving Projections for face recognition. the 14th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, vol. 1, 2007, pp. 153-156;EI
Yi Jin, QiuQi Ruan. An Image Matrix Compression Based Supervised Locality Preserving Projections For Face Recognition. the 2007 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ISPACS 2007, pp. 325-328;EI
周航,阮秋琦.基于ROI分割和相干映射的裸手字母手勢識別.通信學(xué)報, vol.28, no.5, 2007, pp.94-101;
王萌;阮秋琦.掌紋圖像的獲取及其預(yù)處理.計算機(jī)應(yīng)用研究, vol.24, no. 6, 2007, pp. 161-164;
施云惠;阮秋琦.一維連續(xù)小波變換.高等學(xué)校計算數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)報, vol. 29, no. 1, 2007, pp. 1-8;
RongRong Ni,QiuQi Ruan,Adaptive watermarking and performance analysis based on image content,International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing,新加坡,
Shujun Fu,QiuQi Ruan,F(xiàn)eature Preserving Image Resolution Enhancement Using Adaptive Bidirectional Flow,Chinese Journal of electronics,1022-4653, 2006, Vol15,No.1.
Shujun FuQiuQi Ruan, A Feature-dependent Fuzzy Bidirectional Flow for Adaptive Image Sharpening,Neurocomputing,2006
Shujun Fu QiuQi Ruan,F(xiàn)eature-oriented Fuzzy Bidirectional Flow for Image enhancement ,Chinese Optics Letters,2006 Vol4,No1.
付樹軍 阮秋琦,基于特征驅(qū)動的雙向耦合擴(kuò)散方程的圖像去噪和邊緣銳化,光學(xué)精密工程,2006 Vol14,No2。
付樹軍 阮秋琦,帶有局部耦合項的雙向擴(kuò)散方程與圖像銳化和增強(qiáng),光電子·激光,2006。
付樹軍 阮秋琦,基于非線性擴(kuò)散濾波的邊緣檢測和圖像測量,光學(xué)精密工程,2006
Shujun Fu QiuQi Ruan,F(xiàn)eature Preserving Image Interpolation by Adaptive Bidirectional Flow ,Journal of electronics (Chinese),2006,Vol23,No1
付樹軍 阮秋琦,基于各向異性擴(kuò)散方程的局部非紋理圖像修整與去噪,2006
Lu Jun QiuQi Ruan,Quantified cost-balanced routing scheme for overlay multicast ,Journal of electronics (Chinese) CN 11-2003/TN ISSN 0217-98222006 Vol23,No.6
GaoYun An QiuQi Ruan,KICA for Face Recognition based on Kernel Generalized Variance and Multiresolution Analysis, Proceedings of The First International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC-06), Beijing, September 1,2006 China Beijing 2006
GaoYun An QiuQi Ruan,A Novel Mathematical Model for Enhanced Fisher’s Linear Discriminant and Its Application to Face Recognition,Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognion (ICPR 2006) ,Hong Kong Baptist University August 20, 2006,Hong Kong
GaoYun An QiuQi Ruan,A Novel Model for Independent Radial Basis Function Neural Networks with Multiresolution Analysis,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,16, 2006 August 19, 2006 China Kunming2006
GaoYun An QiuQi Ruan,A Novel Model for Gabor-based Independent Radial Basis Function Neural Networks and Its Application to Face Recognition,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,International SCI The 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICNOIP 2006),Hong Kong October 3, 2006
GaoYun An QiuQi Ruan,Most Expressive Features Extracted by Half-Quadratic Theory and Multiresolution Analysis in Face Recognition ,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006),November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China,Guilin2006
RongRong Ni QiuQi Ruan,Region of interest watermarking based on fractal dimension English The Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognion (ICPR 2006),August 24, 2006 China Hong Kong 2006
RongRong Ni QiuQi Ruan,Adaptive Watermarking Model and Detection Performance Analysis, Proceedings of The First International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC-06),August 30, 2006 September 1,2006 China Beijing 2006
RongRong Ni QiuQi Ruan,Tampering estimation watermarking based on lifting wavelet and chaotic sequence,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006), IEEE, CIE ,Beijing, November 16, 2006 , Guilin。
Baizhen ZhangQiuQi,F(xiàn)acial feature extraction using improved deformable templates Ruan,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) , IEEE, CIE , November 20, 2006 China Guilin。
Yi Jin QiuQi Ruan,F(xiàn)ace recognition using assembled matrix distance metric based 2DLDA algorithm,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006),IEEE, CIE , November 16, 2006,Guilin 。
Jun Lu QiuQi Ruan,Aluminum Alloy X-ray Image Classification Using Texture Analysis Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) IEEE, CIE , November 20, 2006 China Guilin。
Xin Pan QiuQi Ruan,A Modified Preprocessing Method For Palmprint Recognition ,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin。
Jihong Zhou QiuQi Ruan,Adaptive Hierarchical Representation of a Point-Sampled 3D Model for Fast Rendering,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) ,IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University,November 20, 2006 China Guilin。
Xiaoman Bai QiuQi Ruan,An Improved WPCA Plus LDA,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006),IEEE, CIE,November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin。
A Jiying Wu QiuQi Ruan,new hybrid PDE denoising model based on Markov random field ,Proceedings of The First International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC-06) ,August 30, 2006September 1,2006 China Beijing 2006
Jiying Wu QiuQi Ruan,"Combining Adaptive PDE and Wavelet in Image Denoising
with Edge Enhancing Property" Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognion (ICPR 2006),Hong Kong,August 20, 2006 August 24, 2006 China Hong Kong。
Jiying Wu QiuQi Ruan "Object Removal By Cross Isophotes Exemplar-based Inpainting",Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognion (ICPR 2006), August 20, 2006 August 24, 2006 China Hong Kong。
Jiying Wu QiuQi Ruan,A novel bi-directional diffusion image interpolation model with two layer constraint ,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006), IEEE, CIE , November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin。
Yanxia Wang QiuQi Ruan,An Improved Unsharp Masking method for Palmprint Image Enhancement,Proceedings of The First International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC-06) ,August 30, 2006September 1,2006 China Beijing。
Yanxia Wang QiuQi Ruan,palm-line extraction using steerable filters ,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006),CIE ,November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin
Yanxia Wang QiuQi Ruan,"Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Palmprint Recognition" ,Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognion (ICPR 2006),Hong Kong,August 20, 2006 August 24, 2006
Hang Zhou QiuQi Ruan,A Real-time Gesture Recognition Algorithm on Video Surveillance,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006),IEEE, CIE , November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin。
Meng Wang QiuQi Ruan,Palmprint Recognition Based on Two-Dimensional Methods ,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) ,IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin。
Bingyu Ding QiuQi Ruan,The Localization of the Palmrprint Images Based on the Maximal Effective Circle,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) ,IEEE, CIE , November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin。41。
Wenyu Sun QiuQi Ruan,Two-Dimension PCA for Facial Expression Recognition ,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2007) ,IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University November 16, 2007 November 20, 2007 China Guilin 。
Shujun Fu QiuQi Ruan,Region-based Fuzzy Shock Filter with Anisotropic Diffusion for Adaptive Image Enhancement English Lecture Notes in Computer Science International SCI The 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2006),August 16, 2006August 19, 2006 China Kunming。
Shujun Fu QiuQi Ruan,F(xiàn)eature-oriented Fuzzy Shock-diffusion Equation for Adaptive Image Resolution Enhancement English Lecture Notes in Computer Science International SCI The 2nd International Conference on Natural Computation and the 3rd International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC'06-FSKD'06) , September 24, 2006 September 28, 2006 China Xian。
Shujun Fu,QiuQi Ruan,Region-based Shock-diffusion Equation for Adaptive Image Enhancement English Lecture Notes in Computer Science,International SCI International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Pattern Analysis/Synthesis (IWIC- PAS2006) , August 26, 2006 August 27, 2006 China Xian2006
Shujun Fu QiuQi Ruan,F(xiàn)eature Preserving Nonlinear Image Interpolation English ,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006), IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin。
Shujun Fu QiuQi Ruan,F(xiàn)eature-Oriented Coupled Bidirectional Flow for Image Denoising and Edge Sharpening,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) ,IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin 2006
47 Huisong Yang QiuQi Ruan.Periodic signal expansion with wavelets on compatly supported interval.,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) ,IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin 2006
Chengyuan Zhang QiuQi Ruan,fusing the complete linear discriminant features by fuzzy integral for face recognition. Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) ,IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin 2006
Wei Wu QiuQi Ruan,A hierarchical approch for the shortest path problem with obligatory intermediate nodes,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006), IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin 2006
Shujun Fu QiuQi Ruan,A coupled shock-diffusion filter for image enhancement. ,Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) ,IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University November 16, 2006 November 20, 2006 China Guilin 2006
Jiang Ming huQiuQi Ruan ,Neural networks for clustering analysis of molecular data , Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006) IEEE, CIE ,Beijing Jiaotong University November 16, 2006 November 16, 2006 China Guilin.
李毅 ,阮秋琦 應(yīng)用支持向量機(jī)的紋理分類 通信學(xué)報 26卷1期,QK 2005.1
盛杰成,阮秋琦 KSVM決策書法界和面部特征實現(xiàn)復(fù)雜背景下的人臉檢測與定位 第十五屆慧光杯研究生學(xué)術(shù)節(jié)論文專集 DH 2005.4
劉俊梅,阮秋琦 一種復(fù)雜背景下的新手勢分割方法 第十五屆慧光杯研究生學(xué)術(shù)節(jié)論文專集 DH 2005.4
吳炳昊,阮秋琦 基于新三步搜索法的超分辨率圖象處理研究 第十五屆慧光杯研究生學(xué)術(shù)節(jié)論文專集 DH 2005.4
崔嵐 ,阮秋琦 結(jié)點有擁塞的動態(tài)最短路徑問題的算法研究 CCSP2005 QH 2005.9
付樹軍,阮秋琦 偏微分方程(PDEs)模型在圖像處理中的若干應(yīng)用 計算機(jī)工程與應(yīng)用 41卷2期 QK 2005.1
付樹軍,阮秋琦 一種基于雙曲正切函數(shù)的自適應(yīng)圖像放大算法 計算機(jī)工程與應(yīng)用 41卷3期 QK 2005.1
付樹軍,阮秋琦 基于變分的保持特征的有噪圖像放大算法 計算機(jī)工程與應(yīng)用 41卷14期 QK 2005.5
付樹軍,阮秋琦 基于統(tǒng)一的變分模型的有噪圖像放大算法 第二屆全國幾何設(shè)計與計算學(xué)術(shù)會議 QH 2005.4
付樹軍,阮秋琦 基于各向異性擴(kuò)散方程和數(shù)學(xué)形態(tài)學(xué)的圖像修整與去噪 第二屆全國幾何設(shè)計與計算學(xué)術(shù)會議 QH 2005.4
付樹軍,阮秋琦 基于變分的保持邊緣的有噪圖像放大算法 2005年中國模糊邏輯與計算智能聯(lián)合學(xué)術(shù)會議(FLCI2005) QH 2005.4
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Feature-Oriented Image Enhancement Using Direction-Selective Diffusion and Fuzzy Sets 2005年中國模糊邏輯與計算智能聯(lián)合學(xué)術(shù)會議(FLCI2005) QH 2005.4
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Ultrasonic Image Denoising and Edge Sharpening for Image Measurement Using Bidirectional Flow 6th International Symposium on Test and Measurement GH 2005.5
付樹軍,阮秋琦 A Nonlinear Flow Equation Based Edge Detection for Image Measurement 6th International Symposium on Test and Measurement GH 2005.5
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Feature Preserving Image Enhancement Using Direction-Selective Diffusion and Fuzzy Sets IWIIMST2005 ,GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 基于各向異性擴(kuò)散方程的超聲圖像去噪與邊緣增強(qiáng) 電子學(xué)報 33卷7期 QK 2005.7
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Feature Preserving Image Interpolation by Adaptive Bidirectional Flow Journal of electronics (Chinese) ,QK 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Feature Preserving Image Resolution Enhancement Using Adaptive Bidirectional Flow Chinese Journal of electronics,QK 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 A Compound Anisotropic Diffusion for Ultrasonic Image Denoising and Edge Enhancement IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 A Nonlinear PDE Based Edge Detection for Image Measurement 5th International Conference on Control & Automation 錄用 GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Feature Preserving Image Sharpening Using Coupled Bidirectional Flow Visual Communications and Image Processing 2005 錄用 GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Feature Preserving Image Sharpening Using Fuzzy Bidirectional Flow 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences GH 2005.7
付樹軍,阮秋琦 A Coupled Bidirectional Flow for Feature Preserving Image Interpolation 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences GH 2005.7
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Adaptive Image Interpolation Using Coupled Bidirectional Flow International Conference on Image Processing 錄用 GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Fuzzy Bidirectional Flow For Adaptive Image Sharpening International Conference on Image Processing 錄用 GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Adaptive Fuzzy Bidirectional Flow for Image Sharpening International Conference on Intelligent Computing GH 2005
周航,阮秋琦 "Precise Searching and Segment of the Hand and Fingers on Gesture recognition" 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences GH 2005.7
倪蓉蓉, 阮秋琦 "Secure semi-blind watermarking based on iteration mapping and image features" Pattern Recognition 38卷3期 WK 2005.3
倪蓉蓉, 阮秋琦 "Scalable authentication watermarking with high precise based on chaotic sequence" CVPRIP’05 GH 2005.7 美國鹽湖城
倪蓉蓉 博士,講師 阮秋琦 "Homogeneity-based image watermarking to protect ROI" CVPRIP’05 GH 2005.7 美國鹽湖城
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 "Adaptive watermarking and performance analysis based on image content" International Conference on Intelligent Computing GH 2005.8 安徽合肥
陸俊 ,阮秋琦 "Fractal-based Multiple Time Scale TCP-Friendly Congestion Control for Multimedia Streaming" 18th Annual Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering GH 2005.5
陸俊 ,阮秋琦 "HeteCast: A Heterogeneous Qos Overlay Multicast Routing Scheme" 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences GH 2005.7 美國鹽湖城
陸俊 ,阮秋琦 "Quantified Cost-Balanced Routing Scheme for Overlay Multicast
" Journal of electronics (電子與信息學(xué)報英文版),QK 2005 北京
陸俊 ,阮秋琦 "交通信息系統(tǒng)中的“智能協(xié)同”模型研究" 2005年全國博士生學(xué)術(shù)論壇 QH 2005.7
周航,阮秋琦 基于模糊點背的窗口手勢跟蹤 鐵道學(xué)報 錄用 QK 2005
劉清華,阮秋琦 基于特征點的人臉模型調(diào)整方法研究 現(xiàn)代計算機(jī) , QK 2005
楊光,阮秋琦 一種新的基于加權(quán)主分量分析的人臉識別算法 中國人工智能學(xué)會第十一屆全國學(xué)術(shù)會議 ,QH
阮秋琦 教授 圖像信息處理 物理 第34卷第3期 QK 2005 北京
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 A novel semi-blind watermarking algorithm based on fractal dimension and image feature電子學(xué)報英文版 13卷2期 QK 2004.4
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 一種基于迭代映射和圖像內(nèi)容的自適應(yīng)水印算法 通信學(xué)報 25卷5期 QK 2004.5
李毅,阮秋琦 基于支持向量機(jī)的膠片缺陷檢測算法 計算機(jī)與現(xiàn)代化 總105期 QK 2004.5
張鵬,阮秋琦 基于帶電粒子顯像的電子紙張研究 北方交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 28卷2期 QK 2004.4
丁海洋,阮秋琦 多尺度模型與矩陣描繪子相結(jié)合的手勢識別算法 北方交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 28卷2期 QK 2004.4
周航 ,阮秋琦 Visual Gesture Recognition with color Segmentation and Support Vector Machines ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
付樹軍,阮秋琦 A local nontexture image inpainting and denoising based on nonlinear PDEs ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
付樹軍,阮秋琦 An anisotropic diffusion equation for image magnification and noise removal ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 Using dual watermarks to protect copyright of imagesICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
陸俊,阮秋琦 Cost-Balance Overlay Multicast Routing for Video Distribution ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
周繼宏,阮秋琦 Feature-Preserved Simplification of Point-Sampled ModelsICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
吳巍,阮秋琦 A Gene-Constrained Genetic Algorithm for Solving Shortest Path ProblemICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
崔琳,阮秋琦 A novel SVM classifier for recognition of gray character using gabor filters ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
王珂,阮秋琦 Eliminate the Influence of vary light conditions in face detectionICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
肖玉龍,阮秋琦 Image Fusion Based on Point Spread Function and Iteration ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
劉旭東,阮秋琦 Research of Access Control and Coordination Strategy in CSCW ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
劉旭東,阮秋琦 基于IP組播的CSCW系統(tǒng)中同步機(jī)制的研究 第4屆CSCW學(xué)術(shù)會議 QH 2004.9 杭州
趙惠芳,阮秋琦 基于二叉樹的視點相關(guān)實時LOD算法 計算機(jī)與數(shù)學(xué)工程 32卷4期 QK 2004.4
陸俊,阮秋琦 協(xié)同工作測度均衡路由研究 2004年全國博士生學(xué)術(shù)論壇 QH 2004.9 成都
周航,阮秋琦 結(jié)合手部特征的單目相干映射手勢識別 蘭州交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 23卷1期 QK 2004.1
周航,阮秋琦 基于膚色CIELab空間的視覺窗口手勢跟蹤 蘭州交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 23卷1期QK 2004.1
李毅,阮秋琦 基于邊緣變形檢測圖像匹配研究 通信學(xué)報,QK
施云惠,阮秋琦 continouse wavelet transforms ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
期 刊-> 周航,阮秋琦.基于表現(xiàn)特征的手勢識別[J]。廣西師范大學(xué)學(xué)報,2003-12,21(1),
期 刊-> 劉劍秋,阮秋琦.基于ROI區(qū)域的極低比特率編碼算法[J]。信號處理,2003-12,
會議論文->劉劍秋,阮秋琦.基于ROI區(qū)域的基地比特率編碼算法。CCSP 2003,2003-12
會議論文->劉劍秋,阮秋琦.A wavelet based intra-frame coding algorithm focusing on face region。ICNNSP 2003,2003-12
會議論文->周航,阮秋琦.基于ROI分割的視覺相干映射手勢跟蹤。CCSP 2003,2003-12
會議論文->周航,阮秋琦.Recognition of the moving hand sequence with a single camera。SCI 2003,2003-12
議論文->倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦.Copyright protection algorithm based on fusion watermark。ICNNSP 2003,2003-12阮秋琦,陸寬 Research of Tracking Algorithm on the Seamless Embedding of the Scene in AR ICSP 2002 ISBN 0-7803-7488-6 GH 2002.8 北京
李夢東,阮秋琦 模型基編碼中臉部模型自動調(diào)整算法 電子學(xué)報 第10期 QK 2002、10 北京
李夢東,阮秋琦 利用合成模型的頭部運動估計 鐵道學(xué)報 第2期 QK 2002、2 北京
李夢東,阮秋琦 三位臉部網(wǎng)格模型的交互式調(diào)整 中國圖形圖像學(xué)報 第8期 QK 2002、8 北京
李夢東,阮秋琦 利用變形模板提取嘴部特征的算法 北方交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 第2期 QK 2002、4 北京
李夢東,阮秋琦 一種交互式臉部網(wǎng)格模型的調(diào)整算法 北方交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 第4期 QK 2002、8 北京
劉劍秋,阮秋琦 形態(tài)學(xué)重建濾波器的研究與應(yīng)用 通信學(xué)報 第1期 QK 2002.1 北京
劉劍秋,阮秋琦 一種基于信源劃分定理的小波幀內(nèi)編碼方法 通信學(xué)報 第11期 QK 2002.11 北京
劉劍秋,阮秋琦 A Wavelet Intraframe Coding Algorithm Based on Information Source Partition Theorem ICSP2002 ISBN 0-7803-7488-6 GH 2002.8 北京
周航,阮秋琦 A Method of Hand Tracking Based on Articulated Model ICSP 2002 ISBN 0-7803-7488-6 GH 2002.8 北京
周航,阮秋琦 Visual Gesture Recognition of Fingers Based on Hypothesis Tracking ISIST 2002 Vol.3 GH 2002.8 濟(jì)南
周航,阮秋琦 Finger contour tracking based on model TENCON2002 GH 2002.10. 北京
周航,阮秋琦 基于表觀特征的預(yù)測模型手勢跟蹤 第七屆人工智能聯(lián)合年會論文集 QH 2002.11 桂林
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 利用Arnold對稱性變換的圖像信息隱藏算法 北方交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 26卷2期 QK 2002.4 北京
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 Robust digital watermarking based on fractal dimension in color images ICSP 2002 ISBN 0-7803-7488-6 GH 2002.8 北京
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 a new judgement method used in information hiding system ICSP 2002 ISBN 0-7803-7488-6 GH 2002.8 北京
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 Embedding Information into Color Images Using Wavelet TENCON2002 GH 2002.10. 北京
周繼宏,阮秋琦 海峽兩岸學(xué)術(shù)研討會 QH 2002.9
陸俊,阮秋琦 A Modified Video Code for Heterogeneity Multicast ICSP 2002 ISBN 0-7803-7488-6 GH 2002.8 北京
周樹民,阮秋琦 計算機(jī)視覺在輪緣磨損檢測中的應(yīng)用 中國圖形圖像學(xué)報 第10期 QK 2002.10. 北京
周樹民,阮秋琦 A Fast OBMC Alogrithm ICSP 2002 ISBN 0-7803-7488-6 GH 2002.8 北京
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦,利用幻方變換的信息隱藏算法,“信息與智能系統(tǒng)”,北方交通大學(xué)出版社,ISBN 7-81082-004-4,P226-232,2001。9。14
利用變形模板提取人臉圖像眼睛特征,“信息與智能系統(tǒng)”,北方交通大學(xué)出版社,ISBN 7-81082-004-4,P226-232,2001。9。14。
IP多點組播視頻的可擴(kuò)展控制機(jī)制研究, 計算機(jī)學(xué)報,第11期,5.2001年.
交互式三維臉部網(wǎng)格模型調(diào)整算法, 信號與信息處理第五屆學(xué)術(shù)年會論文, 電子工業(yè)出版社, ISBN7-900080-22-8/TP20. ,2001。
基于Arnold變換和塊匹配的灰度水印嵌入算法,鐵道學(xué)報,第23卷,增刊,2001年 10月,P27—32。
重建濾波在圖像簡化中的應(yīng)用,信號處理,第十七卷,增刊,ISSN 1003-0530,P370- 374,2001
一種新的數(shù)字水印算法的研究,信號處理,第十七卷,增刊,ISSN 1003-0530,P362-366,2001
利用變形模板提取人臉的完整特征,信號處理,第十七卷,增刊,ISSN 1003-0530, P387-391,2001
期 刊-> 舒志龍,陸俊,阮秋琦.基于視覺的感知用戶界面研究[J]。中國圖象圖形學(xué)報,2000-12,5(A)(8),
期 刊-> 阮秋琦.數(shù)字鐵路-21世紀(jì)我國鐵路現(xiàn)代化建設(shè)的戰(zhàn)略目標(biāo)[J]。鐵道學(xué)報,2000-12,22(3),
期 刊-> 阮秋琦.基于LAN的計算機(jī)視覺的虛擬現(xiàn)實集成模型研究[J]。計算機(jī)學(xué)報,2000-12,
期 刊-> 王海濱,阮秋琦.實時連續(xù)的三維地表模型加速顯示研究[J]。鐵道學(xué)報,2000-12,
期 刊-> 陸俊,舒志龍,阮秋琦.基于尺度旋轉(zhuǎn)的圖像恢復(fù)研究[J]。通信學(xué)報,2000-12,21(7),
期 刊-> 陸俊,阮秋琦.區(qū)域追蹤匹配基低碼率視頻編碼算研究[J]。通信學(xué)報,2000-12,
期 刊-> 陸俊,阮秋琦.基于匹配Gabor甚低碼視頻編碼算法研究;[J]。北方交通大學(xué)學(xué)報,2000-12,24(6),
期 刊-> 舒志龍,阮秋琦.一種二維均值濾波快速算法及其應(yīng)用[J]。北方交通大學(xué)學(xué)報,2000-12,
期 刊-> 阮秋琦.序列圖像編碼的FMSC算法的研究[J]。鐵道學(xué)報,1999-12,21(3),
期 刊-> 王海濱,阮秋琦.視覺方法在虛擬現(xiàn)實系統(tǒng)頭部姿態(tài)檢測中的應(yīng)用[J]。信號處理,1999-12,
期 刊-> 陸俊,阮秋琦.IP多點組播視頻的可靠擴(kuò)展控制機(jī)制的研究[J]。,
期 刊-> 陸俊,阮秋琦.多點組播的可靠擴(kuò)展控制機(jī)制研究[J]。,
期 刊-> 王海濱,阮秋琦.一種基于邊折疊的多邊形網(wǎng)格簡化算法[J]。鐵道學(xué)報,22(3),
期 刊-> 王海濱,阮秋琦.PC繼虛擬現(xiàn)實系統(tǒng)研究[J]。信號處理,
付樹軍,阮秋琦 基于各向異性擴(kuò)散方程的超聲圖像去噪與邊緣增強(qiáng) 電子學(xué)報 33卷7期 QK 2005.7
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Feature Preserving Image Interpolation by Adaptive Bidirectional Flow Journal of electronics (Chinese) ,QK 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Feature Preserving Image Resolution Enhancement Using Adaptive Bidirectional Flow Chinese Journal of electronics,QK 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 A Compound Anisotropic Diffusion for Ultrasonic Image Denoising and Edge Enhancement IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 A Nonlinear PDE Based Edge Detection for Image Measurement 5th International Conference on Control & Automation 錄用 GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Feature Preserving Image Sharpening Using Coupled Bidirectional Flow Visual Communications and Image Processing 2005 錄用 GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Feature Preserving Image Sharpening Using Fuzzy Bidirectional Flow 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences GH 2005.7
付樹軍,阮秋琦 A Coupled Bidirectional Flow for Feature Preserving Image Interpolation 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences GH 2005.7
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Adaptive Image Interpolation Using Coupled Bidirectional Flow International Conference on Image Processing 錄用 GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Fuzzy Bidirectional Flow For Adaptive Image Sharpening International Conference on Image Processing 錄用 GH 2005
付樹軍,阮秋琦 Adaptive Fuzzy Bidirectional Flow for Image Sharpening International Conference on Intelligent Computing GH 2005
周航,阮秋琦 "Precise Searching and Segment of the Hand and Fingers on Gesture recognition" 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences GH 2005.7
倪蓉蓉, 阮秋琦 "Secure semi-blind watermarking based on iteration mapping and image features" Pattern Recognition 38卷3期 WK 2005.3
倪蓉蓉, 阮秋琦 "Scalable authentication watermarking with high precise based on chaotic sequence" CVPRIP’05 GH 2005.7 美國鹽湖城
倪蓉蓉 博士,講師 阮秋琦 "Homogeneity-based image watermarking to protect ROI" CVPRIP’05 GH 2005.7 美國鹽湖城
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 "Adaptive watermarking and performance analysis based on image content" International Conference on Intelligent Computing GH 2005.8 安徽合肥
陸俊 ,阮秋琦 "Fractal-based Multiple Time Scale TCP-Friendly Congestion Control for Multimedia Streaming" 18th Annual Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering GH 2005.5
陸俊 ,阮秋琦 "HeteCast: A Heterogeneous Qos Overlay Multicast Routing Scheme
" 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences GH 2005.7 美國鹽湖城
陸俊 ,阮秋琦 "Quantified Cost-Balanced Routing Scheme for Overlay Multicast
" Journal of electronics (電子與信息學(xué)報英文版),QK 2005 北京
陸俊 ,阮秋琦 "交通信息系統(tǒng)中的“智能協(xié)同”模型研究
" 2005年全國博士生學(xué)術(shù)論壇 QH 2005.7
周航,阮秋琦 基于模糊點背的窗口手勢跟蹤 鐵道學(xué)報 錄用 QK 2005
劉清華,阮秋琦 基于特征點的人臉模型調(diào)整方法研究 現(xiàn)代計算機(jī) , QK 2005
楊光,阮秋琦 一種新的基于加權(quán)主分量分析的人臉識別算法 中國人工智能學(xué)會第十一屆全國學(xué)術(shù)會議 ,QH
阮秋琦 教授 圖像信息處理 物理 第34卷第3期 QK 2005 北京
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 A novel semi-blind watermarking algorithm based on fractal dimension and image feature電子學(xué)報英文版 13卷2期 QK 2004.4
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 一種基于迭代映射和圖像內(nèi)容的自適應(yīng)水印算法 通信學(xué)報 25卷5期 QK 2004.5
李毅,阮秋琦 基于支持向量機(jī)的膠片缺陷檢測算法 計算機(jī)與現(xiàn)代化 總105期 QK 2004.5
張鵬,阮秋琦 基于帶電粒子顯像的電子紙張研究 北方交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 28卷2期 QK 2004.4
丁海洋,阮秋琦 多尺度模型與矩陣描繪子相結(jié)合的手勢識別算法 北方交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 28卷2期 QK 2004.4
周航 ,阮秋琦 Visual Gesture Recognition with color Segmentation and Support Vector Machines ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
付樹軍,阮秋琦 A local nontexture image inpainting and denoising based on nonlinear PDEs ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
付樹軍,阮秋琦 An anisotropic diffusion equation for image magnification and noise removal ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦 Using dual watermarks to protect copyright of imagesICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
陸俊,阮秋琦 Cost-Balance Overlay Multicast Routing for Video Distribution ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
周繼宏,阮秋琦 Feature-Preserved Simplification of Point-Sampled ModelsICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
吳巍,阮秋琦 A Gene-Constrained Genetic Algorithm for Solving Shortest Path ProblemICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
崔琳,阮秋琦 A novel SVM classifier for recognition of gray character using gabor filters ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
王珂,阮秋琦 Eliminate the Influence of vary light conditions in face detectionICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
肖玉龍,阮秋琦 Image Fusion Based on Point Spread Function and Iteration ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
劉旭東,阮秋琦 Research of Access Control and Coordination Strategy in CSCW ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
劉旭東,阮秋琦 基于IP組播的CSCW系統(tǒng)中同步機(jī)制的研究 第4屆CSCW學(xué)術(shù)會議 QH 2004.9 杭州
趙惠芳,阮秋琦 基于二叉樹的視點相關(guān)實時LOD算法 計算機(jī)與數(shù)學(xué)工程 32卷4期 QK 2004.4
陸俊,阮秋琦 協(xié)同工作測度均衡路由研究 2004年全國博士生學(xué)術(shù)論壇 QH 2004.9 成都
周航,阮秋琦 結(jié)合手部特征的單目相干映射手勢識別 蘭州交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 23卷1期 QK 2004.1
周航,阮秋琦 基于膚色CIELab空間的視覺窗口手勢跟蹤 蘭州交通大學(xué)學(xué)報 23卷1期 QK 2004.1
李毅,阮秋琦 基于邊緣變形檢測圖像匹配研究 通信學(xué)報,QK
施云惠,阮秋琦 continouse wavelet transforms ICSP2004 ISBN 0-7803-8406-7 GH 2004.9 北京
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦,利用幻方變換的信息隱藏算法,“信息與智能系統(tǒng)”,北方交通大學(xué)出版社,ISBN 7-81082-004-4,P226-232,2001。9。14
李夢冬,阮秋琦,利用變形模板提取人臉圖像眼睛特征,“信息與智能系統(tǒng)”,北方交通大學(xué)出版社,ISBN 7-81082-004-4,P226-232,2001。9。14
李夢冬,阮秋琦,交互式三維臉部網(wǎng)格模型調(diào)整算法,信號與信息處理第五屆學(xué)術(shù)年會論文,電子工業(yè)出版社, ISBN7-900080-22-8/TP20.,2001。
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦,基于Arnold變換和塊匹配的灰度水印嵌入算法,鐵道學(xué)報,第23卷,增刊,2001年 10月,P27—32。
重建濾波在圖像簡化中的應(yīng)用,信號處理,第十七卷,增刊,ISSN 1003-0530,P370- 374,2001
倪蓉蓉,阮秋琦,一種新的數(shù)字水印算法的研究,信號處理,第十七卷,增刊,ISSN 1003-0530,P362-366,2001
利用變形模板提取人臉的完整特征,信號處理,第十七卷,增刊,ISSN 1003-0530,P387-391,2001
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22.北京市精品教材“數(shù)字圖像處理學(xué)”, 2005,北京;
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1、 國務(wù)院學(xué)位委員會學(xué)科評議組成員
2、 IET Fellow
3、 IET 北京分會主席(2012-至今)
4、 IEEE 北京分會教育委員會主席,辦公室主任(2012-至今);
5、 IEEE 北京分會主席(2011-2012)
6、 IEEE 高級會員
7、 中國通信學(xué)會會士
8、 中國電子學(xué)會會士
9、 中國電子學(xué)會國際交流委員會委員
10、 中國鐵道學(xué)會高級會員
11、 中國圖像圖形學(xué)會常務(wù)理事
12、 北京圖像圖形學(xué)學(xué)會副理事長
13、 中國通電子學(xué)會理事
14、 中國圖像圖形學(xué)學(xué)會鐵道專業(yè)委員會主任委員
15、 中國通信學(xué)會通信理論與信號處理委員會副主任委員
16、 北京電子學(xué)會研究生教育委員會主任
17、 中國科學(xué)基金研究會會員
18、 北京市高級專業(yè)技術(shù)職務(wù)評審委員
19、 北京技術(shù)預(yù)見行動計劃(信息技術(shù)領(lǐng)域)專家組成員
20、 北京軍區(qū)軍地共育新型軍事人才協(xié)作區(qū)高級專家;
21、 國家自然科學(xué)基金評審專家;
22、 國家留學(xué)基金委員會評審專家;
23、 科技部科技項目評審專家;
24、 信號處理雜志副主編
25、 中國圖像圖形學(xué)報編委會委員,
26、 數(shù)據(jù)采集與處理學(xué)報編委會委員
27、 智能系統(tǒng)學(xué)報編委會委員
28、 鐵道學(xué)報編委會委員
29、 中國鐵道學(xué)會高級會員、中國鐵道學(xué)會、中國計算機(jī)用戶學(xué)會,中國國家自然科學(xué)基金研究會會員,
30、 清華大學(xué)、山東大學(xué)、華東交通大學(xué)、武漢理工大學(xué)兼職教授。
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