網站介紹 關于我們 聯(lián)系方式 廣告業(yè)務 幫助信息
1998-2022 ChinaKaoyan.com Network Studio. All Rights Reserved. 滬ICP備12018245號
分類:導師信息 來源:北京交通大學計算機與信息技術學院 2020-04-10 相關院校:北京交通大學
辦公電話:電子郵件: fengyang@bjtu.edu.cn
博士(2008.1– 2011.1): 圖像與智能信息系統(tǒng)
碩士(2005.9 – 2007.12): 通信與信息系統(tǒng)
本科(2001.9-2005.7) 通信工程
博士招生:歡迎報考博士研究生及直博研究生,其中博士階段為公派中法聯(lián)合培養(yǎng)(法國INSA Lyon 2年,北交1-2年)
聯(lián)合培養(yǎng)導師:YueMin Zhu,法國健康研究中心(CNRS)終身教授,北交兼職教授及博導(https://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/users/zhu)
Marc Robini, 法國里昂國立應用科學院(INSA Lyon)特級副教授 (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marc_Robini)
Benyebka Bou-Said, 法國里昂國立應用科學院(INSA Lyon)教授兼INSA-BJTU雙學位項目負責人
工作單位:北京交通大學計算機與信息技術學院計算機科學與技術系;法國里昂國立應用科學院(INSA Lyon)invited researcher
特邀訪問學者(2016.8.02-2017.02): 美國約翰霍普金斯特邀訪問學者
工作單位:北京交通大學計算機與信息技術學院;法國里昂國立應用科學院(INSA Lyon)invited researcher
博士后(2011.3– 2012.3): 圖像與智能信息系統(tǒng)
研究興趣: 基于機器學習的智能圖像處理,主要關注如何利用機器學習尤其是深度學習,結合圖像處理算法,進行疾病預測及分類。
中法蔡元培國際合作項目: 基于深度學習的肥厚型心肌病智能預測, 2016.8 -2018.12, 中方主持人
Dongdong Yu1, Feng Yang1*, Caiyun Yang, Chengcai Leng, Jian Cao, Yining Wang, and Jie Tian*, Fast Rotation-Free Feature Based Image Registration Using Improved N-SIFT and GMM Based Parallel Optimization,IEEE Trans on Biomed Eng, accepted 30 July, 2015。
Wei Shen, Mu Zhou, Feng Yang*, Dongdong Yu, Di Dong, Caiyun Yang, Yali Zang, Jie Tian, Multi-crop Convolutional Neural Networks for Lung Nodule Malignancy Suspiciousness Classification, Pattern Recognition, accepted May 26, 2016.
Marc Robini, Matthew Ozon ; Carole Frindel ; Feng Yang, Yuemin Zhu, Global diffusion tractography by simulated annealing, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, accepted May 19, 2016.
Feng YANG*, Yue-Min ZHU, Jian-Hua LUO, Marc ROBINI, Jie LIU, Pierre CROISILLE. A Comparative Study of Different Level Interpolations for Improving Spatial Resolution in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (retitled from IEEE Transactions on Information and Technology in Biomedicine), 18(4):1317-1327, 2014.
Feng YANG*, Yue-Min ZHU, Isabelle E. MAGNIN, Pierre CROISILLE, Peter B. KINGSLEY, Feature-Based Interpolation of Diffusion Tensor Fields and Application to Human Cardiac DT-MRI, Medical Imaging Analysis, 16(2): 459-481, 2012.
Feng YANG*, Yue-Min ZHU, Stanislas Rapacchi, Jian-Hua Luo, Marc Robini, Pierre Croisille. Interpolation of Vector Fields from Human Cardiac DT-MRI, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56: 1415-1430. 2011.
Fei Yang, Feng YANG*, Xiuli Li, Jie Tian*, Ray Feature Analysis for Volume Rendering, Media application Tools, accepted, in press, 2014.
Wei Shen, Mu Zhou, Feng Yang *, Caiyun Yang, and Jie Tian. Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Networks for Lung Nodule Classication, In: Inf Process Med Imaging, 24: 588-99, 2015.
Hongjiang Wei, Magalie Viallon, Kevin Moulin, Feng Yang, Benedicte MA. Delattre, Pierre Croisille, Yuemin Zhu*. Free-Breathing Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Tractography of the Human Heart in Healthy Volunteers Using Wavelet-Based Image Fusion. IEEE Trans Medical Imaging, DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2014.2356792, 2014.
Hongying Li, Marc C. Robini, Feng Yang, Pierre Croisille, Isabelle Magnin, and Yuemin Zhu, Cardiac Fiber Unfolding by Semidefinite Programming, IEEE Trans BioMed Eng, accepted 19 Sept, 2014.
Jiangdian Song, Caiyun Yang, Li Fan, Kun Wang, Feng Yang, Shiyuan Liu, Jie Tian*. Lung lesion extraction using a toboggan based growing automatic segmentation approach. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging., DOI 10.1109/TMI.2015.2474119, 2015.
Wei Mu, Zhe Chen, Wei Shen, Feng Yang, Ying Liang, Ruwei Dai, Ning Wu* and Jie Tian*, A Segmentation Algorithm for Quantitative Analysis of Heterogeneous Tumors of the Cervix with 18F-FDG PETCT, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62(10):2465-79, 2015。
Wei Mu, Zhe Chen, Ying Liang, Wei Shen, Feng Yang, Ruwei Dai, Ning Wu*, and Jie Tian*, Staging of cervical carcinoma based on Tumor heterogeneity characterized by texture features on 18F-FDG PET Images, Physics in Medicine & Biology, accepted May 2015.
Feng YANG*, Yue-Min ZHU, Maria A. ZULUAGA, and Pierre CROISILLE. Influence of Post Diffusion Tensor Image Processing on FA Measure of Myocardial Infarction in Porcine Model. ISMRM 2014, 14 May 2014, Milan, Italie.
Lihui Wang, Yuemin Zhu, Feng YANG, Simulation of Dynamic DTI of 3D Cardiac Fiber Structions, ISBI 2014, 28 Avril 2014, Beijing, China.
Hongying LI, Yue-Min ZHU, Feng YANG, Marc ROBINI. A Neighborhood-Based Probabilistic Approach for Fiber Tracking in Human Cardiac DTI. ISBI 2012, pp. 9-13, May 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
Feng YANG*, Yue-Min ZHU, Marc ROBINI,Pierre CROISILLE. DT-MRI Interpolation: at what level?, In: International conference on signal processing (ICSP 2012), Beijing, China, October 2012, pp. 737-740.
Feng YANG*, Xin SONG, Stanislas Rapacchi, Laurent Fanton, Pierre CROISILLE, Yue-Min ZHU, Noise-Reduced TPS Interpolation of Primary Vector Fields for Fiber Tracking in Human Cardiac DT-MRI, The 5th international conference FIMH in Nice France, June 2009, springer LNCS, pp:78-85.
Feng YANG*, Yue-Min ZHU, Xin SONG, Stanislas RAPACCHI, Pierre CROISILLE, Marc ROBINI, Interpolation avec réduction du bruit du champ de vecteurs 3D en IRM cardiaque du tenseur de diffusion, the 22nd image and signal conference GRETSI in Dijon France, September 2009.
Feng YANG*, Yue-Min ZHU, Xin SONG, Jian-Hua LUO, Patrick CLARYSSE. Interpolation of Human Cardiac DT-MRI Data Using Polar Coordinates, In: International conference on signal processing (ICSP 2010), Beijing, China, October 2010, pp: 678 – 681.
Tao WU, Ling XIA, Feng YANG, Registration of cardiac diffusion tensor images using B-Spline free-form deformation, In: 5th international congress on image and signal processing (ICIP’12), Florida USA, September 2012.
Xin SONG, Yue-Min ZHU, Feng YANG, Jian-Hua LUO, Analysis of myocardial fiber structure using DTI. In the second international conference on future computer and communication, Shanghai, September 2010, pp: 109-112.
Xin SONG, Yue-Min ZHU, Feng YANG, Quantitative Study of Fiber Tracking Results in Human Cardiac DTI, IEEE ICSP'10, Beijing, China, October 2010, pp. 724-727.
申請?zhí)?: 2013107503897
發(fā)明名稱 : 基于自動多閾值的多層著色體繪制方法
主分類號: G06T 15/08
發(fā)明人名稱: 田捷, 楊飛, 李秀麗, 楊鳳, 楊彩云
公告號:CN 103646418
本領域頂級國際SCI期刊Medical Image Analysis評委;IEEE Trans on Biomedical Engineering、 IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,Journal of Medical Imaging等SCI雜志評委;
IEEE ICSP 程序委員會成員;
IEEE ICSP Sepcial Session主席
IEEE ISBI 14 chanllenge組織者之一
法國INSA Lyon特邀訪問學者
網站介紹 關于我們 聯(lián)系方式 廣告業(yè)務 幫助信息
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