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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網(wǎng) 2014-05-17 相關院校:中國海洋大學
傅 剛(Fu Gang),男,1963年1月出生,1984年畢業(yè)于山東海洋學院海洋氣象專業(yè),1987年獲得碩士學位后留校工作,1993年被破格提升為副教授,1995年被公派到日本東京大學攻讀博士學位。1997年獲得青島海洋大學理學博士學位,1999年獲得日本東京大學理學博士學位,現(xiàn)在是中國海洋大學海洋環(huán)境學院副院長、教授、博士生導師, 是中國海洋大學海洋環(huán)境學院主管研究生和外事副院長。擔任“教育部高等學校大氣科學類教學指導分委員會委員”、“教育部高等學校高職高專環(huán)保與氣象類專業(yè)教學指導委員會委員”(教育部任命,2006至2010 年)、教育部本科教學水平評估專家等, 山東省氣象學會副理事長。
一、 社會兼職
兼任中國氣象學會第26 屆氣象教育與培訓委員會委員、大氣物理學委員會委員、熱帶與海洋氣象學委員會委員、氣象教育與培訓委員會委員、中國海洋學會海氣相互作用專業(yè)委員會委員。 中國科學院大氣物理研究所LAPC開放實驗室特聘教授,中國氣象科學研究院特聘教授,中國氣象局上海臺風研究所和天津市氣象臺客座研究員,解放軍理工大學氣象學院特聘教授,《山東氣象》雜志副主編,中國海洋大學學報(自然版)編委,并被Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan,Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,《中國科學》,《科學通報》等學術期刊聘為審稿人。先后應邀到美國NCAR、夏威夷大學、日本東京大學、文部科學省的全球變化研究所、筑波大學;韓國首爾(漢城)國立大學;中國科學院大氣物理研究所、臺灣大學、南京大學、中國氣象科學研究院等多家學術單位作過學術報告,參加過多次國際學術會議并擔任2次分會主席。
近期主要從事以下三個領域:(一)日本海極地低壓,(二)海霧,(三)強對流降水的研究。在包括 Monthly Weather Review,Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,Atmospheric Research 等國際一流大氣與海洋科學學術刊物上發(fā)表文章50篇,2001年出版英文專著一部Polar Lows: Intense Cyclones in Winter。這些研究成果對于豐富海洋氣象學的研究內(nèi)容,提高對災害性天氣系統(tǒng)的認識水平做出了一定貢獻。1999年獲國家教育部科技進步三等獎;有關極地低壓的研究成果獲得山東省教育廳優(yōu)秀科研成果一等獎(2002年,第一完成人);2002年獲得過山東省優(yōu)秀博士學位論文榮譽稱號,并獲得過全國優(yōu)秀青年氣象科技工作者榮譽稱號。2006年獲得全國優(yōu)秀氣象科技工作者榮譽稱號。 2001年1月出版的英文專著Polar Lows: Intense Cyclones in Winter比丹麥哥本哈根大學教授Erik A. Rasmussen 和英國學者John Turner合著的專著Polar Lows Mesoscale Weather Systems in the Polar Regions要早兩年多(2003年4月)。在東京大學的博士論文受到了國際海洋氣象學界權威,東京大學山岬正紀等教授的好評,稱之為“従來の研究を大きく発展させ、多くの重要な知見を得た優(yōu)れた研究である”(將以往的研究成果大大發(fā)展,得到了許多重要的知見的優(yōu)秀研究)。 已經(jīng)完成國家自然科學基金兩項(基金號分別為40275033和40240420564), 目前主持國家自然科學基金,國家科技部“863”項目以及中國氣象局行業(yè)專項各一項。
(1). 主講博士和碩士研究生學位課《大氣動力學》(4屆),選修課《渦旋動力學》(2屆)
(2). 主講本科生專業(yè)課《動力氣象學》(6屆),《大氣科學導論》(2屆)
(3). 指導畢業(yè)研究生
宋亞娟(碩士研究生), 《北太平洋海霧發(fā)生頻率的氣候?qū)W特征》
荊俊山(碩士研究生), 《生產(chǎn)車間內(nèi)納米二氧化鈦粉塵擴散的數(shù)值模擬研究》
郝 燕(碩士研究生),《2004年11月南大洋上一氣旋對的觀測分析與數(shù)值模擬研究》
李青青 (碩士研究生),《西北太平洋與北印度洋熱帶氣旋的觀測與數(shù)值模擬研究及其生成的統(tǒng)計分析》
畢 瑋 (碩士研究生) 《近6年北太平洋風暴軸空間結構和時間演變特征研究》
王菁茜(碩士研究生) 《對2005年春季黃渤海一次海霧的觀測分析與數(shù)值模擬研究》
Fu Gang , 2001: Polar Lows: Intense Cyclones in Winter, China Meteorological Press, China, Beijing. ISBN: 7-5029-3057-4/P.1064 (PP218).
1. Zuo Zhongdao, Yanli Jia, Gang Fu, and Xilong Song, 1987: The Wind Field in Tropical Easterly Disturbance. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 6(3), 366-372.
2. Fu Gang, and Zhongdao Zuo, 1989: The Non-linear Interaction between the Meridional Disturbance and the Zonal Disturbance in the Tropical East Wind Field. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao. 19(4I), 21-34 (in Chinese with English abstract).
3. Zhou Faxiu, Gang Fu, and Shenyu Yu, 1992: The 10-20 Day SST Oscillation of the Southern Coast of Shandong Peninsula in Winter. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica. 23(5), 468-474 (in Chinese with English abstract).
4. Gregory Zhikharev, Gang Fu, and Zhongdao Zuo, 1993: On the Effect of a Localized Condensational Heating upon the Stability of Atmospheric Equatorial Waves, Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao. 23(1), 13-22.
5. Fu Gang, and Faxiu Zhou, 1993: On the Variational calculation of Typhoon Wind Field in the Bohai Sea. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology. 2, 7-16 (in Chinese with English abstract).
6. Fu Gang, Faxiu Zhou and Baozhen Zhu, 1993: Study of Formation and Maintenance Mechanism of the West Pacific Warm Pool. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao (Special Issue on TOGA-COARE), 23, 51-62 (in Chinese with English abstract).
7. Fu Gang, Faxiu Zhou, and Dengjun Chen, 1994: On the Characteristics of Three-Dimensional Dynamics of the Nonlinear Ekman Boundary Layer. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology. 2,141-148 (in Chinese with English abstract).
8. Fu Gang, Faxiu Zhou, and Jing Lin, 1994: On the Effect of Large Scale SSTA upon the Tropical Atmospheric Kelvin Wave. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnolog,.2, 167-173 (in Chinese with English abstract).
9. Fu Gang, Faxiu Zhou, Shenyu Yu, and Dongxiao Wang, 1994: On the Mechanism of SST Low Frequency Oscillation of the South China Sea. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao. 24(4), 456-462 (in Chinese with English abstract).
10. Zhou Faxiu, Shenyu Yu, Gang Fu, and Wang Dongxiao, 1994: The Interannual Oscillation of Sea Surface Temperature in the South China Sea. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Air-Sea Interaction and Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Region. Lisben, September 12-14, P5-6.
11. Yu Shenyu, Faxiu Zhou, Gang Fu, and Dongxiao Wang, 1994: Basic Features of the SST Low Frequency Oscillation in the South China Sea. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica. 25(5), 546-551 (Chinese with English abstract).
12. Wang Dongxiao, Faxiu Zhou, Gang Fu, and Zenghao Qin, 1996: Numerical Study on the Interannual Oscillation of Sea Surface Temperature in the South China Sea. Chinese J. Oceanol. & Limnol., 14(1), 61-67.
13. Fu Gang, H. Niino, and R. Kimura, 1997: A case study of a polar low over the Japan Sea. Proceedings of the Autumn Conference of the Japan Meteorology Agency at 1997. Sapporo (Japan), October 7-9, 363
14. Fu Gang, Qinyu Liu, H. Niino, R. Kimura, and Zengmao Wu, 1998: A Case Study of Polar Low over the Japan Sea ----- Part One: The analyzed results. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica. 36(2), 111-124.
15. Fu Gang, Qinyu Liu, H. Niino, R. Kimura, and Zengmao Wu, 1998: A Case Study of Polar Low over the Japan Sea ----- Part Two: The numerical simulation. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica. 37(1), 61-75.
16. Fu Gang, H. Niino, R. Kimura, and Y. Takeuchi, 1998: Development of multiple meso-scale cyclones over the Japan Sea. Proceedings of the Spring Conference of the Japan Meteorology Agency at 1998. Tokyo, May 27-29, 230.
17. Fu Gang, H. Niino, R. Kimura, and Y. Takeuchi, 1998: Polar low development over the Japan Sea: A case study on 21 January 1997. Proceedings of the Spring Conference of the Japan Meteorology Agency at 1998.Tokyo, May 27-29. 313.
18. Fu Gang, and Faxiu Zhou, 1998: Recent Advances on Study of Polar Lows. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao. 29(1), 21-28.
19. Fu Gang, and R. Kimura, 1998: On Study of Formation of the West Pacific Warm Pool and Its Effect upon the Atmospheric Disturbance in a Simple Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model ----- Part I. The establishment of a simple coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao. 28(3), 353-362.
20. Fu Gang, and R. Kimura, 1998: On Study of Formation of the West Pacific Warm Pool and Its Effect upon the Atmospheric Disturbance in a Simple Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model ----- Part II. The simulations of the West Pacific Warm Pool formation and its effect upon the atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao.28(4), 522-530.
21. Fu Gang, Qinyu Liu, and Zengmao Wu, 1999: General Features of Polar Lows over the Japan Sea and the Northwestern Pacific. Chinese J. Oceanol. & Limnol..17(4), 300-307.
22. Fu Gang, Niino Hiroshi, Kimura Ryuji, and Kato Teroyuki, 1999: Simulation of a polar low over the Japan Sea. Journal of Visualization. 2(1), 7.
23. Fu Gang, 2000: Polar low development over the Japan Sea. Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate and Environmental Variability and Predictability (CEVP). Shanghai, August 7-11, 2000, 104-106.
24. Fu Gang, Faxiu, Zhou and Tao Zhang, 2001: The Characteristics of Sea Fog over the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, Dynamics of Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulations and Climate. China Meteorological Press, Beijing, 447-460.
25. Fu Gang, and Toshio Yamagata, 2004: Structure of a pair of anticyclonic vortices in northern part of the South China Sea in autumn of 1994. Acta Oceanologica Sinica (English Edition). 21(2), 203-216.
26. Fu Gang, Li Li, and Qinyu Liu, 2002: Recent Advances in Study of Oceanic Vortex . Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao (English Edition). 1(1), 13-18.
27. Fu Gang, Meigen Zhang, Yihong Duan, Tao Zhang, and Jingqian Wang, 2004: Characteristics of Sea Fog over the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, Kaiyo Monthly(Spe. Issue), 38, 99-108.
28. Fu Gang, Hiroshi Niino, Ryuji Kimura, and Teroyuki Kato, 2004: Multiple Polar Mesocyclones over the Japan Sea on 11 February 1997, Monthly Weather Review. 132(3), 793-814.
29. Fu Gang, Jingtian Guo, and Meigen Zhang, 2004: High-Resolution Simulation and Analysis of the Mature Structure of a Polar Low over the Sea of Japan on 21 January 1997, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 21(4), 597-608.
30. Fu Gang, Hiroshi Niino, Ryuji Kimura, and Teroyuki Kato, 2004: A Polar Low over the Japan Sea on 21 January 1997---Part I. Observational analysis, Monthly Weather Review. 132(7), 1537-1551.
31. Yanase Wataru, Gang Fu, Hiroshi Niino, and Teroyuki Kato, 2004: A Polar Low over the Japan Sea on 21 January 1997---Part II. Numerical simulations, Monthly Weather Review. 132(7), 1552-1574.
32. Fu Gang, Yihong Duan, Xudong Liang, and Shang-Ping Xie, 2004: Observations of a Heavy Rainfall Event in Shanghai on 5 August 2001, Journal of Meteorology Society of Japan, 82(6), 1793-1803.
33. Fu Gang, Jingqian Wang, Meigen Zhang, Jingtian Guo, Mingke Guo, and Kecai Guo, 2004: An Observational and Numerical Study of a Sea Fog Event over the Yellow Sea on 11 April 2004. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao. 34(5), 720-726 (in Chinese with English abstract).
34. Zhang Min, and Gang Fu, 2004: An Analysis of Very Hot Weather in Shandong. Shandong Meteorology. 24, 10-12 (in Chinese).
35. Yan Mei, Jingtian Guo, Gang Fu, and Xiaohui, Zhang, 2004: A Formation Cause Analysis of Two Extremely High Temperature Processes in Qingdao. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology. 2,10-15 (in Chinese with English abstract).
36. Guo Jingtian, and Gang Fu, 2005: An Observational Study of a Polar Low over the Japan Sea on December 19, 2003. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao. 35(1), 1-8 (in Chinese with English abstract).
37. Bi Wei, Gang Fu, Yuqiang Yang, Jingtian Guo, and Rui Shi, 2005: Structure and Frontogenesis of a Cold Front over the Northwestern Pacific during the period 3 to 4 January, 2003. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao, 35(4), 527-533 (in Chinese with English abstract).
38.Gong Dianli, Zengmao Wu, and Gang Fu, 2005: Analysis of the Mesoscale Characteristics about a Severe Thunderstorm in North China, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 29(3), 453-464 (in Chinese with English abstract) .
39. Gong Dianli, Zengmao Wu, and Gang Fu, 2005: Numerical Study of a Severe Mesoscale Convective System in the North China on 23 August 2001. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 63(4), 504-515 (in Chinese with English abstract).
40. Li Qingqing, Gang Fu, Jingtian Guo, Yuqiang Yang, and Yihong Duan, 2005: An Observational Study of Typhoon Imbudo in 2003. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao. 4(4), 391-397.
41. Fu Gang, Jingtian Guo, Shang-Ping Xie, Yihong Duan, and Meigen Zhang, 2006: Analysis and High-Resolution Modeling of a Dense Sea Fog Event over the Yellow Sea. Atmospheric Research, 81, 292-303.
42. Guo Jingtian, Gang Fu, Ziliang Li,Limin Shao,Yihong Duan, and Wang Jianguo, 2007: Analyses and Numerical Modeling of a Polar Low over the Japan Sea on 19 December 2003. Atmospheric Research. 85, 395-412.
43. Li Qingqing, Yihong Duan, Hui Yu and Gang Fu, 2008: A High-Resolution Simulation of Typhoon Rananim (2004) with MM5. Part I: Model Verification, Inner-Core Shear, and Asymmetric Convection. Monthly Weather Review, 136, 2488-2506.
44. Fu Gang, Jingtian Guo, Angeline Pendergrass, and Pengyuan Li, 2008: An Analysis and Modeling Study of a Sea Fog Event over the Yellow and Bohai Seas, J. Ocean. Univ. Chin., 7(1), 27-34.
45. 傅 剛,宋亞娟,郭敬天,李鵬遠,2008:對2005年12月4日日本海極地低壓的個例分析,中國海洋大學學報,38(3), 352-358.
46. 荊俊山, 傅 剛, 陳 棟, 2008:北京市大氣懸浮顆粒物TSP和PM10的季節(jié)變化特征, 中國海洋大學學報,38(4), 539-541.
47.Wang Guanlan, Philip Hopke, and Gang Fu, 2009:Identification of Major Sources of PM2.5 in St. Louis Missouri USA,J. Ocean Univ. China,8,101-110.
48. Fu, Gang, Wei Bi, and Jingtian Guo, 2009: Three-Dimensional Structure and Low-Level Features of the North Pacific Storm Track from 1999 to 2005, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 23, 276-289.
49 Gao Shanhong, Wei Wu, Leilei Zhu, Gang Fu, and Bin Huang, 2009, Detection of nighttime sea fog/stratus over the Huang-hai Sea using MTSAT-1R IR data Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 28, 23-35.
50. 傅 剛, 畢 瑋, 郭敬天, 2009: 北太平洋風暴軸的三維空間結構, 氣象學報,67(2), 189-200.
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