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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-02-04 相關院校:四川大學
姓名:鮑錦庫 性別:男
職稱:教授 學院:生命科學學院
1991.09 –1994.07:四川大生物系生物化學專業(yè),理學碩士
2000.09 –2003.12:四川大學生命科學學院,理學博士
1994.09 –1995.09:
2006.07 –至今:
1、寡糖鏈、氨基酸側鏈基團與黃精凝集素生物學活性研究(批準號:39770178),1998 -2000,項目負責人
6、凝集素誘導腫瘤細胞程序性死亡的分子機制(批準號:81173093),2012-2015, 項目負責人
7、十八屆國際凝集素會議18th International Lectin Meeting, July, 1999, U.K),英國,項目負責人
8、第十九屆國際凝集素會議(19th International Lectin Meeting, March, 2001, Brazil), 巴西,項目負責人
9、第二十屆國際凝集素會議(20th International Lectin Meeting, May,2002,Denmark), 丹麥,項目負責人
10、第二十一屆國際凝集素會議(21th International Lectin Meeting, May, 2004, Japan),日本,項目負責人
2、四川大學科技創(chuàng)新基金:我國傳統(tǒng)中草藥中具抗病毒活性的甘露糖結合蛋白的基因克隆與表達研究, 2004-2006,項目負責人
4、四川省科技攻關項目:傳統(tǒng)中草藥中抗病毒抗腫瘤蛋白的分離、基因克隆表達及活性研究 (批準號:2006Z08-010),2006-2008,
Li WW, Li J, Bao JK*. Microautophagy: lesser-known self-eating. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2011. Doi:
10.1007/s00018-011-0865-5 (IF=7.047)
Wang Y, Wang H, Liu Y, Li C, Qi P, Bao J*. Antihyperglycemic Effect of Ginsenoside Rh2 by Inducing Islet β-cell
Regeneration in Mice. Hormone and Metabolic Research. 2012. 44(1):33-40. (IF=2.414)
Xu HL, Li CY, He XM, Niu KQ, Peng H, Li WW, Zhou CC, Bao JK*. Molecular Modeling, Docking and Dynamic Simulation of GNA-related Lectins for Potential Prevention in Influenza Virus (H1N1). Journal of Molecular Modeling. 2012, 18(1):27-37. (IF 1.871)
Wang Y, Liu YD, Wang HL, Li CY, Qi P, Bao JK*. Agaricus bisporus lectins mediates islet β-cell proliferation through regulation of cell cycle proteins. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2012, DOI: 10.1258 /ebm.2011.011251. (IF 2.954)
Liu JJ, Lin M, Yu JY, Liu B*, Bao JK*. Targeting apoptotic and autophagic pathways for cancer therapeutics. Cancer Letters. 2011. 300(2):105-114. (IF: 4.864) 總引次數 16 次,他引次數 12 次。
Wang SY, Yu QJ, Bao JK*, Liu B. Polygonatum cyrtonema lectin, a potential antineoplastic drug targeting programmed cell death pathways. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2011. 406(4):497-500. (IF: 2.595) 總引次數 4 次,他引次數 2 次。
Li WW, Yu JY, Xu HL, Bao JK*. Concanavalin A: a potential anti-neoplastic agent targeting apoptosis, autophagy and anti-angiogenesis for cancer therapeutics. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2011. 414(2):282-286. (IF: 2.595)
Li CY, Luo P, Liu JJ, Wang EQ, Li WW, Ding ZH, Mou L, Bao JK*. Recombinant expression of Polygonatum cyrtonema lectin with anti-viral, apoptosis-inducing activities and preliminary crystallization. Process Biochemistry. 2011. 46(2): 533-542. (IF: 2.648) 總引次數 2 次,他引次數 1 次。
Li CY, Wang EQ, Cheng Y, Bao JK*. Oridonin: An active diterpenoid targeting cell cycle arrest, apoptotic and autophagic pathways for cancer theraputics. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2011. 43(5):701-704. (IF: 4.956) 總引次數 4 次,他引次數 3 次。
Fu LL, Zhou CC, Yao S, Yu JY, Liu B, Bao JK*. Plant lectins: targeting programmed cell death pathways as antitumor agents. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2011. 43(10):1442-1449. (IF: 4.956) 總引次數 1 次,他引次數 1 次。
Yang Y, Xu HL, Zhang ZT, Liu JJ, Li WW, Ming H, Bao JK*. Characterization, molecular cloning, and in silico analysis of a novel mannose-binding lectin from Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) with anti-HSV-II and apoptosis-inducing activities. Phytomedicine. 2011, 18(8-9):748-755. (IF 2.662)
He XM, Ji N, Xiang XC, Luo P, Bao JK. Purification, characterization, and molecular cloning of a novel antifungal lectin from the roots of Ophioglossum pedunculosum. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2011. 165(7-8):1458-1472. (IF 1.879)
Yu QJ, Li ZY, Yao S, Ming M, Wang SY, Liu B, Bao JK. In silico analysis of molecular mechanisms of Galanthus nivalis agglutinin-related lectin-induced cancer cell death from carbohydrate-binding motif evolution hypothesis. Applied
Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2011. 165(3-4):1037-1046. (IF 1.879)
Zhang F, Li CY, Wang EQ, Li WW, Yu QJ, Wen X, Liu JJ, Bao JK*. The Global Component-Target Network in Panax Ginseng C. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, 8, 181-188. (IF 0.668)
Liu B, Wu JM, Li J, Liu JJ, Li WW, Li CY, Xu HL, Bao JK*. Polygonatum cyrtonema lectin induces murine fibrosarcoma L929 cell apoptosis and autophagy via blocking Ras-Raf and PI3K-Akt signaling pathways. Biochimie. 2010. 92(12):1934-1938. (IF 4.864) 總引次數7次,他引次數1次。
Liu B, Bian HJ, Bao JK*. Plant lectins: Potential antineoplastic drugs from bench to clinic. Cancer Letters. 2010. 287(1):1-12. (IF 4.864) 總引用次數32,他引次數20次。
Yao Q, Wu CF, Luo P, Xiang XC, Liu JJ, Mou L, Bao JK*. A new chitin-binding lectin from rhizome of Setcreasea purpurea with antifungal, antiviral and apoptosis-inducing activities. Process Biochemistry. 2010. 45(9): 1477-1485. (IF: 2.648) 總引次數 4 次,他引次數 2 次。
Zhang ZT, Peng H, Li CY, Liu JJ, Zhou TT, Yan YF, Li Y, Bao JK*. Polygonatum cyrtonema lectin induces murine fibrosarcoma L929 cell apoptosis via a caspase-dependent pathway as compared to Ophiopogon japonicus lectin. Phytomedicine. 2010. 18(1):25-31. (IF 2.662) 總引次數 5 次,他引次數 1 次。
Li CY, Xu HL, Liu B, Bao JK*. Concanavalin A, from an old protein to novel candidate antineoplastic drug. Current Molecular Pharmacology. 2010. 3(3):123-128. EI文章 總引次數 6 次,他引次數 1 次。
Liu B, Cheng Y, Liu Q, Bao JK, Yang JM. Autophagic pathways as new targets for cancer drug development. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2010. 31(9):1154-64. (IF 1.909) 總引次數 12 次,他引次數 4 次。
Ding J, Bao J, Zhu D, Zhang Y, Wang DC. Crystal structures of a novel anti-HIV mannose-binding lectin from Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua with unique ligand-binding property and super-structure. Journal of Structural Biology. 2010. 171(3):309-
17. (IF 3.497) 總引次數 4 次,他引次數 1 次。
Liu B, Min MW, Bao JK*. Induction of apoptosis by Concanavalin A and its molecular mechanisms in cancer cells. Autophagy, 2009. 5(3): 432-433. (IF 6.643) 總引次數 19 次,他引次數 6 次。
Liu B, Cheng Y, Bian HJ, Bao JK*. Molecular mechanisms of Polygonatum cyrtonema lectin-induced apoptosis and autophagy in cancer cells. Autophagy. 2009. 5(2):253-255. (IF 6.643) 總引次數 26 次,他引次數 11 次。
Liu B, Cheng Y, Zhang B, Bian HJ, Bao JK*. Polygonatum cyrtonema lectin induces apoptosis and autophagy in human melanoma A375 cells through a mitochondria-mediated ROS-p38-p53 pathway. Cancer Letters. 2009. 275(1):54-60. (IF 4.864) 總引次數 45 次,他引次數 25 次。
Liu B, Li CY, Bian HJ, Min MW, Chen LF, Bao JK*. Antiproliferative activity and apoptosis-inducing mechanism of Concanavalin A on human melanoma A375 cells. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2009. 482(1-2):1-6 (IF 3.022) 總引次數 24 次,他引次數 11 次。
Liu B, Zhang B, Min MW, Bian HJ, Chen LF, Liu Q, Bao JK*. Induction of apoptosis by Polygonatum odoratum lectin and its molecular mechanisms in murine fibrosarcoma L929 cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects. 2009. 1790(8):840-844. ( IF 4.663) 總引次數 19 次,他引次數 6 次。
Peng H, Lv H, Wang Y, Liu YH, Li CY, Meng L, Chen F, Bao JK*. Clematis montana lectin, a novel mannose-binding lectin from traditional Chinese medicine with antiviral and apoptosis-inducing activities. Peptides. 2009. 30(10):1805-1815. (IF 2.654) 總引次數 12 次,他引次數 9 次。
Lv H, Kong Y, Yao Q, Zhang B, Leng FW, Bian HJ, Balzarini J, Van Damme E, Bao JK*. Nebrodeolysin, a novel hemolytic protein from mushroom Pleurotus nebrodensis with apoptosis-inducing and anti-HIV-1 activities. Phytomedicine. 2009. 16(2-3):198-205. (IF 2.662) 總引用次數7次,他引次數4次。
Chen J, Liu B, Ji N, Zhou J, Bian HJ, Li CY, Chen F, Bao JK*. A novel sialic acid-specific lectin from Phaseolus coccineus seeds with potent antineoplastic and antifungal activities. Phytomedicine. 2009. 16(4):352-360. (IF 2.662) 總引用次數23次,他引次數15次。
Liu B, Peng H, Yao Q, Li J, Van Damme E, Balzarini J, Bao JK*. Bioinformatics analyses of the mannose-binding lectins from Polygonatum cyrtonema, Ophiopogon japonicus and Liparis noversa with antiproliferative and apoptosis-inducing activities. Phytomedicine. 2009. 16(6-7):601-608. (IF 2.662) 總引用次數15次,他引次數3次。
Ye SH, Chen S, Zhang F, Wang W, Tian Q, Liu JZ, Chen F, Bao JK*. Transgenic tobacco expressing Zephyranthes grandiflora agglutinin confers enhanced resistance to aphids. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2009. 158(3):615-30. (IF 1.879) 總引用次數10次,他引次數9次。
Li CY, Wang Y, Peng H, Bian HJ, Min MW, Chen LF, Liu Q, Bao JK*. In silico Analysis of the Potential Infection Mechanisms of Magnaporthe grisea from Horizontal Gene Transfer Hypothesis. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. 2009. 7(3):77-86.
Li CY, Meng L, Liu B, Bao JK*. Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA)-related lectins: Traditional proteins, Burgeoning drugs? Current Chemical Biology. 2009. 3:324-333.
EI 總引次數 9 次,他引次數 1 次。
Zhao Q, Wu CF, Wang WG, Yuan S, Bao JK, Chen F. In vitro plantlet regeneration system from rhizomes and mannose-binding lectin analysis of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 2009. 99(3): 269-275. (IF 1.243)
Liu B, Xu XC, Cheng Y, Huang J, Liu YH, Liu Z, Min MW, Bian HJ, Chen J, Bao JK*. Apoptosis-inducing effect and structural basis of Polygonatum cyrtonema lectin and chemical modification properties on its mannose-binding sites. BMB Reports. 2008. 41(5):369-375. (IF 2.167) 總引用次數24次,他引次數1次。
Liu C, Zhao X, Xu XC, Li LR, Liu YH, Zhong SD, Bao JK*. Hemagglutinating activity and conformation of a lactose-binding lectin from mushroom Agrocybe cylindracea. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2008. 42(2):138-144. (IF 2.502) 總引用次數6次,他引次數4次。
Liu Z, Liu B, Zhang ZT, Zhou TT, Bian HJ, Min MW, Liu YH, Chen J, Bao JK*. A mannose-binding lectin from Sophora flavescens induces apoptosis in HeLa cells. Phytomedicine. 2008. 15(10):867-875. (IF 2.662) 總引用次數31次,他引次數16次。
Tian Q, Wang W, Miao C, Peng H, Liu B, Leng FW, Dai L, Chen F, Bao JK*. Purification, characterization and molecular cloning of a novel mannose-binding lectin from rhizomes of Ophiopogon japonicus with antiviral and antifungal activities. Plant Science. 2008. 175(6): 877-884. (IF 2.481) 總引次數 13 次,他引次數 4 次。
Xu XC, Zhong SD, Kai F, Li LR, Liu C, Liu B, Bao JK*. Preparation and characterization of a novel recombinant human parathyroid hormone (1-34) analog (Gly1-Gln26-rhPTH(1-34)) with enhanced biological activity. Protein & Peptide Letters. 2008. 15(8):854-860. (IF 1.849) 總引次數 0 次,他引次數 0 次。
Ding JJ, Bao JK, Zhu DY, Zhang Y, Wang DC. Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of a Novel Mannose-Binding Lectin with Antiretroviral Properties from Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua. Protein and Peptide Letters. 2008. 15(4):411-414. (IF 1.849) 總引次數 4 次,他引次數 1 次。
Luo YT, Xu XC, Liu JW, Li J, Sun YS, Liu Z, Liu JZ, Van Damme E, Balzarini J, Bao JK*. A novel mannose-binding tuber lectin from Typhonium divaricatum (L.) Decne (family Araceae) with antiviral activity against HSV-II and anti-proliferative effect on human cancer cell lines. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2007. 40(3):358-367. (IF 2.021) 總引用次數23次,他引次數14次。
Liu JW, Xu XC, Liu JZ, Balzarini J, Luo YT, Kong Y, Li J, Chen F, Van Damme E, Bao JK*. A novel tetrameric lectin from Lycoris aurea with four mannose-binding sites permonomer. Acta Biochimica Polonica. 2007. 54(1):159-166. (IF 1.234) 總引用次數6次,他引次數3次
Xu XC, Wu CF, Liu C, Luo YT, Li J, Zhao XP, Damme EV, Bao JK*. Purification and Characterization of a Mannose-Binding Lectin from the Rhizomes of Aspidistra elatior Blume with Antiproliferative Activity. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai). 2007. 39(7): 507-519 (IF 1.547) 總引用次數14次,他引12次
Huai-long Xu, Lei-lei Fu, Yu Yang, Bo Liu, Xu Zhao, Wen-Wen Li, Jin-Ku Bao. Autophagy pathways and drug targets in cancer. In: Autophagy: Principles, Regulation and Roles in Disease. Accepted for Publication. August, 2011. Nova Science Publisher. Hauppauge NY, USA。
鮑錦庫,劉博,《自噬:生物學與疾病》第二十八章:針對自噬的藥物開發(fā)和治療的展望。2011年3月 科學出版社。
An J, Liu JZ, Wu CF, Li J, Dai L, Van Damme E, Balzarini J, De Clercq E, Chen F, Bao JK*. Anti-HIV I/II activity and molecular cloning of a novel mannose/sialic acid-binding lectin from rhizome of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai). 2006. 38(2):70-8. (IF 1.547) 總引用次數26次,他引次數8次。
Wu CF, Li J, An J, Chang LQ, Chen F, Bao JK*. Purification, Biological Activities, and Molecular Cloning of a Novel Mannose-Binding Lectin from Bulbs of Zephyranthes candida Herb (Amaryllidaceae). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2006. 48(2):223-231. (IF 1.603)
Gao S, An J, Wu CF, Gu Y, Chen F, Yu Y, Wu QQ, Bao JK*. Effect of amino acid residue and oligosaccharide chain chemical modifications on spectral and hemagglutinating activity of Millettia dielsiana Harms. ex Diels. Lectin. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai). 2005. 37(1): 47-54. (IF 1.547)
Gong M, An J, Lü HZ, Wu CF, Li YJ, Cheng JQ, Bao JK*. Effects of denaturation and amino acid modification on fluorescence spectrum and hemagglutinating activity of Hericium erinaceum Lectin. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai). 2004. 36(5):343-350 (IF 1.547)
Wu CF, An J, He XJ, Deng J, Hong ZX, Liu Chao, Lu HZ, Li YJ, Wang CJ, Chen F, Bao JK*. Molecular Cloning of a Novel Mannose-binding Lectin Gene from Bulbs of Amaryllis vittata (Amaryllidaceae). Acta Botanica Sinica. 2004. 46(11):1301-1306.
Jiang FB, Du J, Yu XQ, Bao JK, Zeng XC. Metallomicellar catalysis: accelerated hydrolysis of BNPP by copper(II), zinc(II), and nickel(II) complexes of long alkanol-imidazole in CTAB micellar solution. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2004. 273(2):497-504. (IF 3.066)
Cai YF, Zhang H, Zeng Y, Mo JC, Bao JK, Miao C, Bai J, Yan F, Chen F. An optimized gossypol high-performance liquid chromatography assay and its application in evaluation of different gland genotypes of cotton. Journal of Biosciences. 2004. 29(1):67-71. (IF 1.888)
Biological Activity Analysis of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua. Lectin by Site-Directed Mutagenesis, Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology, 2004,16:pp.s1–s32(IF 0.863)
In Vitro Plantlet Regeneration from Rhizome Lumps and Mannose-Binding Lectin Analysis of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua.(Family Liliaceae) ,Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology(TIGG), 2004,16: pp.S 33–S 64(IF 0.863)
Miao C, Gou XP, Lan LQ, Bao JK, Xu Y, Wang SH, Chen F. Molecular cloning and expression of RSSSG58 gene in rice sperm cells. Acta Botanica Sinica. 2003. 45(2):234-241.
Xiang QX, Zhou H, Wang XY, Yu XQ, Bao JK, Xie RG. Interaction between Bifunctional Kioxo Macrocyclic Polyamine Co(II) Complex and DNA in Metallomicellar System. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2002. 13(3):223-226. (IF 0.775)
Bao JK, Zeng ZK. Purification and biological activity of a lectin from Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua. Eur J Cell Biol 1997, 74(Suppl.46): 8. (IF 3.630)
Bao JK, Zhou H, Zeng ZK. Conformation and activity of Millettia dielsianna Harms lectin, Eur J Cell Biol,1997,74(Suppl.46):8(IF 3.630)
1、一種大量獲得黃精凝集素II的方法。專利號:ZL 2004 1 0021659.1
2、黃精凝集素Ⅱ蛋白在制備治療或預防乙型肝炎的藥中的應用。專利號:ZL 2004 1 0022354.2
3、黃精凝集素II蛋白在制備治療或預防單純皰疹病毒所致疾病的藥中的應用。專利號:ZL 2004 1 0022353.8
4、黃精凝集素II蛋白在制備治療或預防艾滋病的藥中的應用。專利號:ZL 2006 1 0005577.7