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分類:導(dǎo)師信息 來源:中國考研網(wǎng) 2015-04-24 相關(guān)院校:中國人民大學(xué)
張順明教授主要從事經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)與金融學(xué)的教學(xué)與研究,在數(shù)理經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)、金融經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)、經(jīng)濟(jì)理論和經(jīng)濟(jì)政策等方面頗有學(xué)術(shù)貢獻(xiàn),在國際專業(yè)期刊權(quán)威雜志發(fā)表論文30多篇,發(fā)表論文的雜志包括Journal of Mathematical Economics (1996), Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (1998), Mathematical Finance (2002), Journal of Global Optimization (2004), International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (2004, 2006, 2011), Economics Letters (2005), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2006), Journal of Development Economics (2007), Economic Theory (2009), European Journal of Operational Research (2010), Applied Mathematics – A Journal of Chinese Universities (2010), Expert Systems with Applications (2011), Applied Economics Letters (2011, 2011), The World Economy (2011), Economic Modelling (2011, 2011), Journal of Banking and Finance (2011), Global Economy Journal (2011), Systems Research and Behavioral Science (2011), China Agricultural Economic Review (2011), Annals of Economics and Finance (2011), Acta Mathematica Scientia (2011)等。在國內(nèi)重要學(xué)術(shù)期刊雜志發(fā)表論文10多篇,發(fā)表論文的雜志包括《中國管理科學(xué)》(2008)、《經(jīng)濟(jì)研究》(2009, 2010)、《經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)季刊》(2009)、《管理科學(xué)學(xué)報》(2010, 2011)、《金融研究》(2011)、《系統(tǒng)工程理論與實(shí)踐》(2011)等。
Shunming Zhang, a native of Guangshui, Hubei Province, was born on the March 30, 1966. He graduated from Central China Normal University and earned bachelor degree of mathematics in June 1988, and graduated from Institute of Systems Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and obtained master and Ph.D. degrees of mathematical economics in July 1993 and July 1996. He became an assistant professor of financial economics in School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University in August 1996 and was promoted to be an associate professor in August 1998. Then he visited Department of Economics, the University of Western Ontario, as a visiting adjunct professor and a post-doctoral fellow between September 2000 and August 2005, and visited School of Economics and Finance, Victoria University of Wellington, as a research fellow from August 2005 and September 2006. He returned to School of Economics, Xiamen University and was appointed as a Yanan Wang Specially-Appointed Professor of Economics in September 2006. Then he became a professor of financial economics in School of Finance, Renmin University of China. He has been becoming an Outstanding Young Scholar Research Grant of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) since October 2008. His joint paper “A Numerical Simulation Analysis of Labour Mobility (Hukou) Restrictions in China” (with John Whalley) published in Journal of Development Economics (2007, Volume 83, Issue 2, Pages 391 - 410) was the outstanding paper from the Chinese Ministry of Education in September 2009. He became National Candidate of ``Key Talent in the New Century 2009", Higher School Ministry-Run by Chinese Ministry of Education in March 2010.
Professor Shunming Zhang has been focusing on economics and finance. He has great academic contributions on mathematical economics, financial economics, economic theory and economic policy. He has been publiching many papers in international and domestic journals as Journal of Mathematical Economics (1996), Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (1998), Mathematical Finance (2002), Journal of Global Optimization (2004), International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (2004, 2006, 2011), Economics Letters (2005), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2006), Journal of Development Economics (2007), Economic Theory (2009), European Journal of Operational Research (2010), Applied Mathematics – A Journal of Chinese Universities (2010), Expert Systems with Applications (2011), Applied Economics Letters (2011, 2011), The World Economy (2011), Economic Modelling (2011, 2011), Journal of Banking and Finance (2011), Global Economy Journal (2011), Systems Research and Behavioral Science (2011), China Agricultural Economic Review (2011), Annals of Economics and Finance (2011), Acta Mathematica Scientia (2011), and so on.
[01] Shunming Zhang (1996), Extension of Stiemke's Lemma and Equilibrium in Economy with Infinite-dimensional Commodity Space and Incomplete Markets, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1996, Volume 26, Number 2, Page 249-268 (SSCI and SCI)
[02] Shunming Zhang (1998), Existence of General Monetary Equilibrium, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 1998, Volume 15, Number 2, Page 203-224 (SCI)
[03] Shunming Zhang, Chunlei Xu and Xiaotie Deng (2002), Dynamic Arbitrage-free Asset Pricing with Proportional Transaction Costs, Mathematical Finance, 2002, Volume 12, Number 1, Page 89-97 (SSCI and SCI)
[04] Shunming Zhang, Shouyang Wang and Xiaotie Deng (2004), Portfolio Frontier with Different Interest Rates for Borrowing and Lending, Journal of Global Optimization, 2004, Volume 28, Number 1, Page 67-95 (SCI)
[05] Hui Huang and Shunming Zhang (2004), Propositions of Five Equilibria Examples for 3X2 CES / LES Pure Exchange Economies, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 2004, Volume 3, Issue 4, Page 583-604 (SCI)
[06] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2005), VAT Base Broadening When the Location of Some Consumption is Mobile, Economics Letters, 2005, Volume 87, Issue 2, Pages 199-205 (SSCI)
[07] Xiaotie Deng, Yonggeng Gu, Shouyang Wang and Shunming Zhang (2006), On Convergence of a Semi-analytical Method for American Option Pricing, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2006, Volume 313, Issue 1, Pages 353-365 (SCI)
[08] Housheng Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Ping Li and Shunming Zhang (2006), On Default Correlation and Pricing of Collateralized Debt Obligation by Copula Functions, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 2006, Volume 5, Issue 3, Page 483-493 (SCI)
[09] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2007), A Numerical Simulation Analysis of Labour Mobility (Hukou) Restrictions in China, Journal of Development Economics, 2007, Volume 83, Issue 2, Pages 391-410 (SSCI)
[10] Hui Huang, John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2009), Exploring Policy Options in Joint Intertemporal-Spatial Trade Models Using an Incomplete Markets Approach, Economic Theory, 2009, Volume 41, Number 1, Pages 131-145 (SSCI)
[11] Xiaojun Shi and Shunming Zhang (2010), An Incentive-Compatible Decision on Trade Credit Term Considering Default Risk, European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, Volume 206, Number 1, Pages 178-196 (SSCI and SCI)
[12] Xiaojun Shi and Shunming Zhang (2010), Exploring Multiple Equilibria for Symmetric 2×2 CES / LES Pure Exchange Economies, Applied Mathematics – A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2010, Volume 25 (B), Number 2, Pages 137-154 (SCI)
[13] Xiaojun Shi, Hiroshi Tsuji and Shunming Zhang (2011), Eliciting Experts' Perceived Risk of Software Offshore Outsourcing Incorporating Individual Heterogeneity, Expert Systems with Applications, 2011, Volume 38, Number 3, Pages 2283-2291 (SSCI and SCI)
[14] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2011), On the Arbitrariness of Consumption, Applied Economics Letters, 2011, Volume 18, Number 4, Pages 301-304 (SSCI)
[15] Yao Li, John Whalley, Shunming Zhang and Xiliang Zhao (2011), The Higher Educational Transformation of China and Its Global Implications, The World Economy, 2011, Volume 34, Issue 4, Pages 516-545 (SSCI)
[16] Zhuming Chen and Shunming Zhang (2011), Optimal Timing and Equilibrium Price for SOE Property Rights Transfer under Imperfect Information, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 2011, Volume 10, Issue 2, Page 353-372 (SSCI and SCI)
[17] Jun Yu and Shunming Zhang (2011), Optimal Trade Policy in Tariff Games with Inside Money, Economic Modelling, 2011, Volume 28, Issue 4, Page 1604-1614 (SSCI)
[18] Raymond Riezman, John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2011), Distance Measures between Free Trade and Autarky for the World Economy, Economic Modelling, 2011, Volume 28, Issue 4, Page 2000-2012 (SSCI)
[19] Hui Huang, Xiaojun Shi and Shunming Zhang (2011), Counter-Cyclical Substitution between Trade Credit and Bank Credit, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2011, Volume 35, Number 8, Pages 1859-1878 (SSCI)
[20] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2011), Tax Induced Multiple Equilibria, Applied Economics Letters, Forthcoming in 2011 (SSCI)
[21] John Whalley, Jun Yu and Shunming Zhang (2011), Trade Retaliation in a Monetary-Trade Model, Global Economy Journal, Forthcoming in 2011
[22] Xiaojun Shi, Hiroshi Tsuji and Shunming Zhang (2011), Introducing Heterogeneity of Managers’ Attitude into Behavioral Risk-Scoring for Software Offshoring, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Forthcoming in 2011 (SCI and SSCI)
[23] Yitao Jiang, Xiaojun Shi, Shunming Zhang and Jingjing Ji (2011), The Threshold Effect of High-level Human Capital Investment on China’s Urban-Rural Income Gap, China Agricultural Economic Review, Forthcoming in 2011 (SSCI and SCI)
[24] Hui Huang and Shunming Zhang (2011), The Distorted Theory of Rank-Dependent Expected Utility, Annals of Economics and Finance, Forthcoming in 2011 (SSCI)
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