網站介紹 關于我們 聯(lián)系方式 廣告業(yè)務 幫助信息
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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-06-08 相關院校:湖南大學
Curriculum Vitae
Hyeon-Jong Hwang (黃鉉宗), Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Hunan University
College of Civil Engineering
Yuelu Mountain, Changsha, Hunan, China, 410082
Telephone : 86-13574826119
E-mail : hwanggun85@naver.com
Education & Word Experience
2004.3–2008.2 B.S. in Dept. of Architectural Eng., Seoul National University, Korea
2008.3–2010.2 M.S. in Dept. of Architectural Eng., Seoul National University, Korea
2010.3–2014.2 Ph.D. in Dept. of Architectural Eng., Seoul National University, Korea
2014.3–2015.2 Research Fellow in Engineering Research Institute, Seoul National University
Research Interests
Earthquake Engineering of Building Structures
Reinforced Concrete Design
Steel-Concrete Composite Design
Prefabricated Structures Design
Behavior and design of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (FRC)
Bond Mechanism of Reinforcement bars
Progressive Collapse of RC Building Structures
Impact Loading in RC Building Structures
Large-scale Experimental Testing of Structural Components and Structures
Available Structure Analysis & Design Software
ANSYS (for Nonlinear finite element analysis)
OpenSees (for Dynamic behavior of structures)
MIDAS (for Building design)
Matlab (for Coding of developed analysis models)
Honors and Professional Activities
State Scholarship (2004)
Korean Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development
Grand Prize (2007)
The 3rd Architectural structure competitive exhibition - Korean Structural Engineers Association
Award Certificate (2008)
The best grade graduation in Department of Architecture & Architectural Engineering
Holds 1 program copyright (2010)
Analysis program of long-term deflection in multistory buildings
Served as a consultant (2011)
Nonlinear analysis modeling using ANSYS Program - Lotte Engineering Co.Ltd
Superior Academic Performance Scholarship (2008, 2010-2011)
Department of Architecture & Architectural Engineering - Seoul National University
Excellent oral presentation (2013)
Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance Inspection
Research Experience
1.Development of deflection decreasing method in long-span slab, Samsung Engineering and Construction (2008.07 – 2009.12)
2.Certification of seismic performance of TSC composite beam-column connection, SEN Structural Engineers Co. Ltd (2009.11 – 2010.11)
3.Development of composite structure for high seismic performance, Small and Medium Business Administration in Korea (2010.06 – 2011.05)
4. Stability evaluation of principal joints in Lotte super tower, Lotte Engineering Co.Ltd (2011.05 – 2011.12)
5. Development of the joint for prefabricated reinforcement and SRC system, Small and Medium Business Administration in Korea (2011.06 – 2013.05)
6. Development of efficient structural system using super high-strength materials for super tall buildings, Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity R&E (2012.05 – 2012.12)
7. Development of staircase construction method using PC double wall, Samsung Engineering and Construction (2013.04 – 2013.12)
8. Structural stability evaluation for KP-1 Project, E-tech construction (2014.03 – 2014.06)
9. Performance-based design for reinforced concrete beam-column connections using high-strength steel reinforcing bars, National Research Foundation of Korea (2012.05 – 2015.04)
10. Development of slab and SOG system using PosAmo-F, POSCO (2014.01 – 2014.11)
11. Development of form assembled large size column system, Samsung Engineering and Construction (2014.04 – 2015.03)
International Journals (SCI)
1.H.G. Park, H.J. Hwang, G.H. Hong, Y.N. Kim, and J.Y. Kim*, “Slab Construction Load Affected by Shore Stiffness and Concrete Cracking”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 108, No. 6, 2011. 11, pp.679-688.
2.H.G. Park, H.J. Hwang*, C.H. Lee, C.H. Park, and C.N. Lee, “Cyclic loading test for concrete-filled U-shaped steel beam-RC column connections”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 36, 2012. 3, pp.325-336.
3.H.G. Park, H.J. Hwang, G.H. Hong, Y.N. Kim, and J.Y. Kim*, “Immediate and Long-Term Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Affected by Early-Age Loading and Low Temperature”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 109, No. 3, 2012. 5, pp.413-422.
4.C.H. Lee, H.G. Park*, C.H. Park, H.J. Hwang, C.N. Lee, H.S. Kim, and S.B. Kim, ”Cyclic Seismic Testing of Composite Concrete-Filled U-shaped Steel Beam-to-H Column Connections”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.139, No.3, 2013. 3, pp.360-378.
5.T.S. Eom, H.J. Hwang*, H.G. Park, C.N. Lee, and H.S. Kim, “Flexural Test for Steel-Concrete Composite Members Using Prefabricated Steel Angles”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 140, No. 4, 2014. 4, pp.04013094-1-12.
6.H.J. Hwang, H.G. Park*, W.S. Choi, L. Chung, and J.K. Kim, “Cyclic Loading Test for Beam-Column Connections with 600 MPa (87 ksi) Beam Flexural Reinforcing Bars”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol.111, No.4, 2014. 7, pp.913-924.
7.T.S. Eom, H.J. Hwang, and H.G. Park*, “Energy-Based Hysteresis Model for Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Connections”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol.112, No.2, 2015. 3, pp.157-166.
8.H.J. Hwang, T.S. Eom, and H.G. Park*, “Bond-Slip Relationship of Beam Flexural Bars in Interior Beam-Column Joint Subjected to Cyclic Loading”, ACI Structural Journal. (accepted)
9.H.J. Hwang, T.S. Eom*, H.G. Park, S.H. Lee, and H.S. Kim, “Cyclic Loading Test for Beam-Columns Connections of Concrete Filled U-Steel Beam and Concrete Encased Steel Angle Column”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE. (accepted)
10.H.J. Hwang, T.S. Eom*, and H.G. Park, “Design Considerations for Interior Beam-Column Joint with Additional Bars”, Engineering Structures. (accepted)
11.T.S. Eom, H.G. Park, H.J. Hwang, and S.M. Kang*, “Plastic Hinge Relocation Methods for Emulative PC Beam-Column Connection”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE. (under review)
12.H.J. Hwang, T.S. Eom*, H.G. Park, S.H. Lee, and H.S. Kim, “Axial Load and Cyclic Lateral load Tests for Composite Columns with Steel Angles”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE. (under review)
13.H.J. Hwang, H.G. Park*, G.H. Hong, J.Y. Kim, and Y.N. Kim, “Time Dependent Deflection of Slab Affected by Construction Load”, ACI Structural Journal. (under review)
International Presentations
1.H.G. Park, H.J. Hwang, J.Y. Kim, G.H. Hong, J.H. Im and Y.N. Kim, “Creep and Effective Stiffness of Early Age Concrete Slabs Cured at Low Temperature”, Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures(Framcos), Jeju, Korea, May, 2010.
2.H.G. Park, H.J. Hwang, J.Y. Kim, G.H. Hong, J.H. Im and Y.N. Kim, “Effects of Shore Stiffness and Concrete Cracking on Slab Construction Load”, Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures(Framcos), Jeju, Korea, May, 2010.
3.C.H. Lee, H.G. Park, C.H. Park, H.J. Hwang, C.N. Lee, H.S. Kim, and S.B. Kim, “Cyclic Seismic Testing of Cruciform Concrete-Filled U-shape Steel Beam-to-H Column Composite Connection”, ISSS, Seoul, Korea, April, 2011.
4.C.H. Lee, H.G. Park, C.H. Park, H.J. Hwang, C.N. Lee, H.S. Kim, and S.B. Kim, “Cyclic Seismic Performance of Concrete-Filled U-shape Steel Beam to Wide Flange Column Connections”, SEEBUS, Seoul, Korea, November, 2011.
5.H.G. Park, J.W. Baek, H.J. Hwang, J.H. Kim, and J.H. Lee, “Performance of Shear Connectors in Concrete Mega Column-to-Steel Beam Connection”, 18th IABSE, Seoul, Korea, September, 2012.
6.H. G. Park, T. S. Eom, H. J. Hwang, and J. W. Baek, “Shear Connectors for Concrete Mega Column-to-Steel Belt Truss Connections in 123-Story Lotte World Tower”, ACI 2012, Toronto, Canada, October 21-25, 2012
7.H.G. Park, H.J. Hwang, and T.S. Eom, “Considerations of Bond-Slip for Performance-Based Design of RC Beam-Column Connections”, SEEBUS, Osaka, Japan, November, 2012.
8.H.J. Hwang, T.S. Eom, and H.G. Park, “Energy Dissipation of RC Interior Beam-Column Connections and Hysteresis Model”, 15 WCEE, Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2012.
9.H.J. Hwang, T.S. Eom, and H.G. Park, “Bond Strength of Re-bars in Interior Beam-Column Joint Under Cyclic Loading”, ICGCE, Macau, January 24-25, 2014.
10.H.J. Hwang, T.S. Eom, and H.G. Park, “Joint Shear Strength and Deformation Capacity Considering Bond-Slip of Rebars in RC Interior Beam-Column Connections”, The 10th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Quebec, July 20-23, 2014.
11.H.G. Park, H.J. Hwang, and T.S. Eom, “Bond Strength Model for Beam Re-bars in Interior Beam-Column Joints”, SEEBUS, Seoul, Korea, September 19-20, 2014.
網站介紹 關于我們 聯(lián)系方式 廣告業(yè)務 幫助信息
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