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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網(wǎng) 2015-07-22 相關院校:蘭州大學
1996 - 2000甘肅農(nóng)業(yè)大學草業(yè)學院(學士 草原與草坪)
2000 - 2003甘肅農(nóng)業(yè)大學草業(yè)學院(碩士 草地資源與環(huán)境)
2003 - 2007中科院西北高原生物研究所(博士 放牧生態(tài))
2008.01-2012.05 蘭州大學生命科學學院 講師;
2012.06-至今 蘭州大學生命科學學院 副教授;
2007.06–2007.12荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學(Wageningen University) 訪問學者,合作研究“不同牧草高度對奶牛牧食行為及牛奶脂肪酸成分的影響”,合作者:Prof. Jan Dijkstra.
2008. 11 以色列Newe Ya’ar研究所 交流培訓,學習家畜能量代謝研究技術和方法;
2011.01-2012.01 美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學(PSU) 訪問學者,合作研究“不同瘤胃可降解蛋白水平(RDP)對青年泌乳母牛生產(chǎn)性能的影響”,合作者:Prof. Jud Heinrichs.
2014.10-11 法國農(nóng)業(yè)國際合作研究發(fā)展中心(CIRAD),高級訪問學者,合作執(zhí)行中法‘蔡元培’交流項目“青藏高原祁連山牧區(qū)畜牧業(yè)可持續(xù)發(fā)展研究”.
1. Ding L.M., Wang Y.P., Brosh A., Chen J.Q., Gibb M.J., Shang Z.H., Guo X.S., Mi J.D., Zhou J.W., Wang H.C., Qiu Q., Long R.J.*. 2014. Seasonal heat production and energy balance of grazing yaks on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 198:83-93.
2. Ding L.M., Wang Y.P., Kreuzer M., Guo X.S., Mi J.D., Gou Y.J.,Shang Z.H., Zhang Y., Zhou J.W., Wang H.C., Long R.J. 2013. Seasonal variations in the fatty acid profile of milk from yaks grazing on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Journal of Dairy Research, 80:410-417.
3.Ding L.M., Long R.J.* 2010. The Use of Herbage N-alkanes as Markers to Estimate the Diet Composition of Yaks on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 23(1):61-67.
4. Ding L.M., Long R.J.*, Wang Y.P., Guo X.S., Shang Z.H. 2011. Grazing behaviour of yaks and its energy expenditure in different seasonal pastures (Abstract). Workshop of ‘Livestock farming embedded in local development: a functional perspective to alleviate vulnerability of farming communities’ under the Ⅸ International Rangeland Congress-IRC, P16, Rosario, Argentina, 2011.04.01 – 03, oral presentation.
5. Ding L.M., Long R.J.* 2010. The Use of Herbage N-alkanes as Markers to Estimate the Diet Composition of Yaks on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 23(1):61-67.
6. Ding L.M., Long R.J.*, Yang Y.H., Xu S.H., Wang C.T. 2008. Feeding behaviour of yaks on spring, transitional, summer and winter pastures in the alpine region of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 111(3):373-390.
7. Ding L.M., Long R.J.*, Yang Y.H., Xu S.H. 2007. Behaviour responses by yaks, in different physiological states (lactating, dry or replacement heifer), when grazing natural pasture in spring (dry and germinating) season of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 108(3):139-250.
8. Ding L.M., Long R.J.*, Yang Y.H., Wang C.T. 2006. Intake and behaviour responses by yaks, in different physiological states (lactating or dry), when grazing natural pasture in summer season of Qinghai-tibetan Plateau. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 52:141-149.
9. Ding L.M., Long R.J.*, Wang Y.P., Guo X.S., Shang Z.H. 2011. Grazing behaviour of yaks and its energy expenditure in different seasonal pastures (Abstract). Workshop of ‘Livestock farming embedded in local development: a functional perspective to alleviate vulnerability of farming communities’ under the Ⅸ International Rangeland Congress-IRC, P16, Rosario, Argentina, 2011.04.01 – 03, oral presentation.
10. Long R.J.*, Ding L.M., Shang Z.H., Guo X.S. 2008. The yak grazing system on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its status. The Rangeland Journal, 30(2):241-246.
11. Barsila S.R., Kreuzer M., Devkota N.R., Ding L.M., Marquardt S. * 2014. Adaptation to Himalayan high altitude pasture sites by yaks and different types of hybrids of yaks with cattle. Livestock Science, 169:125-136.
12. Shao B.P., Long R.J.*, Ding Y.P., Wang J.L., Ding L.M., Wang H.C. 2010. Morphological adaptations of yak (Bos grunniens) tongue to the foraging environment of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Animal Science, 88: 2594-2603.
13. Wang, H.C., Liang J.B., Long R.J.*, Guo X.S., Ding L.M., Shang Z.H. 2011. Comparison of Nitrogen Metabolism in Yak (Bos grunniens) and Indigenous Cattle (Bos taurus) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 24:766-773.
14. Guo X.S., Ding L.M., Long R.J.*, Qi B., Shang Z.H., Wang Y.P., Cheng X.Y. 2012. Changes of chemical composition to high altitude result in Kobresia littledalei growing in alpine meadow of the Tibet Plateau with high feeding values to local herbivores. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 173(3):186-193.
15. Zhang Y., Zhou J.W., Guo X.S., Cui G.X., Ding L.M., Wang H.C., Li L.W., Long R.J.* 2012. Influences of dietary nitrogen and non-fiber carbohydrate levels on apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation and nitrogen utilization in growing yaks fed low quality forage based-diet. Livestock Science, 147:139-147.
16. Shang Z.H., Deng B., Ding L.M., Ren G.H., Xin G.S., Liu Z.Y., Wang Y.L., Long R.J.* 2013. The effects of three years of fencing enclosure on soil seed banks and the relationship with above-ground vegetation of degraded alpine grasslands of the Tibetan plateau. Plant Soil, 364:229-244.
17.Shao B.P., Long R.J.*, Ding Y.P., Wang J.L., Ding L.M., Wang H.C. 2010. Morphological adaptations of yak (Bos grunniens) tongue to the foraging environment of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Animal Science, 88: 2594-2603.
18. Xin G.S., Long R.J.*, Guo X.S., Irvine J., Ding L.M., Ding L.L., Shang Z.H.. 2010. Blood mineral status of grazing Tibetan sheep in the Northeast of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Livestock Science, 136:102-107.
19. Wang, H.C., Liang J.B., Long R.J.*, Guo X.S., Ding L.M., Shang Z.H. 2011. Comparison of Nitrogen Metabolism in Yak (Bos grunniens) and Indigenous Cattle (Bos taurus) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 24:766-773.
20. 茍鈺姣,丁路明*,王玉鵬. 2013. 牦牛乳及乳制品與犏牛和黑白花奶牛乳中脂肪酸組成分析. 草業(yè)科學,30(2):274-280.
21. 陳軍強,李小剛,張世挺,周振,丁路明*. 2014. 甘南燕麥引種及其刈割期研究. 家畜生態(tài)學報,35(9): 55-60.
22. 丁路明,張世挺,韓永杰,范悅,李小剛. 2013. 甘南州夏河縣牧區(qū)冬春飼草儲備與抗災運營模式. 家畜生態(tài)學報,34(4):83-85.
23.丁路明,龍瑞軍,楊予海,徐松鶴. 牦牛夏秋季和冬季各草場牧食行為的研究.中國畜牧雜志, 2007, 43(5): 52-54.
24.丁路明,龍瑞軍,楊予海,徐松鶴. 利用IGER行為記錄器對牦牛秋冬季24 h采食和反芻行為的研究. 家畜生態(tài)學報, 2007, 28(3): 84-90.
25.丁路明,龍瑞軍,王長庭. 肯塔基草地早熟禾愈傷組織的誘導及再生體系的建立。中國草地, 2005, 3: 31-36.
26.Dong, S. K., Long R. J., Hu Z. Z., Ding L.M,Xu M. Y. 2003. Influence of grazing intensity on performance of perennial grass mixtures in alpine region of Tibetan Plateau. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 46(3): 175-183.
27.郭旭生,丁路明,龍瑞軍,尚占環(huán). 2012. 一種藏區(qū)牦牛專用礦物質(zhì)營養(yǎng)舔磚及其制作方法. 中國,ZL2011100685861.
28.郭旭生,丁路明,龍瑞軍,尚占環(huán). 2013. 一種藏區(qū)牦牛專用濃縮型復合營養(yǎng)舔磚及其制作方法. 中國,ZL2011100685908.
29.丁路明,龍瑞軍,王玉鵬,郭旭生,尚占環(huán),李小剛. 2013. 家畜開路式面具呼吸測熱裝置.中國,ZL2012206941202.
30.丁路明,龍瑞軍,郭旭生,王玉鵬,尚占環(huán),李小剛,范悅. 2013. 采用心率表測定家畜心率的裝置.中國,ZL201220673264x.
31.丁路明,龍瑞軍,王玉鵬,郭旭生,尚占環(huán),李小剛. 2015. 家畜開路式面具呼吸測熱裝置及其方法.中國,ZL2012105245519.
1.蘭州大學中央高;究蒲袠I(yè)務費:“階梯營養(yǎng)限制與補償對生長牦牛生產(chǎn)性能的影響 Lzujbky-2014-96,2014年)”
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