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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網(wǎng) 2015-07-29 相關院校:蘭州大學
王凱榮,男,博士,副教授,碩士生導師。 2009 年于蘭州大學獲得理學博士學位,同年留校在醫(yī)學生物化學與分子生物學研究所從事教學科研工作,主要從事多肽藥物分子設計、合成及抗菌肽抗腫瘤、抗菌、抗真菌、抗病毒活性、作用機制及構效關系研究。2012年獲第十二屆中國國際多肽學術會議青年論文獎(Young Peptide Scienctist Award);2013年10月獲第十二屆張錫均基金會全國青年優(yōu)秀生理學學術論文優(yōu)秀口頭報告獎(中國生理學會)。
郵箱: wangkr@lzu.edu.cn
2000.9-2004.7 西北師范大學生命科學學院,獲得學士學位。
2004.9-2009.7 蘭州大學生命科學學院,生物化學與分子生物學專業(yè),獲得博士學位。
2009.7—2012.5 蘭州大學,基礎醫(yī)學院/甘肅省新藥臨床前研究重點實驗室,講師;
2012.5— 蘭州大學,基礎醫(yī)學院/甘肅省新藥臨床前研究重點實驗室,副教授,碩士生導師。
1.教育部“春暉計劃”合作科研項目“抗菌肽優(yōu)化設計合成、構效關系及膜-肽作用分子動力學機制研究”(No.Z2010082), 2011.7—2013.7;
2.教育部博士點新教師基金項目“抗菌肽polybia-MPI 的新型類似物的設計合成、抗菌活性及構效關系研究”(No.20120211120045), 2013.1-2015.12;
3.國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“以細胞膜為靶標的新型抗菌肽polybia-MPI類似物的設計、合成及抗菌活性研究”(No.31200584), 2013.01-2015.12;
1. Kairong Wang, JX Yan, W Dang, JQ Xie, Bo Yan, Wenjin Yan, et al. Dual Antifungal properties of Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides Polybia-MPI: Membrane Integrity Disruption and Inhibition of Biofilm Formation. Peptides 2014, 10.1016/j.peptides.2014.03.005. (SCI)
2. Kairong Wang, W Dang, JX Yan, R Chen, X Liu, WJ Yan, et al. Membrane Perturbation Action Mode and Structure-Activity Relationships of Protonectin, a Novel Antimicrobial Peptide from the Venom of the Neotropical Social Wasp Agelaia pallipes pallipes. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2013,57(10), 4632–9. (SCI二區(qū), IF=4.841)
3. Kairong Wang, J Yan, W Dang, X Liu, R Chen, J Zhang, B Zhang, W Zhang, M Kai, W Yan, Z Yang, J Xie, Rui Wang. Membrane active antimicrobial activity and molecular dynamics study of a novel cationic antimicrobial peptide polybia-MPI, from the venom of Polybia paulista. Peptides 2013, 39,80–88. (SCI三區(qū),IF=2.421)
4. J Yan1, Kairong Wang1, W Dang, R Chen, J Xie, B Zhang, J Song, Rui Wang. Two Hits Are Better than One: Membrane-Active and DNA Binding-Related Double-Action Mechanism of NK-18, a Novel Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Mammalian NK-Lysin. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 2013; 57: 220 - 228. (并列第一作者,SCI二區(qū),IF=4.841)
5. D Wang, J Liang, J Feng, Kairong Wang, Q Sun, L Zhao, D Li, W Yan and Rui Wang. The Quinine Thiourea-Catalyzed Asymmetric Strecker Reaction: An Approach for the Synthesis of 3-Aminooxindoles. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2013, 355:548-58. (SCI二區(qū), IF=6.048)
6. Kairong Wang, J Yan, R Chen, W Dang, B Zhang, W Zhang, J Song, Rui Wang. Membrane-Active Action Mode of Polybia-CP, a Novel Antimicrobial Peptide Isolated from the Venom of Polybia paulista. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 2012; 56: 3318 - 3323. (SCI二區(qū), IF=4.841)
7. J Yan1, Kai-rong Wang1, J Song, R Chen, B Zhang, W Zhang, W Dang, Rui Wang. Membrane active antitumor activity of NK-18, a mammalian NK-lysin-derived cationic antimicrobial peptide. Biochimie 2012,94 184-191. (SCI三區(qū), 并列第一作者,IF =3.787).
8. Kairong Wang, J Yan, X Liu, J Zhang, R Chen, B Zhang, W Dang, et al. Novel cytotoxity exhibition mode of polybia-CP, a novel antimicrobial peptide from the venom of the social sasp polybia paulista. Toxicology, 2011, 288; 27-33. (SCI二區(qū), IF =4.01)
9. B Zhang1, Kai-rong Wang1, W Zhang, J Yan, J Song, Rui Wang . In vitro and in vivo antitumor effects of novel actinomycin D analogs with amino acid substituted in the cyclic depsipeptides. Peptides. 2010,31, 568–573. (SCI三區(qū),并列第一作者, IF =2.434)
10. Rui Wang, Kairong Wang. Peptides: Chemistry, Biology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chemical Industry Press, 2011.
11. B Zhang, Kairong Wang, Z Wang, X Li, X Wang, J Ni. Design, synthesis and in vitro antitumor activity of novel actinomycin D analogs. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universites. 2010,31,1346-1352.(SCI三區(qū), IF =0.855)
12. Kai-rong Wang, J Yan, B Zhang, J Song, P Jia, Rui Wang. Novel mode of action of polybia-MPI, a novel antimicrobial peptide, in multi-drug resistant leukemic cells. Cancer lett. 2009, 278,65-72.(SCI二區(qū), IF =4.238)
13. Kai-rong Wang, B Zhang, J Yan, X Li, Rui Wang. Potent antitumor effects of a novel actinomycin D analog Leu5AMD, Cancer lett. 2008,268,38-45. (SCI二區(qū), IF =4.238)
14. Kai-rong Wang, Bang-zhi Zhang, Jie-xi Yan, Jia Li, Rui Wang. Antitumor effects, cell selectivity and structure–activity relationship of a novel antimicrobial peptide polybia-MPI. Peptides. 2008,29,963-8. (SCI三區(qū), IF 2.434).
15. C Fu, Z Kong1, Kai-rong Wang1, Q Yang, K Zhai, Q Chen, Rui Wang. Effects and mechanisms of supraspinal administration of rat/mouse hemokinin-1, a mammalian tachykinin peptide, on nociception in mice. Brain Res.,2005,1056,51-58.(SCI三區(qū), IF 2.434,)
16. C Fu1, Q yang1, Kai-rong Wang, Z Kong, Q Chen, Rui Wang. Rat/mouse hemokinin-1, a mammalian tachykinin peptide, markedly potentiates the antinociceptive effects of morphine administered at the peripheral and supraspinal level. Behavioural Brain Research, 2006, 170: 293-301. (SCI三區(qū), IF 3.393)
17. W Zhang, J Li, L Liu, Kai-rong Wang, J Song, J Yan, Z Li, B Zhang, RuiWang. A novel analog of antimicrobial peptide Polybia-MPI, with thioamide bond substitution, exhibits increased therapeutic ef?cacy against cancer and diminished toxicity in mice. Peptides. 2010,31,1832–1838.(SCI三區(qū), IF =2.434)
18. W Zhang, J Song, B Zhang, L Liu, Kairong Wang, Rui Wang. Design of acid-activated cell penetrating peptide for delivery of active molecules into cancer cells. Bioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (7), 1410–1415 (SCI二區(qū),IF=4.93)
19. W Zhang, J Song, L Mu, B Zhang, L Liu, Y, Xing, Kai-rong Wang, Z Li, Rui Wang. Improving anticancer activity and selectivity of camptothecin through conjugation with releasable substance P. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2011, 21(5):1452-5 (SCI三區(qū), IF=2.661)
20. Y Sun, X Zhang, N He, T Sun, Y Zhuang, Q Fang, Kai-rong Wang, Rui Wang. Neuropeptide FF activates ERK and NF kappa B signal pathways in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. Peptides, 2012, 38, 110–117.(SCI三區(qū),IF=2.434).
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