
高校名稱 首都師范大學(xué) 所在省市 北京
調(diào)劑專業(yè) 生物化學(xué)和細胞生物學(xué) 是否有公費名額 未知
發(fā)布時間 2016-03-20 截止時間 未注明




1. 招生類型:2016年碩士調(diào)劑生,科研型

2. 招收學(xué)校(單位)名稱:首都師范大學(xué), 生命科學(xué)學(xué)院

3. 學(xué)制以及何種專業(yè):三年制碩士,生物化學(xué)和細胞生物學(xué)方向

4. 學(xué);騿挝坏攸c:北京市海淀區(qū)

5. 導(dǎo)師(課題組)介紹:李夏璐博士1995年畢業(yè)于復(fù)旦大學(xué)生物化學(xué)系,獲學(xué)士學(xué)位;2000年從中國科學(xué)院上海生物化學(xué)研究所獲博士學(xué)位;同年11月赴美工作,在哥倫比亞大學(xué)生物系從事5年博士后研究,2006年回國在北京生命科學(xué)研究所建立獨立研究團隊,2013年起受聘為首都師范大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院特聘教授。李博士長期開展生物化學(xué)和細胞生物學(xué)研究,相應(yīng)研究工作已在Cell、Genes & Development和PNAS等國際一流學(xué)術(shù)期刊上發(fā)表,多項研究成果被Faculty 1000 of Biology推薦。曾主持完成國家高技術(shù)研究發(fā)展計劃(863)和國家重點基礎(chǔ)研究發(fā)展計劃(973)課題各一項。目前在研國家自然科學(xué)基金委面上項目和國家重大研究計劃(973課題負責(zé)人)資助各一項。實驗室主要研究興趣在于運用遺傳學(xué),分子生物學(xué),生物化學(xué)和生物信息學(xué)等方法,理解哺乳動物細胞是如何應(yīng)對在生長和增殖過程中必然會面對的RNA轉(zhuǎn)錄、DNA復(fù)制和基因組穩(wěn)定性維護三者間的沖突;并探索這一沖突形成后可能產(chǎn)生的病理后果。希望實驗室研究工作有助于加深對于腫瘤等重大疾病發(fā)病機理的理解,從而為癌癥的診斷、治療和藥物的開發(fā)提供新的理論基礎(chǔ)。


Bing Liang, Peng Peng, She Chen, Lin Li, Meijun Zhang, Dongyan Cao, Jiaxin Yang, Haixia Li, Ting Gui, Xialu Li* and Keng Shen*, Characterization and proteomic analysis of ovarian cancer-derived exosomes, Journal of Proteomics, vol.80, p171-182, 2013

Wenxing Jin, Zhaoyang Niu, Dan Xu and Xialu Li*, RBM5 promotes exon 4 skipping of AID pre-mRNA by competing with the binding of U2AF65 to the polypyrimidine tract, FEBS Lett, vol. 586,p3852-3857, 2012.

Zhaoyang Niu, Wenxing Jin, Libo Zhang, Xialu Li*, Tumor suppressor RBM5 directly interacts with the DExD/H-box protein DHX15 and stimulates its helicase activity, FEBS Lett, vol. 586, p977-983, 2012.

Yuichi Kanehiro, Kagefumi Todo, Misaki Negishi, Junji Fukuoka, Wenjian Gan, Takuya Hikasa, Yoshiaki Kaga, Masayuki Takemoto, Masaki Magari, Xialu Li, James L.Manley, Hitoshi Ohmori, Naoki Kanayama, Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID)-dependent somatic hypermutation requires a splice isoform of the serine/arginine-rich (SR) protein SRSF1, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, vol.109, pp1216-1221, 2012 (Selected by faculty 1000 of biology)

Wenjian Gan, Zhishuang Guan, Jie Liu, Ting Gui, Keng Shen, James.L. Manley, Xialu Li*, R-loop-mediated genomic instability is caused by impairment of replication fork progression, Genes & Development, vol. 25, pp2041-2056, 2011 (Selected by faculty 1000 of biology)

Xialu Li and James L. Manley, 2009, The Role of Alternative Splicing During the Cell Cycle and Programmed Cell Death. In Ralph A. Bradshaw and Edward A. Dennis, editors: Handbook of Cell Signaling 2nd edition, Oxford:Academic Press, pp. 2329-2334. (invited book chapter)

Xialu Li*, Tianhui Niu., and James L Manley. 2007. The RNA binding protein RNPS1 alleviates ASF/SF2 depletion-induced genomic instability. RNA 13(12): 2108-2115

Xialu Li and James L Manley, 2006, Co-transcriptional processes and their influence on genome stability. Genes & Development, 2006; 20(14):1838-1847.
Xialu Li and James L Manley. 2006. Alternative Splicing and Control of Apoptotic DNA Fragmentation. Cell Cycle 5(12).1286-1288

Xialu Li and James L. Manley, 2005, New talents for an old acquaintance: the SR protein splicing factor ASF/SF2 functions in the maintenance of genome stability. Cell cycle, 4(12): 1706-1708.

Xialu Li, Jin Wang and James L Manley, 2005, Loss of splicing factor ASF/SF2 induces G2 cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis, but inhibits internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, Genes & Development, 19(22):2705-2714.

Xialu Li and James L Manley, 2005, Inactivation of the SR protein splicing factor ASF/SF2 results in genomic instability. Cell, 122 (3), p365-378. (Selected by faculty 1000 of biology)

Boliang Li, Xialu Li et al., 1999, Human acyl-CoA:Cholesterol acyltransferase-1 (ACAT-1) gene organization and evidence that the 4.3-kilobase ACAT-1 mRNA is produced from two different chromosomes., J Biol Chem, 274 (16): p11060-11071

6.聯(lián)系方式: Li_lab_cnu@163.com,請有意調(diào)劑的考生將考研成績和簡歷發(fā)至上述郵箱




刪除信息請聯(lián)系 tiaoji@163.com


