- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
GMAC(美國研究生入學管理委員會) 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9780470747445
- 出版日期:2009-10-1
This is the only official quantitative review for the GMAT from the creators of the test. Anyone preparing for the Graduate Management Admission Test[registered] (GMAT) knows it's important to study with the experts. With The Official Guide for the GMAT Quantitative Review, Second Edition , you'll get questions, answers, and explanations straight from the source. The only official quantitative review for the GMAT Exam, this book targets your study and helps you improve your quantitative skills by focusing on your ability to solve equations, interpret data, coordinate geometry, and determine probability with assurance and ease. Inside, you'll find: 300 actual questions from past GMAT tests, including 75 questions new to this edition; sections on Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Problem Solving, and Data Sufficiency; and, questions organized in order of difficulty to save study time. The Graduate Management Admission Council certifies all content so you can trust that you're getting expert guidance as you prepare for the GMAT Exam.
The Graduate Management Admission Council® (GMAC®) is a non-profit organization of leading graduate business schools around the world. GMAC meets the needs of business schools and students through a wide array of products, services, and programs and serves as a primary resource of research and information about quality graduate management education.
書名 | 作者 | 出版社 | 價格 | 購買 |
GMAT官方指南(綜合)(第13版)(GMAC(GMAT考試的命題機.. | Graduate M.. | Wiley | ¥228.00¥182.40 |
詳情 |
GMAT邏輯推理--分類思維訓練及試題解析--新東方大愚英語學.. | 陳向東 編.. | 西安交通大學出版.. | ¥59.00¥46.80 |
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詞以類記:GMAT詞匯(附mp3)--新東方大愚英語學習叢書 | 張紅巖 編.. | 群言出版社 | ¥35.00¥27.80 |
詳情 |
GMAT語法全解--新東方大愚英語學習叢書 | 白勇 編著 | 群言出版社 | ¥39.00¥30.90 |
詳情 |
GMAT閱讀精解——新東方大愚英語學習叢書 | 楊繼 編著 | 西安交通大學出版.. | ¥42.00¥33.30 |
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GMAT官方指南(第2版)(語文) | Gmac 著 | Wiley | ¥99.00¥86.60 |
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GMAT官方指南(第2版)(數(shù)學) | GMAC(美國.. | Wiley | ¥99.00¥81.50 |
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GMAT詞匯精選(含MP3一張) | 俞敏洪 著 | 群言出版社 | ¥30.00¥23.80 |
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GMAT寫作高分速成-ARGUMENT——新東方大愚英語學習叢書 | 陳向東 編.. | 群言出版社 | ¥32.00¥23.00 |
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GMAT官方題庫范文精講--新東方大愚英語學習叢書 | (美)斯圖.. | 西安交通大學出版.. | ¥42.00¥33.30 |
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美國人視野中的邏輯——GMAT考試 | 商在明 等.. | 北京大學出版社 | ¥29.00¥22.20 |
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GMAT詞匯精選(含光盤一張)——新東方大愚英語學習叢書 | 俞敏洪 編.. | 群言出版社 | ¥30.00¥22.80 |
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最新GMAT語文考試全程指南 | 陳文彬 編.. | 化學工業(yè)出版社 | ¥40.00¥28.80 |
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GMAT語法POE寶典(太傻黑色寶典系列) | 太傻咨詢中.. | 西安交通大學出版.. | ¥45.00¥36.00 |
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GMAT真題8000詞邏輯辯證記憶20天(贈DVD光盤) | 張紀元 編.. | 北京語言大學出版.. | ¥45.00¥36.60 |
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GMAT考前沖刺最新題庫 | 外語教學與研究出.. | ¥59.90¥47.90 |
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GMAT語法全解——新東方大愚英語學習叢書 | 白勇 編著 | 世界圖書出版公司 | ¥39.00¥33.40 |
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我要我們在一起 | 蔣雅楠 著.. | 人民文學出版社 | ¥22.00¥16.50 |
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GMAT詞匯思馬得記憶法——思馬得英語系列叢書/GMAT卷 | 思馬得學校.. | 重慶大學出版社 | ¥18.80¥14.30 |
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GMAT填空式作文法——思馬得英語系列叢書/GMAT卷 | 思馬得學校.. | 重慶大學出版社 | ¥19.80¥14.90 |
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GMAT詞匯思馬得記憶法——思馬得英語系列叢書/GMAT卷 | 思馬得學校.. | 重慶大學出版社 | ¥8.00¥6.40 |
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GMAT官方指南(綜合)(第13版)(GMAC(GMAT考試的命題機.. | Graduate | Wiley | ¥228.00¥29.80 |
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GMAT詞匯精選(全新改版上市,幫助考生全面攻克GMAT詞匯!.. | 俞敏? | 西安交通大學出版.. | ¥40.00¥29.80 |
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GMAT邏輯推理:分類思維訓練及試題解析(新東方GMAT考試指.. | 陳向東 編.. | 西安交通大學出版.. | ¥59.00¥29.80 |
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詞以類記:GMAT詞匯(分類記憶,助你全面攻克GMAT詞匯)—.. | 張紅巖 編.. | 群言出版社 | ¥35.00¥29.80 |
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