英語口語話題王 高級(口袋版 使用讀者詞匯量在5000-8000詞)隨書增送多媒體光盤

  • 所屬分類:
  • 作者:
    李洪濤 主編
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787802189645
  • 出版日期:2011-6-1
  • 原價:
  • 本書信息由合作網(wǎng)站提供,請前往以下網(wǎng)站購買:







第一部分 PART
Daily Life 日常生活
Unit 1 住房
1 房價Housing Price
2 分期付款購房Buying a House Installments
3 搬家公司Remover
4 喬遷新居Move into New House
5 新房New House
6 房屋裝飾Decorating the House
7 居住條件Conditions of the House
8 住房問題Housing Problem
Unit 2 租房
1 找公寓Looking for an Apartment
2 房屋中介Realtor
3 看房Take a Look at the Apartment 20Unit 3 飲食
1 烹飪Cooking
2 咖啡廳Coffee House
3 拒絕垃圾食品No Junk Food
4 用餐完畢Have Had Enough
5 快餐The Fast Food
6 在中餐館In a Chinese Restaurant
U nit 4 居家生活
1 家務活Household Chores
2 電視節(jié)目TV Program
3 來人拜訪Paying a Visit
4 探望家人Visiting Someone?s Folks
5 健康證明Clean Bill of Health
U nit 5逛街購物
1 大減價Mega Sales
2 新款上市New Style
3 買禮物Buying Gifts
4 購買衣服Buying Clothes
5 跳蚤市場Flea Market
6 在工藝品店At an Arts and Crafts Store 57Unit 6閑聊
1 談論天氣Talking About the Weather
2 個人愛好Personal Hobbies
3 小說文學Novel and Literature
4 人生目標Life Goals
5 友誼萬歲Permanent
6 文化沖突Culture Shock
7 環(huán)境保護Environment Protection
8 安樂死Mercy Killing
第二部分 PART
Leisure 休閑活動
Unit 1時尚生活
1 時尚服飾Fashion Clothes
2 掌上電腦Personal Digital Assistant
3 時尚手機Fashion Mobile Phone
Unit 2歡樂派對
1 邀請Invitation
2 參加聚會Go to a Party 893談論聚會Talking about Party
Unit 3 網(wǎng)上沖浪
1如何上網(wǎng)How to Get Connected to the Internet
2 上網(wǎng)聊天Chatting on the Internet
3 網(wǎng)上購物Shopping Online
4 網(wǎng)上下載Download
Unit 4體育運動
1 觀看比賽Watching Game
2 足球Soccer
3 乒乓球Ping Pong
4 羽毛球Bedminton
5 橄欖球Football
6 長跑Long Distance Running
Unit 5 娛樂休閑
1 演唱會Vocal Concert
2 音樂劇Musical
3 觀看雜技表演
Watching a Performance by Acrobatic Circus
4 搖滾樂Rock Music
5 寵物Pets
6 藝術欣賞Appreciating Art
第三部分 PART
School & Education 菁菁校園
Unit 1接觸新校園
1 新生見面Meet Freshmen
2 新生訓練Orientation Program
3 探訪校園Exploring the Campus
4 注冊選課 Registration and Taking Courses
5 說說新學期 Discussing the New Semester
Unit 2課堂內(nèi)外
1 口頭報告Presentation
2 談論課堂Talking about the Class
3 實驗課Laboratory Course
Unit 3 課外活動
1 空閑作詩Writing Poetry in Spare Time
2 兼職工作Part?time Job
3 夢想Dreams
4 參加畢業(yè)典禮 Going over to the Commencement
Unit 4在圖書館
1 如何使用圖書館How to Use the Library
2 如何找書How to Find a Book
3 查找資料Finding Some Information
Unit 5考試
1 準備考試Preparing for Exams
2 擔心考試Worry about Exams
3 考試結果About the Test Results
4 英語能力測驗English Proficiency Exam
5 談論考試Talking about Exam
第四部分 PART
Career Life 職場生涯
Unit 1招聘人才
1 計劃招聘Plan to Invite Applications
2 刊登招聘廣告Advertising
3 瀏覽簡歷Scanning Resumes
4 準備面試Preparing for Interview
Unit 2求職面試
1 擇業(yè)建議 Suggestions for Choosing a Career
2 準備應聘Get Ready for Interview 1953到達面試地點Arriving for the Interview
4 面試實況Live Examples
5 應聘者提問Asking about the Job
6 面試如何How Was Your Interview
Unit 3初進公司
1 如何去上班How to Get to Work
2 上班第一天The First Day at Work
3 辦公設備Office Equipment
4 公司簡介Company Introduction
5 公司運營Company Operations
6 納稅申報單Tax Return
Unit 4在辦公室
1 振作士氣Encouragement
2 年終考核 Bonus and Performance Review
3 關于人品Character Counts
Unit 5工資和獎金
1 獎勵員工Employee Remands
2 第一份工資The First Pay
3 工資有誤Mistakes in the Pay
Unit 6 特殊狀況
1 請假申請Application for Leave
2 提起辭呈Giving Notice of Resignation
3 挽留員工Persuade the Employees
4 失業(yè)危機Unemployment Crisis
第五部分 PART
Travel & Traffic 旅行交通
Unit 1乘坐飛機
1 航班信息Flight Information
2 預訂機票O(jiān)rder Tickets
3 確認機票Confirm
4 辦理登機Check in
5 餐飲服務Meal Service
6 過境轉機 In Transit and Changing Planes
Unit 2在海關
1 在移民入境處At the Imigration Office
2 海關檢查Checking
3 海關常規(guī)問答 Common Questions and Answers
Unit 3旅游觀光
1 旅行計劃Travel Plans
2 為旅游作準備Preparing for Travel
3 城市游City Tour
4 自然景觀游Natural Scenery Tour
5 植物園Garden
6 博物館Museum
7 看藝術展Art Exhibition
Unit 4自然風光
1 桂林山水Scenery of Guilin
2 秀美西湖Beautiful West Lake
3 黃山四絕Four Wonders of Huangshan
4 “天涯海角”“Ends of the Earth”
5 九寨溝Jiuzhaigou Valley
6 浪漫夏威夷Romantic Hawaii
7 大峽谷The Grand Canyon
8 尼亞加拉大瀑布The Niagara Falls
9 威尼斯Venice
10 富士山Mt。Fuji
Unit 5名勝古跡
1 天安門Tian?anmen Square
2 長城The Great Wall
3 故宮Palace Museum
4 頤和園The Summer Palace
5 The Shaolin Temple少林寺
6 孔廟The Confucius Temple
7 莫高窟The Magao Grottoes
8 秦兵馬俑The Qin Dynasty Figures
9 特拉法加廣場The Trafalgar Square
10 埃菲爾鐵塔The Eiffel Tower
11 埃及金字塔Pyramids in Egypt
Unit 6城市觀光
1 紐約之行A Trip to New York
2 倫敦之行A Trip to London
3 曼谷之行A Trip to Bangkok
4 哥本哈根之行A Trip to Copenhagen
5 悉尼之行A Trip to Sydney
6 加爾各答之行A Trip to Calcutta
7 多倫多之行A Trip to Toronto
8 赫爾辛基之行A Trip to Helsinki
9 布魯塞爾之行A Trip to Brussels
10 鹿特丹之行A Trip to Rotterdam
11 上海之行A Trip to Shanghai
12 香港之行A Trip to Hong Kong343Unit 7 特殊狀況
1 手提袋遺失Lost Handbag
2 護照遺失Lost Passport
3 失物求助Lost and Found
4 遭遇搶劫Get Snatched
Unit 8汽車
1 租車問價Asking about the Price
2 開車旅行Motoring Travel
3 在路上On the Road
4 開車問路Asking the Way
5 違反交通法規(guī)Violating the Traffic Laws
第六部分 PART
Emotion World 情感世界
Unit 1 愛情婚姻
1 墜入愛河Fall in Love
2 求婚Proposed Marriage
3 婚禮Wedding
4 參加婚禮Going to Wedding 3735懷孕Pregnant
6 漂亮寶貝Pretty Baby
7 丈夫不忠Disloyal Husband
Unit 2 情感表達
1 興奮Excitement
2 悲傷Sorrow
3 擔心Worry
4 生氣Upset
5 安慰Comfort
6 嫉妒Jealousy
7 體諒Understanding
8 祝賀Congratulations
第七部分 PART
Business English 商務英語
Unit 1商務貿(mào)易
1 詢盤Inquiry
2 報盤Offers
3 訂貨Order
4 付款Payment
5 包裝Packing
6 裝運Shipment
7 通關Customs Clearance
8 保險Insurance
9 索賠Claim
1 0仲裁Arbitration
Unit 2商務談判
1 合資企業(yè)Joint Venture
2 價格談判Negotiation on Price
3 招標投標談判Calling for Bids and Bidding
4 技術轉讓談判Transfer the Technology
5 合同談判Contract
Unit 3商務會議
1 會議籌備Preparation for a Meeting
2 取消會議Canceling a Meeting
3 提出方案Proposing Solutions
4 方案比較Comparing Proposals
5 贊成與反對Agreeing and Disagreeing
6 結束會議Concluding a Meeting
Unit 4 商務戰(zhàn)略
1 公司注冊Registering a Company
2 展銷會Trade Fair
3 新產(chǎn)品發(fā)布會Product Launch
4 記者招待會Press Conference
5 產(chǎn)品簡報Making a Product Presentation
6 市場開發(fā)Developing New Markets
7 商業(yè)廣告Business Advertisement
Unit 5商務禮儀
1 會客準備 Preparations for Meeting a Buyer
2 客戶接待Receiving Customers
3 參觀工廠Visiting a Company
4 商業(yè)午餐Business Lunches
5 帶客觀光Sightseeing
6 海外出差Overseas Trip
第八部分 PART
Professional English 行業(yè)英語
Unit 1銀行業(yè)務
1 存款Making Deposits
2 取款Withdrawing
3 購買旅行支票 Purchase some Traveler?s Checks
4 支票兌現(xiàn) Cash a Check
5 貨幣兌換Exchange Money
6 信用卡Credit Card
7 綜合業(yè)務Integrated Servies
8 咨詢服務 Consultant Services
Unit 2 郵局業(yè)務
1 出售郵票Selling Stamps
2 水陸郵件業(yè)務Surface Mail Service
3 航空郵件業(yè)務Airmail Service
4 快件業(yè)務Express Mail Service
5 郵寄包裹Parcel Post
Unit 3 餐館
1 訂座Booking Seats
2 安排就座Seating the Guest
3 點菜Taking orders
4 席間服務Serving Dishes
5 顧客投訴Guest Complaints
Unit 4賓館
1 接受預訂Accepting Reservation
2 登記住宿Registration
3 帶客進房Showing a Guest to the Room
4 客房服務Room Service
5 洗衣服務Laundry Service
6 喚醒服務A Morning Call Service
7 投訴服務Complaining of Service
8 結賬離店Checking Out


書名 作者 出版社 價格 購買
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