- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
陳美華 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787305082320
- 出版日期:2011-6-1
本書信息由合作網(wǎng)站提供,請前往以下網(wǎng)站購買: 京東商城
Part One Presentation
Unit One Planning Your Presentation
1.1 Definition of presentation
1.2 Differences between conversation and presentation
1.3 The presentation process
1.4 Coping effectively with presentation anxiety
1.5 Speaking in an alapropriate style
1.6 Principles of an effective presentation
Unit Two Structuring Your Presentation
2.1 Focusing on your topic
2.2 Outlining your presentation
2.3 Introduction——starting a presentation
2.4 Body——giving the subject in detail
2.5 Conclusion——summarizing and concluding
Unit Three Delivering Your Presentation
3.1 Using effective visual aids
3.2 Non-verbal comm Unication
3.3 Voice elements
3.4 Performance elements
Unit Four Thesis Defense
4.1 Knowing about thesis defense
4.2 Preparing for a thesis defense
4.3 Delivering a thesis defense
Checklist What Will Be Asked?
Part Two Seminars and Tutorials
Unit One Definition of Seminars and Tutorials
Unit Two Preparing for a Seminar
Unit Three R Unning a Seminar
3.1 Delivering a seminar presentation
3.2 Asking and dealing with questions
3.3 Having discussions
Unit Four Comm Unicating Strategies of a Chair
Unit Five Tutorials and Consultations
5.1 Preparation
5.2 Engaging in discussion
5,3 Taking notes in discussion groups
5.4 Follow-up work
5.5 Conclusion
5.6 Language points
Part Three International Conference
Unit One Obtaining Conference Information
1.1 The internet
1.2 Professional journals
1.3 Membership of professional organizations
1.4 Conference literature
Unit Two Conference and Organizational Information
2.1 Different meetings
2.2 Conference organization and session modes
Unit Three Call for Conference Papers and Conference Notice
3.1 Call for conference papers
3.2 Conference notice
Unit Four Letters and Curriculum Vitae (CV)
4.1 Letter of invitation
4.2 Letter of application
4.3 Letter of acceptance
4.4 Curriculum vitae
Unit Five Conference Presentation and Chairing
5.1 Preparing and delivering presentation
5.2 Chairing a meeting
5.3 Talking with professionals
5.4 Cultural consideration
5.5 Participating in other activities
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