中國建筑(英文版) Chinese Architecture
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
蔡燕歆 著,(新加坡)李,(新加坡)林,顧偉光 譯
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787508517261
- 出版日期:2010-1-1
Ancient Chinese architecture is not only a sou rce of reference for modernChinese design, but its cultural heritage has also had an international influ—ence and attracted global attention. Appreciating ancient Chinese architec-ture can be likened to opening up an enormous history book. The legends ofremote antiquity speak of the great military achievements of the Qin emperor, the noble spi rit of the Tang Dynasty, the palace intrigues of the Ming Dynasty, not to mention the wisdom and intelligence of the millions of ordinary laborersthat are neglected by the history books;all of their images are vividly re-corded therein.
Ancient Cities
Capital Cities
Provincial Cities
Military Defense
The Supreme Imperial Power
Imperial Palaces
Temples and Altars
Imperial Mausoleums
The Palaces of Gods
Confucian Architecture
Buddhist Architecture
Taoist Architecture
Islamic Architecture
Christian Architecture
Appreciation of Chinese Gardens
Imperial Gardens
Private Gardens
Vernacular Dwellings
Beijing Siheyuan Building (Courtyard Houses
Northwestern Cave Dwelling
Huizhou Dwellings
Upland Dwellings in Sichuan-Chongqing Region
Earthen Houses of Fujian
The Mongolian Yurt
Xinjiang's Aywang
Tibetan Stone Houses
The Bamboo Houses of Dai Ethnic Group in Yunnan
When East Met West
Western Influences on Chinese Architecture
The New National Formalism Architecture
Towards a New Architecture
Appendix: Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties