中國京。ㄓ⑽陌妫 Peking opera
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
徐城北 著,陳耕濤 譯
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787508516646
- 出版日期:2010-2-1
徐城北,Xu Chengbei Researcher in Chinese ArtAcademy, Member of Chinese Writer'sAssociation. The peking opera play Wu Zetianthat he wrote for the well-know contemporaryopera actress Li Shji won the 1 st Wen HuaAward. Profound research in the field of Pekingopera Culture and Beijing city culture. He haspublished more than 60 works including: PekingOpera and Chinese Culture, Old Beijing Trilogy,Mei Lanfang Trilogy, Old Well-known Brands.
Seeing a Peking Opera performance for the first time, a foreigner wouldwonder: why are faces of actors painted red, white, black, yellow or green?Are they masks? But masks are separate from the face. Facial make-upsin Peking Opera are different from masks. Intrigued, many foreign touristswould go backstage to see actors and actresses remove stage makeupand costume. Next time, they would go there before a performance startsto see how performers do their makeup. Luciano Pararotti, the great tenorof international fame, once had a Peking Opera actor paint on his face themakeup of Xiang Yu, a valiant ancient warrior portrayed in numerous Peking Opera plays.