- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(美)唐根 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787119064321
- 出版日期:2010-1-1
The I-Pod you Listen to was made in Kunshan; if you have a Cornpaq, Acer, Dell,Toshiba, HP or MSI aptop it was manufactured in Kunshan, almost 20 percent of the world's digital cameras are manufactured in Kunshan; more than 2 bihon dollars worth of bicycles and bicycle parts are manufactured there each year. If you are under 18, chances are you sat in a stroller and car seat designed and manufactured in Kunshan. Everyday something flora Kunshan touches you or someone you know,yet you have never heard of it.In China, Kunshan is just one of over 100 cities with over a million people.Twenty years ago it was a collection of rural towns and villages organized as a township; today it is the No.1 county-level city by GDP in China. How this meteoric transformation occurred is due to two factors, its proximity to Shanghai and the collection of innovative approaches and methods which make up the Kunshan Way.By reading this book, you will hear Kunshan's story from the government and business leaders who have created it and the people who live there. You will have a better idea of how China uses its central planning/local implementation approach to drive its economy and how Chinese cities are organized. Just as importantly,you will learn about what Lies beyond the numbers, what is unique about Kunshan,where the roots of its success came from and what it has to offer.
Hr. Einar Tangen is an American citizen, of half decent, who split his youngeryears between the US and England. After attending undergraduate and law school,he practiced for five years and then founded E-TECH, which provides financialcontrol and project management services for large infrastructure projects. His workon these projects led to an interest in urban development and finance. Hr. Tangen'spast work includes: Republic of Korea, FDI Advisor; Wisconsin International TradeCouncil, Chair; Milwaukee Business Improvement District, No. 2, Chair; MilwaukeeBoard of Zoning Appeals, Chair; Milwaukee Debt Commission, Chair; Federal HomeLoan Bank of Chicago CIC, Board and Stife Nicolaus & Co., Milwaukee 0ffice,First Vice-President Structured Finance. In 1999 he visited China as a guest of thegovernment, which eventually led to him moving to Beijing in 2006. In China, headvises Heilongjiang Province, Hebei Province's ETDZ and a number of privateclients on foreign technology strategy and acquisitions. He also writes a bi-weeklbusiness article on China for American business magazine "Biz Times".