- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(英)迪格南,弗林德斯,斯威尼,斯梅特-韋布 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787115195814
- 出版日期:2009-1-1
Thanks and acknowledgements
Student's Book Contents
1 Introduction to English365 Book 2
Course components
Organisation of the Student's Book
Starting up the course
2 Introduction to the Teacher's Book
Getting ready
Common elements
Teaching type 1 units
Teaching type 2 units
Teaching type 3 units
3 Teacher's notes: Units 1-30
1 Working internationally
2 Power for life
3 Edinburgh - the festival city
4 Changing direction
5 Job swap
6 Tourist attraction
7 From Mexico to Germany
8 Globalisation
9 Here is the news
10 Executive search
11 Making money
12 Ecotourism
13 Changing culture
14 The customer is always right
15 An interesting place to ive
Revision 1 Units 1-15
16 Taiwan - still a tiger
17 RoboDog
18 Learning styles
19 Britain at work in 2010
20 How the rich travel
21 Great cinema
22 Your personal brand image
23 Managing people
24 Social issues
25 The coffee business
26 Intelligent skis
27 You are what you eat
28 That's entertainment!
29 Life coaching
30 Work or lifestyle?
Revision 2 Units 16-30
4 Extra classroom activities
Teacher's notes
1 Jobs and current projects
2 The organisation quiz
3 Finding your way round
4 Telling a story
5 Swapping jobs
6 How are you feeling?
7 How do things compare?
8 To move or not to move
9 Happy headlines
10 It's my turn
11 That's really rich!
12 Environmental case study
13 The future
14 Can you help?
15 Home improvements
16 Promoting your organisation
17 What can it be?
18 Can I help you?
19 Solving problems
20 Launching a new product
21 Film classics
22 Responsibilities, rules and advice
23 An appraisal interview
24 A serious problem
25 What would you do if ...?
26 There's a problem, I'm afraid
27 Guess who's coming to dinner
28 Useless facts
29 The way things are
30 Saying goodbye
5 Better learning activities
Teacher's notes
1 Why do you want to learn English?
2 Defining general targets
3 Fixing targets and making plans
4 What kind of learner are you?
5 Learning grammar
6 Language learning resources
7 I can't find the word
8 Your vocabulary notebook
9 Keeping a diary
10 Metaphors for language learning
Teacher's diary