- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
陳新仁 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787811371932
- 出版日期:2009-1-1
Unit 1 Preliminaries about Grammar
Pre-Class Reading
1. 1 Language and its grammar
1.2 Grammatical knowledge
1.3 Grammatical competence
1.4 Learning English grammar
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Part One The Structure of English Sentences
Unit 2 Constructing English Sentences
Pre-Class Reading
2.1 Sentence components in English
2.2 Sentence patterns in English
2.3 Movements of sentence components
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Unit 3 Functional Taxonomy of English Sentences
Pre-Class Reading
3.1 Declarative sentences in English
3.2 Interrogative sentences in English
3.3 Imperative sentences in English
3.4 Exclamatory sentences in English
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Unit 4 Grammatical Markers in English Sentences
Pre-Class Reading
4.1 The plurality marker
4.2 The possessive case marker
4.3 The tense aspect markers
4.4 Degree markers for adjectives adverbs
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Part Two The Subject and the Object
Unit 5 The Subject
Pre-Class Reading
5.1 The form choices of the subject
5.2 The meaning choices of the subject
5.3 The subject-predicate agreement in number
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Unit 6 The Object
Pre-Class Reading
6.1 Defining the object
6.2 The form choices of the object
6.3 The meaning choices of the object
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Unit 7 Determiners in Noun Phrases
Pre-Class Reading
7.1 Defining the notion of "determiner"
7.2 Types of determiners
7.3 The co-occurrence of determiners
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Unit 8 Attributives: Modifiers in Noun Phrases
Pre-Class Reading
8.1 The definition of the attributive
8.2 The form choices of the attributive
8.3 The relative clause-
8.4 Ordering modifiers in noun phrases
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Part Three The Predicate and Related Grammatical Categories
Unit 9 The Terse and Aspect Systems
Pre-Class Reading
9.1 The predicate
9.2 The tense of the predicate
9.3 The aspect of the predicate
9.4 Present tenses
9.5 Past tenses
9.6 Future times
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Unit 10 The Mood System
Pre-Class Reading
10.1 Mood as a grammatical category
10.2 Form choices of the subjunctive mood
10.3 Function choices of the subjunctive mood
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Unit 11 The Modality System
Pre-Class Reading
11. 1 Types of modal verbs
11.2 Categories of modality
11.3 Modality and po]iteness
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Part Four The Adverbial and the Complement
Unit 12 The Adverbial
Pre-Class Reading
12.1 The definition of the adverbial
12.2 The form choices of the adverbial
12.3 Types of the adverbials
12.4 Adverbial clauses
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Unit 13 The Complement
Pre-Class Reading
13.1 Defining the complement
13.2 The form choices of the subject complement
13.3 The form choices of the object complement
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Part Five Grammar and Text
Unit 14 Inversion
Pre-Class Reading
14.1 Defining inversion
14.2 Grammatical inversion
14.3 Rhetorical inversion
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Unit 15 Ellipsis and Substitution
Pre-Class Reading
15.1 Defining ellipsis
15.2 Grammatical ellipsis
15.3 Rhetorical ellipsis
15.4 Substitution
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
Unit 16 Cohesion in English Texts
Pre-Class Reading
16.1 Defining cohesion
16.2 Types of cohesive devices
16.3 Choice of cohesive devices
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
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