- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
王曉朝 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787802540989
- 出版日期:2009-2-1
本書信息由合作網(wǎng)站提供,請前往以下網(wǎng)站購買: 京東商城
Prefece from the Editor
Resume of T. C. Chao
1. The Problem of Evil
2. The Appeal of Christianity to the Chinese Mind
3. The Problem of Security College Graduates for the
Christian Ministry
4. Christian Cooperative Organization
5. Symposium on National Christian Organization
6. Can Christian be the Basis of Social Reconstruction in
7. The Strength and the weakness of the church in China
8. My Impressions of the National Christian Conference
9. The Honan Christian Association.
10. Christian and Non -Christian Reply to the Anti -Christian
11. The Relation of the Chinese Church to the Church
12. Fulfilling China's Spiritual Inheritance
13. A Glimpse at One Chinese Christian Worker
14. The Chinese Student and the Christian Church
15. The Significance of the National Christian Council to the
Chinese Church
16. Some Thoughts on International Relations
17. The Chinese Church and Changing China
18. Some Chinese Books Recently Published
19. Christianity in the Christian College
20. The Work of the Committee on International Relationship
of the National Christian Council
21. The Indigenous Church
22. Intellectual Leadership and Citizenship Training
23. Present- Day Religious Thought and Life in China
24. The Chinese Church Realizes Itself
25. The Church Consciousness of the Chinese People
26. Our Cultural Heritage
27. Training for Christian Service
28. My Idea of Spirituality
29. Christianity and Confucianism
30. The Future of Religious Education in Christian
31. Christian Literature Situation
32. Experts and interpreters.
33. What Jesus Means to Me
34. Religious Situation in China
35. Religious situation, 1930
36. Does the Church Need Modem Youth?
37. A Preface to the Moral and Social Problems of Chinese
38. The Church
39. Jesus and the Reality of God
40. The Five -Year Movement in China
41. Christian Unity
42. The Meaning of the Church
43. The Pathway by which I know Jesus.
44. Message of the Cross for China
45. Christianity and the National Crisis
46. The Future of the Church in Social and Economic Thought
and Action
47. Revelation
48. A Chinese Delegate Looks at Tambaram
49. Christian Faith in China's Struggle for Freedom
50. What I Believe
51. The Articulate Word: The Problem of Communication
52. Have We Done Justice to the Church?
53. Training and Maintenance of the Christian Ministry in
54. Christian Faith in China's Struggle
55. Christian Witness in China: Where the Church is a
Minority in a Non - Christian Environment
56. Amsterdam in the Perspective of the Younger
57. Days of Rejoicing in China
58. Christian Churches in Communist China
59. Red Peiping After Six Months
1. The Ethics of Confucius
2. Kan Ying Pien
3. Religious Studies Series, Volume 1
4. The End of Extraterritoriality in China
5. Beauty of Beauties
6. The Cult of Dr. Sun
7. The People's Livelihood as Revealed by Family Budget
8. Adventures in Philosophy and Religion
1. Christian Renaissance in China
2. What the Chinese Are Thinking about Christianity
3. What the Chinese
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