Retrospect and Prospect of China’s Thirty-year Reform of Economic System
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
魏禮群 主編,董利曉,崔麗穎,李青,王志敏 譯
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787010083025
- 出版日期:2009-10-1
本書信息由合作網(wǎng)站提供,請前往以下網(wǎng)站購買: 京東商城
General Introduction Retrospect and Prospect of China's Reform of Economic System
Chapter One Retrospect and Prospect of the Reform of Ownership Structure
、. The Evolution and Reform of China's Ownership Structure
、. The Strategic Restructuring of the Public Sector of the Economy
、. The Continuous Development of Non-public Sectors of the Economy
Ⅳ. Foreign-funded Economy has Entered a New Stage of Development
、. The Basic Ideas of Further Promoting Ownership Reform
Chapter Two Retrospect and Prospect of the Reform of Chinese Rural Economic System
Ⅰ. The Progress and Achievements of the Reform in the Rural Areas
、. Forming and Consummating the Fundamental Operating System in the Rural Areas
Ⅲ. The Reform of the Agricultural Products Circulation System
、. Tax Reform in the Rural Areas and the Cancellation of the Agricultural Tax
、. The Comprehensive Reform in the Rural Areas
、. The Reform of Collective Forest Right System
Ⅶ. To Break the Urban-rural Dual Economic Structure
、. The Basic Experience of the Rural Reform
Ⅸ. The Prospect of the Rural Reform
Chapter Three Retrospect and Prospect of the Reform of Planning System
、. Thirty-year Theoretical Innovation and Decisions about the Relationship between Planning and Market Forces
Ⅱ. The Drawbacks of the Former Planned System and the Progress of Reform
、. Progress in Reforming the Investment System
、. The Relationship among Planning, Finance and Banking
、. Building the Market System
、. Summary of Experience
、. Proposals for the Reform in Future
Chapter Four Retrospect and Prospect of Fiscal and Taxation Reform
Ⅰ. Brief Retrospect of 30 Years' Fiscal and Taxation Reform
、. Achievements and Experiences of Tax-Sharing-Oriented Fiscal and taxation Reform
、. Upholding the Scientific Outlook on Development as the Guideline to Deepen the Fiscal and Taxation Reform and Accderate the Improvement of Public Finance System
Chapter Five Retrospect and Prospect of Reform of Financial System
、. The Theoretical Innovations and Important Decisions in the Development of Financial Reform
Chapter Six Retrospect and Prospect of Circulation System Reform
Chapter Seven Retrospect and Prospect of Income
Chapter Eight Retrospect and Prospect of Social Security System Reform
Chapter Nine Retrospect and Prospect of Reform of Foreign Economic and Trade System
Chapter Ten Retrospect and Prospect of the Reform of Administrative System
Reference books
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