- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
Yongxiang Lu 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787030253859
- 出版日期:2009-9-1
本書信息由合作網(wǎng)站提供,請前往以下網(wǎng)站購買: 京東商城
This general report, sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, presents a pa-noramic scenario for Chinas modernization drive to 2050. It analyzes the evolution and laws governing the development of science and technology, describes the decisive impact of science and technology on the modernization process, predicts that the world is on the eve of an impending S&T revolution, and calls for China to be ful-ly prepared for this new round of S&T advancement. Based on its detailed study of the demands on S&T innovation in Chinas modernization, it draws a framework for eight basic and strategic systems of socio-economic development with the support of science and technology, works out Chinas S&T roadmaps for the relevant eight basic and strategic systems in line with Chinas reality, further details S&T initiatives of stra-tegic importance to Chinas modernization, and provides S&T decision-makers with comprehensive consultations for the development of S&T innovation consistent with Chinas reality. Supported by illustrations and tables of data, the general report pro-vides researchers, government officials and even entrepreneurs with guidance con-cerning research directions, the planning process, and investment. It also serves as a preamble for the eighteen detailed field-specific reports of the committees assigned to craft roadmaps for each sphere of development.
Founded in 1949, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the nation's highest academic institution in the natural sciences. Its major responsibilities are to conduct research in basic and technological sciences, to undertake nationwide integrated surveys on natural resources and ecological environment, to provide the country with scientific data and consultations for government's decision-makings, to undertake government-assigned projects with regard to key S&T problems in the process of socio-economic development, to initiate personnel training, and to promote Chinas high-tech enter-prises through its active engagement in these areas.
1 The World is at the Eve of a New S&T Revolution
1.1 Modernization Calls for a New S&T Revolution
1.2 Signs and Possible Directions of S&T Revolution
2 The New S&T Revolution Provides Historical Opportunities for China's Modernization
2.1 China Must Be Fully Prepared for an Impending S&T Revolution
2.2 New Demands on S&T Innovation in China's Modernization Process
3 China's Eight Basic and Strategic Systems for Socio-economic Development
3.1 The System of Sustainable Energy and Resources
3.2 The Green System of Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing
3.3 The System of Ubiquitous Information Networking
3.4 The System of Ecological and High-value Agriculture and Biological Industry
3.5 The Generally Applicable Health Assurance System
3.6 The Development System of Ecological and Environmental Conservation
3.7 The Expanded System of Space and Ocean Exploration Capability
3.8 The National and Public Security System
4 Twenty-two S&T Initiatives of Strategic Importance to China's Modernization
4.1 Six S&T Initiatives of Strategic Importance to China's International Competitiveness
4.2 Seven S&T Initiatives of Strategic Importance to China's Sustainability
4.3 Two S&T Initiatives of Strategic Importance to China's National and Public Security
4.4 Four Basic Science Initiatives Likely to Make Transformative Breakthroughs
4.5 Three Emerging Initiatives of Cross-disciplinary and Cutting-edge Research
5 S&T Innovation with Chinese Characteristics
5.1 Relying on Domestic Efforts and Effectively Integrating the Global Innovation Resources in Line with Opening to the Outside World
5.2 Assembling and Cultivating Talents via Innovation Practice in Line with the Principle of Putting People First
5.3 Integrating the Market's Primary Role and the Government's Macro-regulation in Line with China's Reality
5.4 Ensuring Division of Labor and Cooperation among Stakeholders in the National Innovation System in Line with Deepening Reform
5.5 Promoting Innovation through Management Innovation in Line with Integrated Planning
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