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Unit 1 Economy and Trade (I)經(jīng)貿(mào)論壇 (一)
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Behind the Price of Rice糧食價(jià)格的背后
Passage Two :G-20 Leaders Promise Measures to Fight Global Recession二十國集團(tuán)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人集中應(yīng)對全球經(jīng)濟(jì)危機(jī)
Passage Three :The Economic Growth and Unemployment經(jīng)濟(jì)增長與失業(yè)小議
Section C
Compound Dictation :GM Went to the Bankruptcy Court通用汽車走向破產(chǎn)法庭

Unit 2 Economy and Trade(II)經(jīng)貿(mào)論壇 (二)
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Shrink, This Year?今年經(jīng)濟(jì)會(huì)萎縮嗎?
Passage Two :The Price of Oil Has Rocketed Up石油價(jià)格迅猛增長
Passage Three :The Economic Crisis and The World Trade經(jīng)濟(jì)危機(jī)與世界貿(mào)易
Section C
Compound Dictation :The New Economic Recovery Plan經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇新方案

Unit 3 Hot Spots 焦點(diǎn)時(shí)刻
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Women,Half the Sky 婦女半邊天
Passage Two :To Reduce the Use of Tobacco一起抵制香煙吧
Passage Three :Be Charged with Five Crimes被指控五項(xiàng)罪名
Section C
Compound Dictation :Obama Wins the Noble Peace Prize 奧巴馬喜獲諾貝爾和平獎(jiǎng)

Unit 4 Education 菁菁校園
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :The High Dropout Rate高輟學(xué)率,我們該如何面對
Passage Two :Universities in Britain談?dòng)拇髮W(xué)
Passage Three :Writing College Papers該如何寫論文呢?
Section C
Compound Dictation :Job Hunting, A Rough Road to Go求職,好一段坎坷路

Unit 5 Science and Technology 科技人生
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Deaths Linked to Alcohol死亡與飲酒
Passage Two :Getting Inside of the Mind of a Baby進(jìn)入寶寶的思維
Passage Three :Climate Change Causes Tree Deaths氣候變化:樹木殺手
Section C
Compound Dictation :Biodegradable Mobile Phones 生物可降解手機(jī)

Unit 6 Career 職場生涯
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :In New Jersey, a Summer Jobs Program with a Bigger Purpose新澤西設(shè)立夏季就業(yè)項(xiàng)目
Passage Two :Studying in the US: Foreign Graduates and Jobs學(xué)在美國:留學(xué)生與就業(yè)
Passage Three :Studying in the US: The Job Market學(xué)在美國:就業(yè)市場
Section C
Compound Dictation :How Much Do Professors Earn in the United States? 美國教授能賺多少呢?

Unit 7 Environmental Protection 保護(hù)我們的家園
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks Less This Year 今年北冰洋冰面縮減幅度減小
Passage Two :A Solar Water Heater太陽能熱水器
Passage Three :Cooking Meals with the Sun太陽“煮飯”
Section C
Compound Dictation :Energy-Saving Way to Recycle Bottles into Drinking Glasses節(jié)省能源:飲料瓶循環(huán)利用變水杯

Unit 8 Languages 快樂學(xué)英語
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Famous Sayings about Love, War and Other Issues諺語:愛情,戰(zhàn)爭……
Passage Two :Dog Talk: Every Dog Has His Day狗說:我也有屬于我的那一天
Passage Three :Green: More Than Just a Color綠色:不單單是個(gè)顏色
Section C
Compound Dictation :Colors: I'm Feeling Very Blue Today顏色詞:我的心情是“藍(lán)色的”

Unit 9 Health Care 健康生活新主張
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One : New Ways for Poor Countries to Diagnose Infectious Diseases貧窮國家診斷傳染病的新方法
Passage Two :Service Organizations Help Prevent Loss of Eyesight in India服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu)在印度幫助預(yù)防失明
Passage Three :Laying the Roots for Healthy Teeth in Young Children為孩子健康的牙齒奠定基礎(chǔ)
Section C
Compound Dictation :Cancer May Soon Be World's Leading Killer癌癥,不久會(huì)成為世界第一殺手

Unit 10 Different Cultures 異域風(fēng)情
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :The Statue of Liberty自由女神像
Passage Two :Christmas and Traditions in America在美國過圣誕
Passage Three :Hot Dogs: Americas’ Favorite Food熱狗:美國人的最愛
Section C
Compound Dictation :Thanksgiving Day: Filled With Family Traditions感恩節(jié):充滿了家庭傳統(tǒng)的節(jié)日

Unit 11 Eleven Life 放眼看世界
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Statistics Report of Child Death兒童死亡報(bào)告
Passage Two :Unemployment Will Continue To Rise失業(yè)率將進(jìn)一步上升
Passage Three :Washington Restaurant Sets an Example as a “Green” Business華盛頓的“綠色”餐廳
Section C
Compound Dictation :Liberia Converting Old Rubber Trees to Electricity利比亞使用老橡膠樹發(fā)電

Unit 12 Life on the Road 漫漫人生
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Three Days to See假如給我三天光明
Passage Two :Mike Tyson’s Retreat邁克•泰森隱退拳壇
Passage Three :Protecting Copyright of Arts保護(hù)藝術(shù)產(chǎn)權(quán)
Section C
Compound Dictation :Advice for Professional Women to Make Business Trips給職業(yè)女性商務(wù)出行的建議

Unit 13 Laws and Rules 法律縱橫談
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Child Labor Persists In India Despite New Laws 印度童工現(xiàn)象依舊,新法無濟(jì)于事
Passage Two :US Transportation Department Targets Drunk Drivers美國運(yùn)輸部治理酒后駕車
Passage Three :An International Appeal to Cut Smoking Rates through Six Policies國際社會(huì)呼吁通過六種途徑減少吸煙人數(shù)
Section C
Compound Dictation :United Nations Climate Talks End with Little Progress聯(lián)合國氣候變化會(huì)議沒有進(jìn)展

Unit 14 Figures 人物雜志
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Bill Gates to Scale Back Duties at Microsoft比爾•蓋茨要退休?
Passage Two :Walt Whitman Created a New Kind of Poetry惠特曼:新詩體的創(chuàng)造者
Passage Three :The Talented but Tragic Life of Michael Jackson邁克爾•杰克遜:才華橫溢的悲劇人生
Section C
Compound Dictation :Bolt, He Is Flying飛人博爾特

Unit 15 Amusement Circles 娛樂圈
Section A
Short Conversations
Long Conversations
Section B
Passage One :Star Humanitarians Use Their Fame to Bring Attention to Causes明星知名度帶動(dòng)人們關(guān)注公益事業(yè)
Passage Two :Arthur Miller and His Death of a Salesman阿瑟•米勒和他的《推銷員之死》
Passage Three :How True to History Is Titanic?電影《泰坦尼克號》的歷史真實(shí)性到底有多少?
Section C
Compound Dictation :Walt Disney Company Names New Chief迪斯尼公司任命新總裁


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星火英語﹒大學(xué)英語六級考試真題詳解+標(biāo)準(zhǔn)預(yù)測(6級)備戰(zhàn)2.. 汪開虎 主.. 上海交通大學(xué)出版..


六級詞匯詞根+聯(lián)想記憶法:亂序版(附MP3)(亂序編排,詞.. 俞敏洪 編.. 西安交通大學(xué)出版..


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長喜英語 大學(xué)英語六級(6級)考試真題集訓(xùn)10+5(附光盤)(第.. 王長喜 主.. 北京教育出版社


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六級詞匯詞根+聯(lián)想記憶法(附MP3光盤)——新東方大愚英語.. 俞敏洪 著 西安交通大學(xué)出版..


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