- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
劉文媛,石秀紅 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787561844625
- 出版日期:2012-9-1
Chapter l Painting
Unit 1
Text A Monet:Father of French Impressionist Painting
Text B Men behind the Art
Text C The Secret of Color
Unit 2
Text A How Should We Appreciate the Oil Painting?
Text B “Father of Modern Art”-C6zanne
Text C Chinese Painting
Unit 3
Text A Watercolor: From Ancient Times to the 21st Century
Text B Vincent Van Gogh and Starry Night
Text C Pablo Ruiz Picasso
Unit 4
Text A What Is Art?—The Perception of Art through History
Text B The Appreciation of Works of Art - Sensory Appreciation
and/or Critical Interpretation?
Text C The Origin of Painting
Chapter 2 Dancing
Unit 1
Text A Isadora Duncan:Mother of Modem Dance
Text B Lady's Responsibility in Dancing
Text C Disco
Unit 2
Text A A Glimpse of Education on Ballet
Text B Tai Lihua: Dancing in Silence
Text C Ballet Training in Russia
Unit 3
Text A Qualities of a Good Dance Teacher
Text B Michael Jackson: An Incomparable Dancer
Text C Famous Dances in Famous Places
Unit 4
Text A Japan's Latest Dance Craze
Text B The World of Latin Dance
Text C The Argentine Cowboy Dance
Chapter 3 Music
Unit 1
Text A The History of Classical Music
Text B Pop Music That's Always on Top
Text C Beatles Changed the Face of Music
Unit 2
Text A American Favorite Styles of Music
Text B Jazz - Art without Rules
Text C Haunting Sound of the Bagpipes
Unit 3
Text A Luciano Pavarotti
Text B The Music I Love
Text C Declan Galbraith: Angel
Unit 4
Text A How Jazz Began
Text B The Early Story of Stevie Wonder
Text C Rock Music
Chapter 4 Movie & TV
Unit 1
Text A Chuck Jones' Beautiful Life
Text B Movie Reviews
Text C Dialogue in The Incredibles
Unit 2
Text A A Fair Lady Forever: Audrey Heburn
Text B Walt Disney: It All Started with-a Mouse
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