國(guó)際物流英語(yǔ)(International Logistics English)

  • 所屬分類:
  • 作者:
    光昕,歐陽(yáng)斌 主編
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787564035709
  • 出版日期:2010-7-1
  • 原價(jià):
  • 本書(shū)信息由合作網(wǎng)站提供,請(qǐng)前往以下網(wǎng)站購(gòu)買(mǎi):






Unit Ⅰ International Logistics
Part Ⅰ The Term of International Logistics
Part Ⅱ Managing the Global Supply Chain
Writing Skill Ⅰ Placing ATrial Order
Part Ⅲ The New Opportunities of Globalization
Part Ⅳ International Logistics Strategies
Writing Skill Ⅱ Confirming the Order
Expression Ⅰ Verb Tense
Practice Ⅰ Sales Contract
Exercise Ⅰ
Unit Ⅱ International Trade
Part Ⅰ The Knowledge of international Trade (Ⅰ)
Part Ⅱ The Knowledge of International Trade (Ⅱ)
Writing Skill Ⅰ Quotation and Reply
Part Ⅲ International Trade Models (Ⅰ)
Part Ⅳ International Trade Models (Ⅱ)
Writing Skill Ⅱ Quotation and Reply
Expression Ⅱ Active Voice and the Passive Voice
Case Study Ⅱ Quotation......
Exercise Ⅱ
Unit Ⅲ International Transportation
Part Ⅰ International Transportation
Part Ⅱ The Geo-strategy of International Transportation
Writing Skill Ⅰ An Email for Establishing Business Relationship from Seller
Part Ⅲ Freight Transport and Commodity Chains
Part Ⅳ Solving International Transportation Problems
Writing Skill Ⅱ A Letter for Establishing Business Relationship from Buyer
Expression Ⅲ Indefinite Formulary
Case Study Ⅲ International Settlement
Exercise Ⅲ
Unit Ⅳ International Feeight Agency
Part Ⅰ China International Freight Forwarders Association (I)
Part Ⅱ China International Freight Forwarders Association (11)
Writing Skill Ⅰ A Request for Being Appointed as Sole Agent
Part Ⅲ The Knowledge of International Freight Forwarding Industry
Part Ⅳ A Freight Forwarder
Writing Skill Ⅱ Entrusting An Exclusive Agency
Expression Ⅳ Participle
Case Study Ⅳ Sales Confirmation
Exercise Ⅳ
Unit Ⅴ Apply to Customs
Part Ⅰ A Customs Broker
Part Ⅱ Flow Process for Customs Declaration Formalities
Writing Skill Ⅰ UC under Contract No, 1459FD45 (I)
Part Ⅲ Cargo Security and Tax Payment
Part Ⅳ Various Types of Tariffs
Writing Skill Ⅱ UC under Contract No. 1459FD45 (11)
Expression Ⅴ Gerund
Case Study Ⅴ Customs Declaration
Exercise Ⅴ
Unit Ⅵ Customs Import and Export Goods Inspection
Part Ⅰ Classification and Scope of the Inspection
Part Ⅱ The Required Documents for Inspection
Writing Skill Ⅰ Re. Our Order No. CK215 Covering 4000 Dozen Shirts (I)
Part Ⅲ The U. S. Customs Inspection and Duty
Part Ⅳ The Import & Export Procedure
Writing Skill Ⅱ Re. Our Order No. CK215 Covering 4000 Dozen Shirts (11)
Expression Ⅵ Verb Mood
Case Study Ⅵ Inspection and Quarantine
Exercise Ⅵ
Unit Ⅶ Bonded Warehouse
Part Ⅰ Bonded Warehouses under Customs Act (I)
Part Ⅱ Bonded Warehouses under Customs Act (11)..:
Writing Skill Ⅰ Acceptance of Orders -.
Part Ⅲ The Customs Warehousing.Procedure (I)
Part Ⅳ The Customs Warehousing Procedure (11)
Writing Skill Ⅱ Offering Substitute
Expression Ⅶ Adverbial Clause
Case Study Ⅶ Original Certificate
Exercise Ⅶ
Unit Ⅷ International Logistics Information SYSTEM
Part Ⅰ Logistics Information System: EliteTrax
Part Ⅱ The Importance of Logistics Information System
Writing Skill Ⅰ Importer Asks Exporter to Cover Insurance
Part Ⅲ Logistics Information and Communication Technology
Part Ⅳ Use of EDI in the Supply Chain
Writing Skill Ⅱ Asking forA Special Rate of Insurance
Expression Ⅷ Attributive Clause
Case Study Ⅷ Transportation Bill of Document
Exercise Ⅷ
Unit Ⅸ International Supply Chain
Part Ⅰ International Supply Chain
Part Ⅱ Supply Chain Decisions
Writing Skill Ⅰ A Transaction on Art and Craft Goods (I)
Part Ⅲ Learning and Evolving Networks
Part Ⅳ Contingency Theory
Writing Skill Ⅱ ATransaction on Art and Craft Goods (11)
Expression Ⅸ Noun Clause
Case Study Ⅸ Textile Export Licence
Exercise Ⅸ
Unit Ⅹ Multimodal Transport and Containerization
Part Ⅰ Multimodal Transport Operations (Ⅰ)
Part Ⅱ Multimodal Transport Operations (Ⅱ)
Writing Skill Ⅰ Urging for Prompt Delivery (Ⅰ)
Part Ⅲ Intermodal Freight Transport and Containerization (Ⅰ).
Part Ⅳ Intermodal Freight Transport and Containerization (Ⅱ)
Writing Skill Ⅱ Urging for Prompt Delivery (Ⅱ)
Expression Ⅹ Applying of Tense
Case Study Ⅹ Other Logistics Documents
Exercise Ⅹ


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