公共管理英語(修訂版)(公共管理碩士(MPA)系列教材) ..
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
顧建光 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787300120003
- 出版日期:2010-6-1
第一篇 教學內(nèi)容
1.Opening Administration to the Public
2.Why Public Management Reform?
3.Reform of the Administration and Local Public Services Introduction
4.State and Market
5.What Is Community?
6.Developing and Designing Performance Management
7.World Development Indicators
8.The Economic Perspective for the People's Republic of China
9.China Seeks Peaceful Growth
10.The Largest Recipient of Foreign Capital
11.What Is Macro Soeial Work
12.The Social Production Model
13.Population and Poverty Reduction
14.Personnel Policies
15.What Is H R D?
16.Diverse Schemes for Public Ownership
17.Farmer Employment:A Great Concern
18.Home to the World's Money
19.Rising to an Economic Power
20.Why Do Industries Cluster?
21.Standard Poverty Measures
22.The City Image and Its Elements
23.Strategic Approaches to Science and Technology in Development
24.Environmental Indicators
第二篇 閱讀與翻譯
1.Three Big Questions in Public Management
2.Institutional Strengthening and Capability Building
4.The Private Sector
5.Community Participation
6.Urban Governance
7.The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
8.The World Bank
9.Impact of China's WTO Accession on East Asia
10.The Benefits of International Trade
11.Community Development
12.Medical Cares in Different Hospitals
13.Access to Education
14.Social Risk Management
15.Good Governance and Management
16.Urban Transport
17.Poverty Alleviation
18.From the Industrial to the Network Age-A Historic Shift
19.The World Trade Organization
20.Key Issues in LMPS Design
21.Delivering Health Care to an Aging Population
22.The World Is Becoming More Urban
23.Communicating with the Silicon City
24.Confronting the Urban Environmental Challenge
第三篇 總詞匯表
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研究生英語精讀教程(第三版·下)(研究生英語系列教材) | 胡德康,劉.. | 中國人民大學出版.. | ¥38.00¥30.40 |
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研究生英語精讀教程(第三版·上)(研究生英語系列教材) | 胡德康,劉.. | 中國人民大學出版.. | ¥37.00¥32.50 |
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