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Class on stage
Charlie and the aspiration factory
Why British theatre is obsessed with socialmobility
THERE are several ways of retelling “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. In 2005 Hollywoodfocused on Willy Wonka, the factory's owner, portraying him as a purple-gloved man-child. Anew musical production of Roald Dahl's children's story at the Theatre Royal in Londonconcentrates on the up-from-poverty fortune of Charlie Bucket, the boy who finds the goldenticket. Mr Wonka lurks in beggar's dress at the side of the stage, as if selecting a specimen fora social experiment.
Tales of upward social mobility attempted or achieved are crowding the London stage. “BillyElliott”, the story of a miner's son who contends with bereavement, strikes and the north-southdivide to make it as a ballet dancer, recently celebrated its four-millionth visitor. “Port”, anaccount of a Stockport girl's attempts to escape her girm origins, was a success at the NationalTheatre this spring. Last year “In Basildon” depicted strivers in the quintessential upwardly-mobile Essex town.
It is a venerable theatrical (and literary) theme, but it is being handled in a different way.John Osborne's 1956 play “Look Back in Anger” showed a working-class man's fury at themiddle class he had married into. By the 1970s and 1980s writers were looking down theirnoses at social climbers, in plays like “Top Girls” and “Abigail's Party”, in which a middle-classarriviste serves cheesy nibbles and the wrong kind of wine.
Social mobility receded as a topic for a while, as playwrights like David Hare turned toscrutinising the state of the nation. Now it has returned—and is depicted much moresympathetically. Dominic Cooke, who directed “In Basildon” at the Royal Court Theatre, saysthis may be a delayed reaction to the collapse of state socialism in Europe. Left-wing writerscan no longer look to an alternative ideal. Instead they focus on how people navigate Britishsociety.
A possible reason for the sympathetic tone is that upward mobility can no longer be taken forgranted. In 2011 researchers at the London School of Economics concluded thatintergenerational social mobility, assessed by income for children born between 1970 and2000, had stalled. Another study, by Essex University academics, found matters had notimproved during the slump.
So it is fantastic fun to see people make it. Charlie Bucket does so spectacularly. At the end of“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” he is a pint-size entrepreneur, with an immigrantworkforce of Oompa-Loompas to ensure he does not tumble back down the social ladder.
所以看看人們演繹它也很有趣。查理令人啼笑皆非。 在“查理和巧克力工廠”的結(jié)局,他是一個(gè)小型的企業(yè)家,有一群奧古倫伯人在巧克力工廠工作,以確保他永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)從社會(huì)的樓梯中跌落下來(lái)。
1.obsessed with 癡迷
例句:What he's obsessed with is finding high-growth companies that investors areunderestimating.
2.focus on 致力于;使聚焦于
例句:Their talks are expected to focus on arms control.
3.concentrate on 專(zhuān)心于,把思想集中于
例句:After a fourth-place finish in Sydney in2000 he retired from top-level rowing toconcentrate on his career as a practice director of performance development consultancy,lane4.
4.attempt to 嘗試,企圖
例句:This is an attempt to put flesh on what has been a very bare skeleton plan up to now.
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