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Stray dogs in Chile
Spray as you go
The state orders a sterilisation of stray mutts
IT IS one of the first things that visitors to Santiago,the Chilean capital, ask: “Why are there so many dogs everywhere?” Patricia Cocas, founder ofProAnimal Chile, an animal-rights group, reckons that some 180,000 stray hounds wander thecity of six million people; a further 80,000 are let out by their owners to roam as they please.The area around the presidential palace is a favoured hangout. Most mutts are harmlessenough—Chile is free of rabies, which helps explain why they are tolerated. But some attackpassers-by or chase cars down Santiago's main thoroughfare, the Alameda, occasionallyripping tyres with their teeth.
游客們?nèi)ブ抢锥际サ貋喐缏眯袝r,最初會打聽的問題之一是:“為什么這兒到處都是狗呢?”智利的動物權(quán)利小組專業(yè)動物組織發(fā)起人Patricia Cocas估計大約十八萬只流浪犬逡巡于六百萬城市人口之間;有超過八萬只流浪犬被它們的主人遺棄,任它們流浪?偨y(tǒng)府附近地區(qū)就是他們最喜歡閑逛的位子。大部分流浪狗對人無害—智利沒有狂犬病。這也就是流浪犬被容忍的原因。但是一些流浪犬攻擊行人或者在圣地亞哥的主干道——林蔭大道上追逐車輛,它們有時會用牙齒撕咬輪胎。
The government is now taking action. In her state-of-the-union speech last month, PresidentMichelle Bachelet announced a national sterilisation programme for stray dogs (the details arestill to be fleshed out). A bill on responsible pet ownership is due to come before Congressthis month. It envisages tougher penalties for those who abuse or abandon their pets, andthe establishment of a register of dangerous dogs.
Ms Bachelet is trying to make the pooches political, weaving them into a broader narrativeabout inequality. Chile's cities need affordable veterinary centres where pets can bevaccinated and sterilised, she said in her speech. “In our country wealthy people can do that,but people without money have no way of caring for their pets.” But she insists there will be nocull of strays. For now, the mongrels on the lawns outside the palace where she works cansleep in peace.
1.let out 放出;釋放
例句:And then, as she lifted her hands to beginplaying, she heard her mother let out a small gasp.
2.take action 采取行動
例句:If so what is the main thrust? Perhaps yourgoal is to inspire your audience to take action.
3.due to 由于
例句:Many accidents were due to pilot misjudgement.
4.care for 照顧
例句:You don't care for rock'n'roll, do you?
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