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Two Chinese universities, University of Hong Kongand University of Macao, squeezed into the top 10 ofthe world's most international universities in 2016,according to a new list published by Times HigherEducation on Thursday.
The latest list showed that University of Hong Kongranked third and University of Macao seized the sixthplace.
World's Most International Universities Ranking 2016 by The Times Higher Education included200 universities from 28 countries. It employed indicators such as the proportion ofinternational staff, the number of international students and research papers published with atleast one co-author from another country of each institution.
Qatar University claimed the most international institution, marking the first time a MiddleEastern university has topped the list.
The remaining of the top 10 were the University of Luxembourg (second), Ecole PolytechniqueFederale de Lausanne (fourth), University of Geneva (fifth), ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Instituteof Technology Zurich (seventh), University of St. Gallen (eighth), National University ofSingapore (ninth) and Imperial College London (10th).
"An institution's global outlook is one of the key markers of a prestigious university. The topinstitutions hire faculty from all over the world, attract students from a global market of toptalent and collaborate with leading departments wherever they happen to be based." said PhilBaty, editor of Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
"All institutions in this list deserve to celebrate - being named one of the most internationaluniversities in the world is a sign of great potential, competitiveness and dynamism."
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