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This Negative Facial Expression Is ’Universal’
A furrowed brow, lifted chin and pressed-together lips are used to show negative judgment among speakers of English, Spanish, Mandarin and American Sign Language (ASL), according to a new study published in the May issue. In ASL, speakers sometimes use this "not face" alone, without any other negative sign, to indicate disagreement in a sentence.
"Sometimes, the only way you can tell that the meaning of the sentence is negative is, that person made the ’not face’ when they signed it," said Aleix Martinez, a cognitive scientist and professor of electrical and computer engineering at The Ohio State University.
Martinez and his colleagues previously identified 21 distinct facial emotions, including six basic emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust).
The researchers wondered if there might be a basic expression that indicates disapproval across cultures. Disapproval, disgust and disagreement should be foundational emotions to communicate, they reasoned, so a universal facial expression marking these emotions have evolved early in human history.
The researchers recruited 158 university students and filmed them in casual conversation in their first language. Some of these students spoke English as a native tongue, while others were native Spanish, Mandarin Chinese or ASL speakers. These languages have different roots and different grammatical structures. English is Germanic, Spanish is in the Latin family and Mandarin developed independently from both. ASL developed in the 1800s from a mix of French and local sign language systems, and has a grammatical structure distinct from English.
But despite their differences, all of the groups used the "not face," the researchers found. The scientists elicited the expression by asking the students to read negative sentences or asking them to answer questions that they’d likely answer in the negative, such as, "A study shows that tuition should increase 30 percent. What do you think?"
As the students responded with phrases like, "They should not do that," their facial expressions changed. A furrowed brow indicates anger, a raised chin shows disgust and tight lips denote contempt.By analyzing the video of the conversations and using an algorithm to track facial muscle movement, Martinez and his colleagues were able to show that a combination of anger, disgust and contempt danced across the speakers’ faces, regardless of their native tongue.
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