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劉志平,美國Iowa State University免疫學博士(2008年),美國The University of Michigan 醫(yī)學院和美國St. Jude Children\' s Research Hospital的博士后(2008-2014)。 美國胃腸學協(xié)會和美國免疫學協(xié)會會員。從2002年攻讀博士期間至今一直從事胃腸道炎癥和癌癥機理的研究。在胃腸道炎癥和癌癥領(lǐng)域已發(fā)表SCI論文19篇,其中第一作者或共同第一作者SCI論文8篇,通訊作者1篇。
2015年,與美國St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital合作,首次揭示了DNA感受器AIM2通過調(diào)節(jié)干細胞活性及腸道菌群變化來抑制腸道腫瘤的復(fù)雜機制。劉志平以共同第一作者發(fā)表這項科研成果在國際頂級學術(shù)期刊Cell 162(1): 45-58. (2015年SCI影響因子28.71),并被同期Cell和另一學術(shù)期刊 Cancer Discovery (2015年SCI影響因子19.783) 所評論。2015年11月,劉志平被中國免疫學會第十屆全國免疫學學術(shù)大會(北京)邀請做口頭報告并在第九分會場“腫瘤免疫與腫瘤免疫治療”Session 1擔任主持人。此外,劉志平在2017年以通訊作者發(fā)表論文在Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2015年SCI影響因子5.694),2016年以第一作者發(fā)表論文在Scientific Reports (2015年SCI影響因子5.228), 以共同作者發(fā)表論文在Nature Cell Biology (2015年SCI影響因子18.699)。
聯(lián)系方式:Zhiping.liu@gmu.cn or QQ: 1976371348
今年來的代表性論文有: Liu Z (劉志平)
1. He L,Chen Y,Wu Y,Xu Y,Zhang Z,Liu Z,Nucleic acid sensing pattern recognition receptors in the development of colorectal cancer and colitis,Cell Mol Life Sci, 2017. 2. 21. doi: 10.1007/s00018-017-2477-1.
2. Ni T, Li XY, Lu N, An T, Liu ZP, Fu R, Lv WC, Zhang YW, Xu XJ, Grant Rowe R, Lin YS, Scherer A, Feinberg T, Zheng XQ, Chen BA, Liu XS, Guo QL, Wu ZQ, Weiss SJ. Snail1-dependent p53 repression regulates expansion and activity of tumour-initiating cells in breast cancer. Nat Cell Biol 2016;18(11):1221-1232.
3. Liu Z, Man SM, Zhu Q, Vogel P, Frase S, Fukui Y, Kanneganti TD. DOCK2 confers immunity and intestinal colonization resistance to Citrobacter rodentium infection. Sci Rep 2016; 6, 27814; doi: 10.1038/srep27814.
4. Man SM*, Zhu Q*, Zhu L*, Liu Z*, Karki R, Malik A, Sharma D, Li L, Malireddi RK, Gurung P, Neale G, Olsen SR, Carter RA, McGoldrick DJ, Wu G, Finkelstein D, Vogel P, Gilbertson RJ, Kanneganti TD. Critical Role for the DNA Sensor AIM2 in Stem Cell Proliferation and Cancer. Cell 2015; 162(1): 45-58. * 共同第一作者 (Comments: (1): Rommereim LM, Subramanian N. AIMing 2 Curtail Cancer. Cell. 2015; 162(1): 18-20. (2): AIM2 Blocks Colon Cancer in Three Ways. Cancer Discov. 2015;5(9):899-900.)
5. Zhu Q, Man S, Gurung P, Liu Z, Vogel P, Lamkanfi M, and Kanneganti TD. STING mediates protection against colorectal tumorigenesis by governing the magnitude of intestinal inflammation. J Immunol 2014;193(10): 4779-82.
6. Lupfer CR, Anand PK, Liu Z, Stokes KL, Vogel P, Lamkanfi M, Kanneganti TD. Reactive Oxygen Species Regulate Caspase-11 Expression and Activation of the Non-canonical NLRP3 Inflammasome during Enteric Pathogen Infection. PLoS Pathog 2014;10(9):e1004410.
7. Liu Z, Zaki MH, Vogel P, Gurung P, Finlay BB, Deng W, Lamkanfi M, Kanneganti TD. The role of inflammasomes in host defense against Citrobacter rodentium infection. J Biol Chem 2012; 87(20): 16955-16964.
8. Liu Z, Demitrack E, Keeley TM, Eaton KA, El-Zaatari M, Merchant J and Samuelson LC. IFNγ contributes to the development of gastric epithelial cell metaplasia in Huntingtin interacting protein 1 related (Hip1r)-deficient mice. Lab Invest 2012; 92(7): 1045-57.
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