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3. 開設課程
[1] 國家自然科學基金項目“黃瓜葉微卷、白粉病抗性突變體PMrl基因的克隆及其抗性機理研究”(31772300)2018.1-2021.12
[2] 國家自然科學基金項目“黃瓜無卷須基因(td)的克隆及功能分析”(31471891)2015.1-2018.12
[3] 國家自然科學基金項目“黃瓜矮生基因(cp)的精細定位、克隆及功能分析”(31171955)2012.1-2015.12
[4] 國家自然科學基金項目“黃瓜葉片胞間隙及細胞壁抗霜霉菌侵染相關蛋白表達分析”(31071791)2011.1-2013.12
[5] 基本科研業(yè)務費專項資金(優(yōu)青專項)“黃瓜與霜霉菌互作體系中CsHIR1基因克隆及其特性分析” 2013.01-2016.12
[6] 校國際合作基金“黃瓜高抗霜霉病優(yōu)異基因的挖掘和種質創(chuàng)新”2014.10-2016.10
[7] 國際科技合作項目“基于全基因組重測序及分子定位挖掘黃瓜新種質高抗霜霉病基因” 2011.09-2012.09
[8] 西北農林科技大學校長基金“黃瓜種質資源的創(chuàng)制” 2011.03-2013.12
[1] Wang H, Li W, Qin Y, Pan Y, Wang X, Weng Y, Chen P, Li Y*. 2017. The Cytochrome P450 Gene CsCYP85A1 Is a Putative Candidate for Super Compact-1 (Scp-1) Plant Architecture Mutation in Cucumber (CucumissativusL.). Front. Plant Sci. 8:266. doi: 10.3389 /fpls.2017.00266(IF:4.495)
[2]Feifan Chen,Bingbing Fu,Yupeng Pan,Chaowen Zhang,Haifan Wen,YiqunWeng,Peng Chen,Yuhong Li*.2017.Fine mapping identifies CsGCN5 encoding a histone acetyltransferase as putative candidate gene fortendril-less1 mutation (td-1) in cucumber.Theoretical and Applied Genetics,DOI 10.1007/s00122-017-2909-1(IF:3.90)
[3]Bo KL, Wang H, Pan YP, Behera TK, Pandey S, Wen CL, Wang YH, Simon PW, Li YH, Chen JF*, Weng Y*. 2016. SHORT HYPOCOTYL1 encodes a SMARCA3-Like chromatin remodeling factor regulating elongation. Plant Physiology 172(2): 1273-1292(IF:7.394)
[4]Gao ML*, Hu LL, Li YH, Weng Y* .2016. The chlorophyll-deficient golden leaf mutation in cucumber is due to a single nucleotide substitution in CsChlI for magnesium chelatase I subunit. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129(10): 1961-1973(IF:3.90)
[5]Yuhong Li, Luming Yang, MamtaPathak,Da Wei Li, Xiaoming He ,YiqunWeng. 2011. Fine genetic mapping of cp, a recessive gene for compact (dwarf) plant architecture in cucumber, Cucumissativus L. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,123(6):973-983(IF: 3.264)
[6]Yuhong Li, Changlong Wen, and YiqunWeng.2013.Fine genetic mapping in cucumber delimits a pleiotropic locus B for black spine and orange mature fruit color in a 50kb region containing a candidate gene for R2R3-MYB transcription factor. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,126:2187-2196(IF: 3.658)
[7] Xiaoming He,Yuhong Li,SudhakarPandey,MamtaPathak,Brain Yandell,YiqunWeng. QTL Mapping of Powdery Mildew in WI 2757 Cucumber, Cucumissativus L. 2013.Theoretical and Applied Genetics,126:2149-2161(IF: 3.658)
[8] Luming Yang, Dal-Hoe Koo, Yuhong Li, Xuejiao Zhang, Feishi Luan, Michael J. Havey, JimingJiang,Yiqun Weng.2012.Chromosome rearrangements during domestication of cucumber as revealed by high-density genetic mapping and draft genome assembly. Plant Journal, 71, 895–906,2012 (IF:6.582)
[9] Dawei Li, Hugo E Cuevas, Luming Yang, Yuhong Li, Jordi Garcia-Mas, Juan Zalapa,Jack E Stab, Feishi Luan, Umesh Reddy, Xiaoming He, Zhenhui Gong, YiqunWeng.2011.Syntenic relationships between cucumber (Cucumissativus L.) and melon (C. melo L.) chromosomes as revealed by comparative genetic mapping. BMC Genomics,12:396, 2011 (IF:4.206)
[10] Yang LM, Li DW, Li YH, Gu XF, Huang SW, Garcia-Mas J, Weng Y. 2013. A 1,681-locus consensus genetic map of cultivated cucumber including 67 NB-LRR resistance gene homolog and ten gene loci.BMC Plant Biology,13:53. ( IF:4.354)
[11] Chen P, Guo YF, Yan Q, Li YH. 2011.Molecular cloning and characterization of Fag t 2: a 16-kD major allergen from Tartary buckwheat seeds. Allergy, 66(10): 1393-95(IF: 6.297)
[12] Li Yuhong, WengYiqun. 2010. Molecular mapping of genes for compact growth habit and fruit spine color in cultivated cucumber (Cucumissativus var. sativus L.). Abstracts of Plant and Animal Genome Conference XIX (Jan15-19,2011,SanDiego,CA). http: //intl-pag. org/ 19/ abstracts /P05g_ PAGXIX _451.html
[13] 雍建鵬,李玉紅*,李萬青,陳菲帆,陳鵬,程智慧. 2013.黃瓜矮生基因(cp)連鎖的簡單重復序列(SSRs)和序列標簽位點(STS)標記。農業(yè)生物技術學報,21(10): 1152-1158
5. 聯(lián)系方式
Email: liyuhong73@126.com;liyuhong73@nwsuaf.edu.cn