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Most people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full. 大多數(shù)人將樂觀定義為永遠快樂,總覺得杯子里的水還有一半。But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. 但積極心理學家并不提倡這種虛假的快樂。“Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor.“健康的樂觀是與現(xiàn)實聯(lián)系在一起的,”哈佛大學教授泰·本-沙哈說道。According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.根據(jù)他的觀點,現(xiàn)實的樂觀主義者是去積極實現(xiàn)事情的圓滿,而不是坐等事情會自己圓滿。
Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises. 本-沙哈提出了樂觀訓練的三個階段。When he feels down—say, after giving a bad lecture---he grants himself permission to be human.當他心情低落時——比如,一個糟糕的演講之后——他寬慰自己這是人之常情。He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner, some will be less effective than others. 他提醒自己不是每一次演講都要求諾貝爾標準,有些演講的效果會不如其他。Next is reconstruction. 下一個階段是重塑。He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t. 他會分析這次失敗的演講,哪些地方可取,哪些不可取,為將來的演講積累經(jīng)驗。Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter.最后一個階段是前瞻,我們要認識到在生命的宏偉藍圖中,一次演講根本算不上什么。
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