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olitics this week
Hillary Clinton announced that she is running for theWhite House in 2016. She vowed to get“unaccountable money” out of politics “once and forall, even if that takes a constitutional amendment”.Her campaign is expected to raise at least 1 billion.On the Republican side Marco Rubio, a Floridasenator, joined a field that is fast becoming crowded.
A Florida doctor, Salomon Melgen, was indicted for defrauding Medicare, the government healthscheme for the old, which he had billed for 105m over six years. Earlier this month Mr Melgenand Senator Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, were indicted for trading gifts forfavours. Both men denied.
Sudan held a presidential election and, though the results will not be announced until April27th, most believe President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is sure of another term in office. Oppositiongroups boycotted the poll. Sudan is war-ravaged and its economy is struggling. But Mr Bashir,indicted for genocide by the International Criminal Court, has never looked stronger.
Russia has lifted a self-imposed ban on the sale to Iran of an advanced air-defence system, amove criticised by the countries involved in talks to limit Tehran's nuclear programme. Americaand Israel opposed selling the S-300 system to Iran on the grounds that it would make any airstrikes on its nuclear facilities harder and upset the region's balance of military power.
The Shabab, al-Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia, exploded a car bomb outside the Ministry of HigherEducation in Mogadishu, the capital. At least 19 people were killed, including seven attackers. Itcomes on the heels of the Shabab's massacre at a university in Garissa, Kenya, in whichgunmen killed 148 people.
Three weeks of air strikes by a Saudi-led coalition have done little to halt the advance of theIranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. Pakistan has affirmed that it will not send in groundtroops. Muhammad Javad Zarif, Iran's foreign minister, has laid out a four-point plan to resolvethe crisis.
Yemen's civil war has benefited al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the group's most dangerousbranch, which has taken over Mukalla, a Yemeni port. But an American drone strike killedIbrahim al-Rubeish, a top figure in the outfit.
A court in Japan blocked the reopening of a nuclear power plant in Fukui on the main island'swest coast. The Takahama plant had already obtained approval from Japan's nuclear regulator.It is a blow to Shinzo Abe, the prime minister. Nuclear power generated 30% of Japan'selectricity before the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster, after which the country's nuclearpower stations were shut down.
The government in China released five feminist activists detained for planning protests againstsexual harassment on public transport on March 8th, International Women's Day. They maystill be prosecuted for supposedly creating a disturbance.
In response to protests in Hong Kong against mainland Chinese who buy goods in bulk toresell, China limited residents of Shenzhen, across the border from Hong Kong, to visiting theterritory just once a week. Goods in Hong Kong are cheaper and more trusted, but a surge ofmainland Chinese visitors has bred resentments.
India relaxed the last of the restrictions on the production of goods, including pickles andchutneys, that are “reserved” exclusively for small businesses. At the peak of industrial policyin the 1970s some 800 goods were similarly reserved.
The British election creaked into third gear with the launch of the parties'manifestos. With thepolls still too tight to call, the Conservatives promised more free child care and subsidies forsocial-housing tenants. Labour vowed to avoid further borrowing and keep cutting the deficit.
Good weather encouraged more boatloads of would-be migrants across the Mediterranean. TheItalian coastguard rescued hundreds, but as many as 400 were feared drowned after one boatcapsized off Libya. The UN said not enough was being done to save lives
The extreme-right Jobbik party shocked Hungary's ruling right-wing Fidesz party by winning aby-election. Jobbik claims that it, not the left, is now the only plausible opposition to theFidesz prime minister, Viktor Orban.
Turkey attacked Pope Francis and the European Parliament after both described the Ottomanmassacres of Armenians in 1915-16 as genocide. Turkish objections to the word haveintensified in the run-up to the centenary of the start of the killings on April 24th.
Despite a purported ceasefire, renewed violence broke out in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine said sixof its soldiers had been killed; pro-Russian rebels said one of their fighters had died.
Barack Obama and Raul Castro held the first substantive meeting between the leaders of theUnited States and Cuba in nearly 60 years at a summit in Panama. Mr. Castro railed against theembargo that the United States imposed on Cuba, which was loosened last December, butcalled Mr. Obama an “honest man”. After the summit the United States removed Cuba from itslist of state sponsors of terrorism. The decision eliminates an obstacle to restoringdiplomatic relations.
FARC guerrillas killed at least ten Colombian soldiers and wounded 17 more. The army claimedthat the FARC initiated the attacks. That would make it the most serious breach yet of aceasefire declared by the rebel group in December. Colombia's president, Juan Manuel Santos,ordered a resumption of air raids on the FARC, which he had suspended in March. The twosides have been holding talks aimed at ending the 50-year conflict.
Eduardo Galeano, a radical Uruguayan writer, has died, aged 74. He is most famous for “OpenVeins of Latin America”, which blamed the region's problems on European colonisers and theUnited States. Late in life he said that the book belonged to “a past era”.
1.run for v.競(jìng)選,趕快去請(qǐng)
例句:The vote was seen as a test run for electionsto come.
2.vow to 宣誓
例句:She vows to do so through healthy eating.
3.expect to 期許
例句:You cannot expect to like all the people you will work with.
4.plan to 計(jì)劃
例句:I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up.
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