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Oil and gas
The cruel sea
The government tries to block a Russian investmentin the North Sea
THE business climate in Britain's oil and gas industryis as daunting as the winter weather in the North Sea. Even before the oil-price fall last year,elderly fields were depleting fast and new finds were scarce. The regulatory regime favours theexisting owners of platforms and pipelines and deters newcomers. Now the industry, whichemploys 450,000 people and pays almost 5 billion (7.7 billion) in taxes a year, faces the worstoutlook in 40 years. Exploration has slowed sharply; job losses are rising.
So one might think that a wealthy foreign investor would be welcome. LetterOne, aLuxembourg-based investment fund run by Mikhail Fridman, a Russian tycoon, this week paid5.1 billion (3.6 billion, 5.6 billion) to buy 12 oil- and gasfields belonging to RWE, an ailingGerman energy conglomerate, with the possibility of more investment to come. But the Britishgovernment is trying to force Mr Fridman to sell the assets to a third party. Future sanctionsimposed by America on Russia could, it fears, stop operations, entailing economic losses orsafety risks.
The decision seems odd. Mr Fridman had instituted what someone close to the deal calls “beltand braces” safeguards to protect production in the event of new sanctions. For the first year,ownership reverts automatically to RWE. After that, a Dutch foundation takes over.
Moreover, Mr Fridman is hardly a Kremlin crony. This weekend he flew from London to Moscowto attend the funeral of Boris Nemtsov, the murdered opposition leader (the rest of Russia'sbusiness elite was mostly notable by its absence). Britain's biggest energy company, BP, has acontroversial but so far lucrative partnership with Rosneft, the main Russian oil company,which is close to the Kremlin. The risk of that relationship going wrong should be a rathergreater worry.
Another oddity is that the man Mr Fridman has chosen to chair LetterOne's energy division,Lord (John) Browne, is a former boss of BP. He piloted the company through a bruising battleover strategy with its previous Russian partners, TNK, a firm in which Mr Fridman happened tobe a leading shareholder. That tussle does not seem to have left lasting scars. Lord Browne'srecent memoir describes Mr Fridman as “civil and charming”, “tough and hardworking”, a“superb negotiator” and “extremely focused”.
Mr Fridman threatened to go to court, calling the government's objections to the deal belated,hurried and irrational. On March 4th the energy minister, Ed Davey, backtracked, giving MrFridman a week to make his case.
A bigger worry should be the future of the North Sea. Britain's regime, unlike Norway's, doesnot encourage oilmen to keep going in lean years. Statoil, the state-owned Norwegiancompany, has just invested 9 billion in the first phase of the new Johan Sverdrup field, which willby 2025 produce more than all Britain's wells. Collapsing confidence now could leave six billionbarrels of oil stranded, says Sir Ian Wood, a veteran industry-watcher.
北海的未來(lái)才應(yīng)該是更大的擔(dān)憂。英國(guó)海域與挪威不同,不鼓勵(lì)石油商在歉收年繼續(xù)開(kāi)采。挪威國(guó)有企業(yè)Statoil剛對(duì)新的Johan Sverdrup油田第一階段開(kāi)采投入了90億,這片油田到2025年將會(huì)產(chǎn)出比英國(guó)所有油田更多的資源。經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富的產(chǎn)業(yè)觀察家伊恩·伍德閣下說(shuō),如今逐漸崩潰的信心可能讓60億桶原油開(kāi)采擱淺。
True, some of the industry's woes are of its own making, such as grotesquely inflated wagecosts (now shrinking fast) and complacency (punctured). But others are the result ofhaphazard policymaking (14 energy ministers in 17 years) and high, complex taxation, suchas a supplementary levy introduced by George Osborne, the chancellor, in 2011. Themarginal tax rate on some production is as much as 80%.
The government is tweaking the tax regime, offering companies the chance to offset morelosses against costs. It is offering to pay part of the multi-billion pound decommissioning bill.Perhaps it should be a bit nicer to foreigners wanting to risk their cash in the North Sea'sbracing climate.
1.belong to 屬于;附屬;歸于
例句:It is inappropriate for a judge to belong to adiscriminatory club.
2.close to 接近;靠近;親近
例句:Three mortar shells had landed close to acrowd of people.
3.happen to 碰巧;發(fā)生
例句:An odd thing happened to him this morning.
4.such as 例如;諸如
例句:We dislike people such as him.
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