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BRITAIN'S private schools are one of its mostsuccessful exports. The children of the well-heeled flock to them, whether from China, Nigeriaor Russia: the number of foreign pupils rose by 1.4% in the last year alone. One headmasterrecently asked a room full of pupils whether they flew business class to Britain. Only a fewhands went up, suggesting they were not quite as cosseted as he had thought. Then a boyexplained: many of the pupils fly first class instead.
Yet foreign students, whether educated in British private schools or elsewhere, are decreasinglylikely to go to English universities. According to the Higher Education Funding Council forEngland, 307,200 overseas students began their studies in the country in 2012-13, down from312,000 two years earlier and the first drop in 29 years. Student numbers from the rest of theEU fell—probably a result of the increase in annual tuition fees in England from 6,000 (10,000)a year to 9,000. But arrivals from India and Pakistan declined most sharply.
然而這些留學(xué)生,無論是在英國的私立學(xué)校還是在別的教育機構(gòu)接受教育的,進(jìn)入英國的大學(xué)求學(xué)的可能性都在不斷減小。根據(jù)英國高等教育撥款局的調(diào)查,相較于上一學(xué)年的31.2萬人,在2012-13學(xué)年選擇在英格蘭大學(xué)求學(xué)的留學(xué)生只有30.72萬人,這是29年來人數(shù)首降。而且歐盟中其他國家的留學(xué)生人數(shù)也在下降,極有可能是受到了英國每年的學(xué)費從6,000 (10,000)增加到9,000的影響。特別是來自印度和巴基斯坦的人數(shù)在急劇下降。
In contrast to the visa regime for private schools, which is extremely lax (the Home Officecounts private schools as favoured sponsors) student visas have been tightened. Foreignstudents used to be allowed to work for up to two years after graduating. They now have onlyfour months to find a job paying upwards of 20,600 if they want to stay in Britain.
This change was intended to deal with sham colleges that were in effect offering two-year workvisas. But it seems to have put off serious students too. Nick Hillman of the Higher EducationPolicy Institute says the government has sent unclear messages about the sort of immigrationit wants to restrict. An emphasis on holding down net immigration deters young Indians andPakistanis in particular. Australia and America, which have more relaxed entry criteria forstudents, are becoming more favoured destinations. Colin Riordan, Cardiff University's vice-chancellor, adds that Britain's student-visa regime has become more onerous and fiddlyoverall.
As a result, Britain is losing out to other countries in the contest for talent—an oddity, givenhow often the prime minister bangs on about the “global race”. Its unwelcoming stance willharm its long-term prospects. And the drift of foreign students from leading British privateschools to American colleges may have another, somewhat happier, consequence: Americamight become rather better at cricket.
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