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“NOW this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end ofthe beginning.” Churchill's genius for spin, after El Alamein had delivered the first big Britishvictory of the second world war, is illustrated by how little-remembered are the modest claimshe went on to make for that triumph. “Henceforth,” he continued, “Hitler's Nazis will meetequally well-armed, and perhaps better-armed, troops.” That was a weaselly fudge if everBagehot heard one.
“現(xiàn)在還沒到結(jié)局的時候,甚至這不是結(jié)局的起點(diǎn),但是這是開始的終點(diǎn)。”當(dāng)阿拉曼傳來英國在二戰(zhàn)中首次大捷的消息后,丘吉爾在其用來稱贊此次勝利的公告中有這么幾句不引人注意卻又最貼切的話,這使得丘吉爾口吐蓮花的天賦顯露無遺。他繼續(xù)說道“今后,希特勒的納粹軍隊會遭遇裝備同樣精良,甚至是更好的軍隊。” 如果白芝浩聽到過含糊的外交辭令,也還會認(rèn)為這是相當(dāng)狡猾的一句。
George Osborne faced a similarly daunting exercise in expectations management whendelivering his fifth budget on March 19th. Wan with nerves, the chancellor of the exchequerwas able to announce to Parliament the best economic figures in five years of faltering growth,falling living standards and painful spending cuts. The economy is growing faster than in anyother large rich country. It is creating record numbers of jobs: for the first time in threedecades Britain's employment rate is higher than America's. The budget deficit is edgingdownwards. The difficulty for the chancellor was that, having been for so long denied, peoplewant jam, which he was bound to refuse them. The deficit, at around £108 billion ($179 billion)this year, or 6.6% of GDP, is too large to support the tax cuts that many of his Conservativecolleagues are demanding. But, while bound to disappoint, Mr Osborne needed to avoidseeming so cautious as to crush confidence in the recovery and his own stewardship of it.His task was to celebrate and reassure, yet give away almost nothing.
3月19日,奧斯本提交其第五個財政預(yù)算報告,并回應(yīng)大眾的期待。這與(丘吉爾)如臨深淵的情形十分相似。這位財政大臣面色蒼白,緊張兮兮地向國會宣讀了經(jīng)濟(jì)疲軟、生活標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下降和財政緊縮的五年以來令人振奮的經(jīng)濟(jì)數(shù)據(jù)。英國的經(jīng)濟(jì)增長比其他的大經(jīng)濟(jì)體都要快。新增就業(yè)數(shù)量破了紀(jì)錄:三十年來英國就業(yè)率頭一次超越美國。而財政赤字也正快速下降。不可否認(rèn),人民是想要甜頭的。奧斯本的困難在于他決心拒絕這種訴求。今年的赤字約有1080億英鎊(1790億美元),占GDP6.6%。 如果按照一些奧斯本的保守黨同僚的盤算的那樣削減稅收,這赤字就規(guī)模太大而無法給予支持。但他必須避免因為態(tài)度謹(jǐn)慎而打擊了(人們)對經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇的信心,以及他對黨的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。他的任務(wù)本來就是歡呼慶祝,鞏固經(jīng)濟(jì)勢頭,而不能給(民眾)添福利。
He managed that, first by reminding Britons of the state they were in when the Tory-ledcoalition took over in 2010. The economy had suffered the deepest recession of modern timesand seen the world's biggest bank bail-out. The government was borrowing a quarter of whatit spent. That history lesson done with, Mr Osborne began to relax, and a dab of colourreturned to his pallid cheeks. Britain was recovering from these horrors, he said, because of itsadherence to “the plan”.
他做到了。首先,在托尼領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的黨派聯(lián)盟2010年贏得大選時,他就提醒英國民眾英國當(dāng)時的狀況。此次經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退為進(jìn)入現(xiàn)代歷史以來最為嚴(yán)重的一次。本國銀行紓困的規(guī)模也舉世罕見。政府四分之一的開支由借貸而來。好在這段歷史翻過去了。奧斯本可以放松,一抹血色也出現(xiàn)在他蒼白的臉頰上。他說,英國在這些可怕的情況中走出來了,這要?dú)w功于貫徹下來的(經(jīng)濟(jì)) “計劃”。
He referred to a raft of spending cuts, tax increases and pro-business gestures designed witha view to restoring the public finances to surplus by 2018. That target is, in fact, less fixedthan Mr Osborne implies. It was pushed back several times while the economy languished: thedeficit was originally to have been closed before next year's general election. The plan is, inshort, little more than an expression of the chancellor's own shifting economic judgment.
No matter. The recovery, and his political rivals' failure to predict it, has enshrined the plan assacred and inflexible. This is a mark of the political capital Mr Osborne is now drawing on, evenas he admitted the economy's many remaining weaknesses. His Labour Party rival, the shadowchancellor Ed Balls, who chuntered grudgingly throughout the budget speech, appears tohave been outdone. So have Mr Osborne's many erstwhile Tory critics. The apparentlydaunting task of arguing that the economy is stronger yet still too weak for giveaways turnedout to be a cinch. The chancellor was triumphant.
That patently owes as much to crafty politics as to economics, and Mr Osborne showed plentymore in his speech. It was less weaselly than stoat-like—a whirligig of policies and pledges thatappeared more fascinating than substantial. They included several previously flagged trapsfor Labour. Legislation to cap the welfare bill—a popular idea, tricky for Labour, and of onlytoken importance to the cost of welfare—is to be introduced to Parliament next week.Announcing some money for next year's 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, the chancelloreven found the opportunity to invite comparison between the medieval monarch ithumbled, King John, and another brother-betrayer, Labour's leader Ed Miliband. It was one ofthe better budget gags.
The chancellor's more substantial offers appeared similarly designed to outfox his rivals. Byraising the income tax threshold to £10,500, Mr Osborne will hope to woo aspirational lowearners, a group that currently votes, if at all, for anyone except the Tories. By giving retireesmore say over their pension pots, a more ambitious ploy, he must hope to stanch theseepage of silver-haired Tory voters to the UK Independence Party, which has no economicpolicy to speak of. To give the chancellor his due, pulling out a surprise liberal reform of thiskind seemed also a sensible way to negate the unrealistic demands for a splurge.
The method in his trickery
And there is an important truth in that. Though Mr Osborne's trickery is always evident, so,increasingly, is the seriousness of his purpose. For all his feints, traps and compromises, thechancellor has so far stripped the public sector of 600,000 jobs, capped welfare and overseen,in a downturn, historic growth in private-sector employment. He has cut business taxes,thereby persuading employers to accept a rise in the minimum wage.
It is reasonable to argue about whether Mr Osborne's measures have been just. Next year'selection campaign will accordingly pit the Tory claim to have managed the economy wellagainst Labour's aspiration to manage it more fairly. But no one should doubt the clarity ofthe vision that is driving the Conservative chancellor. Whereas David Cameron, the primeminister, promised to change Britain, with a fuzzy idea of volunteerism, Mr Osborne is actuallychanging it.
His ambition is to make a more industrious society, less blighted by the entitlement culturethat blossomed under Labour. Even after the deficit is no more, the chancellor believes, publicspending should be held down. Again, his motives appear partly self-interested. Mr Osborneharbours leadership ambitions, and his ideas are finding more favour with the right of his partythan Mr Cameron enjoys. The beneficiaries of his remodelled society might also be likelier tovote Tory. But just because the chancellor's vision is political does not necessarily make itwrong.
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