- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
韋伯 編著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787544610452
- 出版日期:2009-3-1
Virginia Woolf is regarded by many readers and critics as one of the mostinnovative writers of the 20th century. She developed techniques in writing,such as interior monologues and stream of consciousness prose, thatearned her distinction as a leader of Modernism and which are now oftenused by modern writers. Woolf is perhaps best known for her novels, includ-ing Mrs Da!loway, To the Lighthouse and Orlando - but she was also a prolificwriter of diaries, journalism, essays and short stories.This biography traces Woolf's life, describing the Victorian England shewas born into and discussing her aristocratic family and friends: her centralrole in the Bloomsbury Group, whose members influenced avant-garde artand writing of the time; her marriage to Leonard Woolf and their foundingof the Hogarth Press; and her strong feminist beliefs. The book reveals theimpact on Woolfs work of her lifelong attacks of ill-health, includingmental illness, which ultimately led to her suicide. The author alsocomments on the lasting power of Woolf's work after her death, andassesses why this writer has as many detractors as adoring followers.Illustrated with a wide variety ofperiod material, from manuscriptsand diaries in Woolf's hand in theBritish Library to photographs andpaintings in many other collections,this book offers an attractiveoverview of Virginia Woolf's life andlegacy.
Ruth Webb is a lecturer in Englishand an educational consultantwhose doctoral dissertation is basedon the utograph manuscripts,typescripts and proofs of VirginiaWoolf's Mrs DaUoway.