- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(美)蓋蘇珊,(美)麥基 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787513512237
- 出版日期:2011-8-1
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Pilot Testing
1.2 The Significance of Data Collection Measures
1.3 Elicitation Pitfalls
1.4 Replication and Data Reporting
1.5 Relationships Between Treatments and Data
1.6 Conclusion
Chapter 2 Psycholinguistics-Based Research
2.1 Naturalistic Data
2.2 Prompted Production
2.3 Prompted Responses
2.3.1 Reaction Time
2.3.2 Sentence Interpretation
2.3.3 Elicited Imitation
2.3.4 Word Association
2.3.5 Priming
2.3.6 Lexical Decision
2.3.7 Cross-Modal (Lexical) Priming
2.3.8 Eye Movement
2.3.9 Moving Window
2.3.10 Stroop Test
2.4 Conclusion
Chapter 3 Cognitive Processes, Capacities, and Strategies-Based
3.1 Naturalistic Data
3.1.1 Observations
3.1.2 Diaries
3.2 Prompted Production
3.2.1 The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL)
3.2.2 Stimulated Recall
3.2.3 Think-Aloud Protocols
3.2.4 Immediate Recalls
3.3 Prompted Responses
3.3.1 Aptitude Tests
3.3.2 Working Memory Tests
3.4 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Linguistics-Based Research
4.1 Naturalistic Data
4.2 Prompted Production
4.2.1 Elicited Imitation
4.2.2 Picture Description
4.2.3 Structured Elicitation
4.2.4 Story Telling
4.2.5 Sentence Combining
4.3 Prompted Responses
4.3.1 Acceptability Judgments
4.3.2 Magnitude Estimation
4.3.3 Truth-Value Judgments and Other Interpretation Tasks
4.3.4 Sentence Matching
4.4 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Interaction-Based Research
5.1 Naturalistic Data
5.2 Prompted Production
5.2.1 Picture-Description Tasks
5.2.2 Spot-the-Difference Tasks
5.2.3 Story-Completion Tasks
5.2.4 Map Tasks
5.2.5 Consensus Tasks
5.2.6 Consciousness-Raising Tasks
5.3 Prompted Responses
5.4 Introspective Data
5.5 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics-Based Research
6.1 Naturalistic Data
6.1.1 Oral Data
6.1.2 Diary Studies
6.2 Prompted Production
6.2.1 Narratives
6.2.2 Role-Plays
6.3 Prompted Responses
6.3.1 Discourse Completion Test (DCT)
6.3.2 Video Playback for Interpretation
6.3.3 Matched Guise
6.4 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Survey-Based Research
7.1 Naturalistic Data
7.2 Prompted Production (Open-Ended Items)
7.3 Prompted Responses (Closed-Ended Items)
7.4 Topics in Questionnaire studies
7.5 Advantages and Caveats
7.5.1 Advantages
7.5.2 Caveats
7.6 Conclusion
Chapter 8 Classroom-Based Research
8.1 Naturalistic Classroom Research
8.1.1 Observations
8.2 Experimental Classroom Research
8.3 Action Research
8.4 Conclusion
Author Index
Subject Index
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