- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
林承璋,劉世平 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787307068834
- 出版日期:2009-7-1
《英語詞匯學引論(第4版)》語詞匯為研究對象,著重論述英語詞匯的來源、發(fā)展、現(xiàn)狀及其研究方 法;分析英語詞的結構、類型、意義、理據(jù)、相互關系、語義的變化方式、過程及用法;研究英語和美國英語的差異;還對英語習語的特點、分類、語義以及英語詞內(nèi)的發(fā)展和使用都作了較詳盡的闡述,并提供了大量的例證。
《英語詞匯學引論(第4版)》語詞匯為研究對象,著重論述英語詞匯的來源、發(fā)展、現(xiàn)狀及其研究方 法;分析英語詞的結構、類型、意義、理據(jù)、相互關系、語義的變化方式、過程及用法;研究英語和美國英語的差異;還對英語習語的特點、分類、語義以及英語詞內(nèi)的發(fā)展和使用都作了較詳盡的闡述,并提供了大量的例證。
Chapter 1 Language,Linguistics and Lexicology
1-1-1 Introductory Remarks
1-1-2 A Definition of Language
1-1-3 Language,Society and Thought
1-2-1 A Definition of Li.nguistics
1-2-2 The Scope of Linguistics
1-3-1 What Is Lexicology?
1-3-2 Aims and Significance of the Course of English Lexicology
1-3-3 The Connection of Lexicology with Other Branches of Linguistics
1-3-4 Two Approaches to the Study of English Lexicology
Chapter 2 The Sources of the English Vocabulary
2-1-1 What is Etymology?
2-1-2 The English People and the English Language
2-1-3 The Position and Character of the English Language in the Indo-European Family
2-1-4 The Divisions of the History Of the English Language
2-1-5 Some Characteristics of Old English
2-1-6 Some Characteristics of Middle English
2-1-7 Some Characteristics of Modern English
2-1-8 Etymological Twins in English
2-1-9 Some Combining Forms Used in Modem English
2-2-1 Words of Native Origin
2-2-2 Borrowed Words in the English Vocabulary
2-3-1 The Foreign Elements in the English Vocabulary
2-3-2 The Scandinavian Element in the English Vocabulary
2-3-3 The French Element in the English Vocabulary
2-3-4 The Latin Element in the English Vocabulary
2-3-5 The Greek Element in the English Vocabulary
2-3-6 The Influence of the Classical Elements upon the English Vocabulary
2-3-7 Other Foreign Elements in the English Vocabulary
2-3-8 The Interrelation Between the Native and Foreign Elements in the English Vocabulary
2-3-9 The Linguistic and Historical Origins of Some Common English Words
Chapter 3 Word Meaning and Semantic Relations
3-1-1 Some General Remarks on Semantics and Meaning
3-1-2 The Relationship Between Meaning and the Object
3-2-1 What Is a Word?
3-2-2 Meaning and Motivation
3-3-1 Classifications of Words
3-3-2 Main Types of Word Meaning
3-3-3 Word Meaning and Context
3-4-1 Synonyms
3-4-2 Antonyms
3-4-3 Polysemy and Homonymy
3-4-4 Hyponymy
Chapter 4 The Changing English Vocabulary
4-1-1 The Constant Change in Language and the Continuous Appearance of Neologisms
4-1-2 The Definition of Neologisms or New Words
4-1-3 The Rate of Changes of the English Vocabulary
4-1-4 The Sources of New Words
4-1-5 The Formation of Neologisms
4-2-1 Archaisms
4-3-1 Changes in Meaning
4-3-2 Four Tendencies in Semantic Changes
4-3-3 Semantic Changes from the Literal Use of Words to Their Figurative Use
Chapter 5 Word-formation in English
5-1-1 Introduction
5-1-2 Morphological Structure of Words
5-1-3 Two Types of Morphemes
5-1-4 Three Types of Words
5-1-5 Root,Base,Stem
5-2-1 The Main Processes of English Word-formation
5-2-2 The Minor Processes of English Word-formation
Chapter 6 English Idioms
6-1-1 Introduction
6-1-2 The Definition of Idioms
6-1-3 The Significance of Studying English Idioms
6-1-4 The Features of English Idioms
6-1-5 English Idioms in Different Styles
6-1-6 The Difference Between Idiomatic and Free Phrases
6-2-1 Classifications of English Idioms
6-2-2 Some Useful Language Areas of Idioms
Chapter 7 English Collocations
7-1-1 Introduction
7-1-2 What Is a Collocation?
7-1-3 The Importance of Learning English Collocations
7-2-1 The Classification of English Collocations
7-2-2 Register Used in English Collocations
7-3-1 Some Commonest Words Used in English Collocations.
7-4-1 Different Subjects of English Collocations
7-4-2 Families
7-4-3 Houses,F(xiàn)lats and Rooms
7-4-4 Food and Drink
7-4-5 Study and Learning
7-4-6 Fitness and Illness
7-4-7 Job and Work
7-4-8 Computers
7-4-9 Sport
7-4-10 Time
Chapter 8 British and American English
8-1-1 English as a Language of Worldwide Use
8-1-2 British and American English
8-1-3 The Historical Background of American English
8-2-1 Differences between British English and American English
8-2-2 Differences in Individual Sounds
8-2-3 Differences in Stress
8-2-4 Differences in Spelling
8-2-5 Differences in Vocabulary
8-2-6 Differences in Grammar
8-3-1 A Comparison Between Websters Pronunciation Symbols (WPS) and International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
8-3-2 British and American English in the Future
Chapter 9 English Dictionaries and How to Use Them
9-1-1 What Is a Dictionary?
9-1-2 Characteristics of Dictionaries
9-2-1 Types of Dictionaries
9-2-2 Monolingual,Bilingual and Mulfilingual Dictionaries
9-2-3 General and Special Dictionaries
9-2-4 Pocket,Medium-sized and Unabridged Dictionaries
9-2-5 Synchronic and Diachronic Dictionaries
9-2-6 Encyclopedias and Encyclopedic Dictionaries
9-2-7 The Printed and Electronic Dictionaries
9-3-1 The History of English Dictionaries
9-3-2 A Brief Introduction of Five Newest English Dictionaries
9-3-3 Five Periods in the History of English Dictionaries
9-4-1 How to Use English Dictionaries
Appendix 1
An English-Chinese List of Technical Terms of Lexicology Used in This Book
Appendix 2
The Review of a Newest Book
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